Which caliber is best for stopping a crook? Pistol, rifle or shotgun?

Sorry, this isn’t a beer can and doubt anyone tries it in a home where background is the single most important consideration when you shoot a weapon with the spread if a shotgun. If you can’t hit body mass with a handgun in the confines of a home, maybe, you shouldn’t be even handling a firearm.

The old, “decibels being the least of your worries is pretty inaccurate”. Once you fire that first shot without protection, it’s going to be a while before anyone can communicate with any firearm and wise with a shit gun. Not an advantage in this situation. This isn’t a Dirty Harry movie. Before you use a shotgun inside a home, you have more, not fewer areas of concern…..that’s my point.

So tell me,how much spread do you think an 18 inch 12 gauge has.
So tell me,how much spread do you think an 18 inch 12 gauge has.
Oh, we’re not playing twenty questions.
Not much, depending upon the load and there are too many variables to play that game.
But the wrongful general consensus I read in posts is, a shot gun can be a substitute for inaccuracy. My contention is even if your aim off the slightest there is a greater chance of hitting something unintended .

That and home has no place for a longer barrel weapon. Your committed to shoot more then not with a weapon you can’t control as well at close distances. You can make up how a home invasion will occur all you want. The options for all of them just aren’t there with a shotgun over a handgun. Personally. You use what you have. But being realistic is much better then pretending you know ahead of time what will go down.
Not much, depending upon the load. But the wrongful general consensus I read in posts is, a shot gun can be a substitute for inaccuracy. My contention is even if your aim off the slightest there is a greater chance of hitting something unintended . That and home has no place for a longer barrel weapon. Your committed to shoot more then not with a weapon you can’t control as well at close distances. You can make up how a home invasion will occur all you want. The options for all of them just aren’t there with a shotgun over a handgun. Personally. You use what you have. But being realistic is much better then pretending you know ahead of time what will go down.

meh...I've been through an attempted home invasion.
And yes i used a shotgun to deter their attempt. But any gun would have been sufficient.
Patterns are not that different between an 18 inch barrel and a 28 inch barrel when you're talking 20 foot.
Of course. Try a minimum of 140 db. Now start going up from there for a 12 gauge.
140 db is instant hearing damage. the decision to shoot a firearm in a house is more then just thinking an intruder is breaking a window.

That’s fine. The day she practices with any regularity inside with a shot gun, let me know. Imo, more controllable firearms should be considered first. If all we‘re going o do is decide which gun can kill the most people the easiest, let’s mine the the entrance mat.
I never fired a weapon without hearing protection, if I could help it.
But any effective gun will cause hearing loss indoors.....and some hearing loss outdoors.
I had a firecracker blow up next to my right ear when I was a kid and I have a slight bit of hearing loss because of it.

One of they guys in my shop at Ft Campbell was 49 and needed hearing aids because of that. Firing in a tree stand or poaching from inside his truck without hearing protection.
Firing indoors is loud....which is what a flash-bang is supposed to be used for....to disorient your attacker. The louder....the better. The loud noise will literally cause them to lose balance even if you miss. I guess this is the difference between home defense and urban combat.
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Sorry, this isn’t a beer can and doubt anyone tries it in a home where background is the single most important consideration when you shoot a weapon with the spread if a shotgun. If you can’t hit body mass with a handgun in the confines of a home, maybe, you shouldn’t be even handling a firearm.

The old, “decibels being the least of your worries is pretty inaccurate”. Once you fire that first shot without protection, it’s going to be a while before anyone can communicate with any firearm and worse with a shotgun. Not an advantage in this situation. This isn’t a Dirty Harry movie. Before you use a shotgun inside a home, you have more, not fewer areas of concern…..that’s my point.
It depends on your skill level and your prep work.
Fire a shotgun in the dark with a flashlight and you'll know you hit the target.
Using a pistol at close range...you have to worry about hitting pets and family members.
I even learned how to shoot a shotgun in a hostage situation and not hit the hostage.
My instructor at SOT was an athlete in the Olympics with a shotgun.
He could make a smiley face with slugs from 30 yds.
Oh, we’re not playing twenty questions.
Not much, depending upon the load and there are too many variables to play that game.
But the wrongful general consensus I read in posts is, a shot gun can be a substitute for inaccuracy. My contention is even if your aim off the slightest there is a greater chance of hitting something unintended .

