Which Democrat would you support for POTUS in 2020?

Which Democrat would you support for POTUS in 2020?

  • Sleepy Joe Biden

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Crooked Hillary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pocahantas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Creepy porn lawyer Avenatti

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Crazy Bernie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Al Frankenstien

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • High-tax Cuomo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Not applicable

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I would never vote Democrat

    Votes: 22 73.3%

  • Total voters

No more DemonRats....never ever and ever.

Never again.
An old shoe would be a better president than we have right now.
Which Democrat would you support for POTUS in 2020?

I'd like to be able to vote Democrat next time around - we need to get Trump outta there. But they've got to offer something besides "Social Democracy" and identity politics. And it doesn't look like they will. So I'll probably vote Libertarian.
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Only a true idiot would vote for any Democrat in 2020.
That's a really insightful point.

"But they've got to offer something besides "Social Democracy" and identity politics."

You said it yourself. I realize that Trump is a horse's ass, but he's doing a fairly decent job with the economy and he hasn't gotten us into a shooting war yet. So tell me why you think we need to get him outta there.
Any of them, in all honesty. I don't like Trump and I would vote for just about anyone over him.

The most likely candidates in 2020 are going to Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, in my opinion. And obviously I'd vote for them in 2020. I like Biden and Bernie too, but they're going to be too old.
Only a true idiot would vote for any Democrat in 2020.
That's a really insightful point.

"But they've got to offer something besides "Social Democracy" and identity politics."

You said it yourself. I realize that Trump is a horse's ass, but he's doing a fairly decent job with the economy and he hasn't gotten us into a shooting war yet. So tell me why you think we need to get him outta there.

Because he's much worse than a "horse's ass". Even then, I won't vote for someone worse - and yes, that's definitely possible. But for me to vote Democrat would take more than a good candidate. It would require a platform that returned, at least in some fashion, to the real root of liberalism - ie Democrats would have to show real respect for individual liberty. I'm not sure they've got that in them.
Which Democrat would you support for POTUS in 2020?


Why should be Americans be subject to an ideology that some base it on free healthcare, socialist values, and disruptive notions that are "uncivil" and "deplorable"?

Why should we continue to have a party that wants "Core democratic values are the fundamental beliefs and Constitutional principles of American society, which unite all Americans. These values are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and other significant documents, speeches and writings of the nation." When in fact, the Democrats rather rip up the Constitution, and make laws base on "what they want this country to believe and prosper? That's not a republic we were founded on. The true principles of the Constitution stands for. And not how the Democrats want the Constitution to be - for everyone.
Talk about the First and Second Amendments; they don't believe in "free speech", or "the right to bear arms". Especially, when they go out and incite violence; and even "advertise" it.
The only Amendment the Democrats believe in is the Twenty-fifth Amendment: To Impeach the President.

And on what grounds? Other than, President Trump is draining the swamp. And he is calling them out.

If we don't get out and vote these boneheads out of office (Senate and Representatives), this country will end up like the state of California. If not worse, perhaps a third world country. We are heading down that road, if we don't all wake up and start realizing that these Democrats are running this country to the ground.

I plan to vote Republican. Because, we need to maintain both the House and Senate for the next generation. Or this country may as well kiss their history goodbye.

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