Which caliber is best for stopping a crook? Pistol, rifle or shotgun?

I guess you have to register it as a handgun in most jurisdictions. It probably packs a punch alright but it looks like a space toy. A drugged out home invader might laugh until you were forced to kill him.
My two cents.
Very few but the hunter who shoots frequently or a trained cop are going to be comfortable shooting a 12 gauge well enough, and rarely inside, even at gun ranges. They are too loud and way too much kick for the average person to think about using for self defense when shooting frequently is important for reacting in stressful situations. I especially don’t like the single action trigger of most shotguns either when such a devastating weapon Used inside.

You need your wits about you and the last thing you need is any doubt about your firearm. Use the firearm you are comfortable handling and shooting the most. For simplicity, the 9 mm, and .380 and maybe no brainer snobby .38 which has its own recoil issues.
IMO, the ideal house gun is a mid size . 38 revolver which literally, everyone in the house who can hold can learn to load can also shoot on double action more safely then anyother firearm made. Even a .22 could be a better choice if that’s what you’re most comfortable with. Inside most homes, over penetration is an issue with every firearm so the key is safe handling to begin with..

I like DAO autos too, but racking the slide may not be suitable for everyone.
If one is determined to use a shot gun, I’d start at 20 gauge and work down.

Meh...My Wife uses a 12 gauge and has no problem with the recoil.
If you're in a stressful situation you wont even notice the recoil.
It's like shooting a deer with a high powered rifle,you dont notice the recoil.
I hate sighting in my .270 or 30.06 thats when you notice the recoil.
I go .380.
I prefer not to kill if possible.

But the Glock shotgun is weird.

Drawing inspiration from Glock’s styling, the DX-12 snubnose double-barrel shotgun concept from HARDWAR3 Industries is an interesting take on the shotty category. Just looking at it informs why creator Ivan Santic dubbed it “The Punisher.”
The DX-12 is a wild concept that seems well thought out from the 3D mock up on his page. The futuristic DX-12 looks more like an upgrade for Call of Duty or something The Terminator might use to blow away baddies than anything you might buy in a gun shop, but the lethally cool styling is impressive nonetheless.
The laws of physics might be the biggest drawback to the DX-12. The short, pistol-style barrel found here, coupled with 12-gauge shells would have some serious recoil that would need to be addressed if this ever saw a production run.

Until then, Glock should sit up and take notice of Santic’s design if they ever decide to pursue a shotgun/pistol hybrid.
Won't do much good against a home invasion by 3-4 guys or even a single armed intruder.
Nope, that's when I reach for Precious. ;)


In a multiple bad guy situation the AR-15 is the best you can have.
Haha All of the above work to stop a crook. But, depending on what they're trying to steal I may have to hit them with the big boys rather than my hand cannon!
Meh...My Wife uses a 12 gauge and has no problem with the recoil.
If you're in a stressful situation you wont even notice the recoil.
It's like shooting a deer with a high powered rifle,you dont notice the recoil.
I hate sighting in my .270 or 30.06 thats when you notice the recoil.
For home defense you;re stopping a man not a mountain. And the amount of stopping power shouldn't be enough to go through every wall in the house. And the number one rule is a gun is useless if you don't know how to shoot it.
Sure Sure - My old neighbor in Boise had three ARs. I'm like WTF dude, why would you need that kind of firepower?
He thought about that for a minute and came up with the perfect answer:
Zombie Apocalypse! :heehee:

View attachment 562241

Pregnant Florida woman uses AR-15 to fatally shoot armed intruder​

Two armed men broke into the house and pistol whipped husband, before wife pulled out their legally possessed weapon and opened fire.
A shotgun is the best home defense there is hands down.
Unless you are being attacked by multiple people, all carrying guns, a shot gun beats an assault rifle easily.
A semi auto security shotgun (typically shorter stock and barrel) is outstanding. As long as you are pointing in the direction of the assailant - you are good.
For home defense you;re stopping a man not a mountain. And the amount of stopping power shouldn't be enough to go through every wall in the house. And the number one rule is a gun is useless if you don't know how to shoot it.

Have you seen the videos of a man being shot dozens of times with a 9mm and he still doesn't go down?
And I know how to shoot my guns or anyone else's for that matter.
As far as rounds going through walls and causing collateral damage thats on the shooter. He or she should know whats behind their target.
Personally I know whats behind my target anywhere in my house.
The house is all brick and I know where my windows are.
Yeah....I should use something quieter....by the way....have you ever fired a gun indoors?
I have on numerous occasions.
Any gun is going to be loud unless you have a silencer.
Of course. Try a minimum of 140 db. Now start going up from there for a 12 gauge.
140 db is instant hearing damage. the decision to shoot a firearm in a house is more then just thinking an intruder is breaking a window.

Meh...My Wife uses a 12 gauge and has no problem with the recoil.
If you're in a stressful situation you wont even notice the recoil.
It's like shooting a deer with a high powered rifle,you dont notice the recoil.
I hate sighting in my .270 or 30.06 thats when you notice the recoil.
That’s fine. The day she practices with any regularity inside with a shot gun, let me know. Imo, more controllable firearms should be considered first. If all we‘re going o do is decide which gun can kill the most people the easiest, let’s mine the the entrance mat.
Yeah....I should use something quieter....by the way....have you ever fired a gun indoors?
I have on numerous occasions.
Any gun is going to be loud unless you have a silencer.
Suppressor, silencers are not legal.
Of course. Try a minimum of 140 db. Now start going up from there for a 12 gauge.
140 db is instant hearing damage. the decision to shoot a firearm in a house is more then just thinking an intruder is breaking a window.

That’s fine. The day she practices with any regularity inside with a shot gun, let me know. Imo, more controllable firearms should be considered first. If all we‘re going o do is decide which gun can kill the most people the easiest, let’s mine the the entrance mat.

She can shoot a beer can in the air from the hip.
As far as decibels go inside thats the least of your worries if someone is invading your home.
She can shoot a beer can in the air from the hip.
As far as decibels go inside thats the least of your worries if someone is invading your home.
Sorry, this isn’t a beer can and doubt anyone tries it in a home where background is the single most important consideration when you shoot a weapon with the spread if a shotgun. If you can’t hit body mass with a handgun in the confines of a home, maybe, you shouldn’t be even handling a firearm.

The old, “decibels being the least of your worries is pretty inaccurate”. Once you fire that first shot without protection, it’s going to be a while before anyone can communicate with any firearm and worse with a shotgun. Not an advantage in this situation. This isn’t a Dirty Harry movie. Before you use a shotgun inside a home, you have more, not fewer areas of concern…..that’s my point.
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