That and home has no place for a longer barrel weapon. Your committed to shoot more then not with a weapon you can’t control as well at close distances. You can make up how a home invasion will occur all you want. The options for all of them just aren’t there with a shotgun over a handgun. Personally. You use what you have. But being realistic is much better then pretending you know ahead of time what will go down.
Not true.
The bedroom is a perfect place for a shotgun.
You don't go looking for the perp....you wait behind the bed and when he enters the fatal-funnel (the door) he's toast. The door frame makes a beautiful silhouette target.
And I've done plenty of room clearings with an M16 which is almost the same length as a pump action 12 gauge.
Course the Army went to the M4 which is a cut down version of the M16A2.
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I never fired a weapon without hearing protection, if I could help it.
But any effective gun will cause hearing loss indoors.....and some hearing loss outdoors.
I had a firecracker blow up next to my right ear when I was a kid and I have a slight bit of hear loss because of it.

One of they guys in my shop at Ft Campbell was 49 and needed hearing aids because of that. Firing in a tree stand without hearing protection.
Firing indoors is loud....which is what a flash-bang is supposed to be used for....to disorient your attacker. The louder....the better. The loud noise will literally cause them to lose balance even if you miss. I guess this is the difference between home defense and urban combat.

In my younger years I never wore ear protection.
As i got older I found I didnt have any choice,after a thirty round mag of 5.56 it felt like my ears were bleeding.
In my younger years I never wore ear protection.
As i got older I found I didnt have any choice,after a thirty round mag of 5.56 it felt like my ears were bleeding.
Yep. You want to be like Rambo....but Rambo was a unrealistic.
You need to wear hearing protection.
And the nice thing is I have electronic earmuffs that can hear voices but cancels loud noises.
I go .380.
I prefer not to kill if possible.

But the Glock shotgun is weird.

Drawing inspiration from Glock’s styling, the DX-12 snubnose double-barrel shotgun concept from HARDWAR3 Industries is an interesting take on the shotty category. Just looking at it informs why creator Ivan Santic dubbed it “The Punisher.”
The DX-12 is a wild concept that seems well thought out from the 3D mock up on his page. The futuristic DX-12 looks more like an upgrade for Call of Duty or something The Terminator might use to blow away baddies than anything you might buy in a gun shop, but the lethally cool styling is impressive nonetheless.
The laws of physics might be the biggest drawback to the DX-12. The short, pistol-style barrel found here, coupled with 12-gauge shells would have some serious recoil that would need to be addressed if this ever saw a production run.

Until then, Glock should sit up and take notice of Santic’s design if they ever decide to pursue a shotgun/pistol hybrid.
Looks like it would break your wrist.
The 14-gauge with sabot rounds has proven efficient. Not at all heavy; Moderate kick though the barrel being cut to 18-1/8 inch might be somewhat to blame on that account. Works good on bears, too.
14 gauge? Where do you live?
They are ALL suppressors. Silencer is an inaccurate term.
Yeah....but that's the name they gave them.
Nothing is silenced.....it's still a fairly loud pop.
But I like them because it greatly reduces the recoil.
It makes you more accurate.
It's like shooting a BeeBee Gun.

You know...if you target practice with a pistol for a long time you'll discover just how much more accurate you are with a rifle.
It's amazing.
Yeah....but that's the name they gave them.
Nothing is silenced.....it's still a fairly loud pop.
But I like them because it greatly reduces the recoil.
It makes you more accurate.
It's like shooting a BeeBee Gun.

You know...if you target practice with a pistol for a long time you'll discover just how much more accurate you are with a rifle.
It's amazing.

Yes, I have several Yankee Hill suppressors. There are some that are SUPER quiet though. I have a Reed Knight SEAL hush puppy, and it is so quiet the bullet hitting the target makes more noise.
Yes, I have several Yankee Hill suppressors. There are some that are SUPER quiet though. I have a Reed Knight SEAL hush puppy, and it is so quiet the bullet hitting the target makes more noise.
Mine is an Ultima 9mm for my Springfield Armory pistol thru Silencer Central.
I ordered it in March and they still haven't shipped it yet.
Waiting on approval from the FBI.
Cheap and effective. You can buy (and register) a high tech Glock space gun for close to a grand or you can pick up a single shot 12 ga. and buy some cheap duck loads and cut the barrel (and maybe the stock) to legal federal guidelines and you have a $100 dollar weapon that will turn the heads of any home invader.

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