Which Christian Denomination Is The Most Original?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Would think the oldest one is the most original, hence Catholicism. But given how European and church politics effected it maybe not. The Eithiopian Orthodox canon remains the largest with more books and gospels than any other denomination. Scholars attest this to how being isolated in Eithiopia, the schizms and politicing in Europe didn't effect them or their canon.

Fascinating comparison between the different canons (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) here,
Bible Whose Canon Which Bible

Eithiopian Orthodox founding info here,
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

St. Frumentius and the Conversion of Ezana c. 330 A.D"
Which one has Apostles leading it?

Precisely why a Restoration was necessary.
Isn't any change from Man changing the original intent or revelation from the god the religion purports to be about?
Man changing things yes. However, God can command and speak as He sees fit.

He spoke to Noah and told him to build an Ark. After the Floor, that command was not required any more.

He gave the Israelites with Moses, the law of Moses. We are not under the law of Moses anymore.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is Living God. He is a God to the living. He doesn't expect us to rely solely on what has been taught in the past. Rather He expects us to live off every Word that proceeds from His mouth.

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