Which GOP candidate would do the BEST in a debate against Barack Obama--BE HONEST

Which GOP candidate would do BEST in a debate with Barack Obama?

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Gary Johnson would do well in a debate.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPYOvOcBgOg]Governor Johnson: My Neighbor's Dogs Have Created More Jobs Than Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Cain. I think his approach is very smart and though-out. He explains his positions and plans in a simple manner, without coming across as talking down to people. He's also prepared for everything he gets asked.

I would say Romney, but if Obama made a correlation between Romneycare and Obamacare enough-I think Romney would look pretty bad.

Gingrich may win at debating, but he has too many skeletons in the closet to win the election.

I like Cain to. He's the only candidate that has mentioned the heart of the problem: The current tax code of favoritism and corruption we currently live under. His 9-9-9 proposal IS the answer, ass-u-me-ing business deductions on income are strictly limited to payroll only and NOBODY gets to give or get 'incentives' for or against businesses in particular or industry in general.


What are the chances he'll get that one past Congress?
Christie, but he's not in.

You can't vote for Christie-he has stated repeatedly he's not jumping into this race--so your next choice on the above candidates would be? Who would be the BEST GOP candidate in a debate with Barack Obama?
Gingrich would chew him up and spit him put like a piece of overcooked veal - it would not be pretty.

Romney would make mincemeat out of him and Obama would probably cry like a bitch.

Herman Cain would crush him like a bug under his shoe.

Ron Paul would whine in that nasally voice like he always does. He'd make a few points though and still manage to beat the dilettante.

Santorum would go off on a tangent about social conservative issues that nobldy gives a fuck about.

Bachman would probably beat the ugly dilettante, but be criticized for her hair and makeup.

Gary Johnson would smoke a joint on national television.

Rick Perry would talk about Texas the entire debate and lose. Then he would poop his pants.

Huntsman would agree with Obama on everything he said, then accept the VP nod.....as Obama's running mate.

Good analysis, Zander.
Gary Johnson Slams Booing; Frontrunners Are Silent | News | The Advocate

"The booing that occurred last night at the event is not the Republican Party that I belong to," Johnson said on MSNBC. "It happened. It's a group of individuals that booed. I was chomping at the bit to be able to respond to that. In retrospect, I really regret maybe not putting my fist down and pounding it."

I need to do more digging, obviously; but so far, I'm liking this guy.

Gary Johnson GQ Profile | Gary Johnson Mount Everest | Mediaite

I need more info. Somebody, share some facts.
I thought Gingrich gave good answers. Romney answers the question he wished hed been asked.

Gingrich generally does.

But the point I raise, and you will see it time and again before the next election. A politician is asked a question, after several minutes of dialogue the person has still not answered the question and is given a pass. It doesnt matter which party.

that's true. did you see that with Gingrich, too?

I didnt watch the last debate, But I have seen him do it. Remember he teamed up with Pelosi for a service at the church of Al Gore.

photos available upon request.
with non answers being answers, why have them at all?

I thought Gingrich gave good answers. Romney answers the question he wished hed been asked.

Gingrich generally does.

But the point I raise, and you will see it time and again before the next election. A politician is asked a question, after several minutes of dialogue the person has still not answered the question and is given a pass. It doesnt matter which party.

Actually, it doesn't matter what country. Watch the politicians of any country and you will find they all do it. I wonder why that is?

*Disclaimer: I actually know why.
I know that Newt would destroy Barry Like Cheney destroyed that clown Edwards but Herman Cain would be more fun to watch. It would be really fun to see Barry attempt to bring race into it.
Gingrich would chew him up and spit him put like a piece of overcooked veal - it would not be pretty. Yes.

Romney would make mincemeat out of him and Obama would probably cry like a bitch. I think Mitt would do ok, that's about it... Obama would make them look like twins.

Herman Cain would crush him like a bug under his shoe. Cain would look like a clown once the debate shifts to the other 65% of the stuff Cain knows zero about.

Ron Paul would whine in that nasally voice like he always does. He'd make a few points though and still manage to beat the dilettante. Ron Paul is to in depth, even for people like you... You get lost because there is actual answers and meaning behind what he says, that's why you make fun of things like the way he looks or his voice. But reality is what Ron Paul talks about is over many people’s heads so that would be the main challenge.

Santorum would go off on a tangent about social conservative issues that nobldy gives a fuck about. And he would push more war.

Bachman would probably beat the ugly dilettante, but be criticized for her hair and makeup. I agree, but she is also full of hate and a "I'm better than you" attitude because she believes in god.

Gary Johnson would smoke a joint on national television. And your bias in not liking candidates that are not in your face shallow WWF talking point machines is showing.... Hence your love for Cain...

Rick Perry would talk about Texas the entire debate and lose. Then he would poop his pants. Agree.

Huntsman would agree with Obama on everything he said, then accept the VP nod.....as Obama's running mate. Well, I understand you are trying to make a joke but I agree that Huntsman is not in any way getting conservative support as that seems to be your meaning. .
Funny that in this poll Cain and Newtie take the top spot...neither of whom will be the GOP candidate.
I thought this poll would be interesting. Now I don't want to vote for who you LIKE and or are supporting--I would like an HONEST answer from you to this poll.

The Question:

Which current GOP candidate would be the BEST at cleaning Barack Obama's clock in a debate with Obama.

Remember--be honest in your answer.--and then comment as to why you picked a certain candidate.

I wonder why we place so much emphasis on the navel gazing practice of debates.

Yes, we all remember a famous zinger a "winner" got on a loser. ("Well, There you go again!") or how Al Gore sighed or JFK Had a better sun tan. OR how Amy Carter was an expert on nuclear poliferation or Dukakis wouldn't want the death penalty for the hypothetical rapist who just killed his wife, hypothetically.

Do any of you remember issues of substance in debates? I'll be honest, I have to stretch to remember them.

If anything, they've dumbed down the process, probably because we are getting dumber as an electorate.

Being a good debator does not make you a good president. The Current Occupant should be evidence enough of that.
I thought this poll would be interesting. Now I don't want to vote for who you LIKE and or are supporting--I would like an HONEST answer from you to this poll.

The Question:

Which current GOP candidate would be the BEST at cleaning Barack Obama's clock in a debate with Obama.

Remember--be honest in your answer.--and then comment as to why you picked a certain candidate.

I wonder why we place so much emphasis on the navel gazing practice of debates.

Yes, we all remember a famous zinger a "winner" got on a loser. ("Well, There you go again!") or how Al Gore sighed or JFK Had a better sun tan. OR how Amy Carter was an expert on nuclear poliferation or Dukakis wouldn't want the death penalty for the hypothetical rapist who just killed his wife, hypothetically.

Do any of you remember issues of substance in debates? I'll be honest, I have to stretch to remember them.

If anything, they've dumbed down the process, probably because we are getting dumber as an electorate.

Being a good debator does not make you a good president. The Current Occupant should be evidence enough of that.

Because enough people, who do not marinate in politics, base their decisions on them.
Cain. I think his approach is very smart and though-out. He explains his positions and plans in a simple manner, without coming across as talking down to people. He's also prepared for everything he gets asked.

I would say Romney, but if Obama made a correlation between Romneycare and Obamacare enough-I think Romney would look pretty bad.

Gingrich may win at debating, but he has too many skeletons in the closet to win the election.

Obama has many skeletons too....i really don't think the skeletons will be a problem. Heck, you can't find one candidate that doesn't have any skeletons! We know Obama has skeletons, and he's a failure of a president. Newt has the skeletons, but we also know he's had MANY years in the political field. That's what we need right now.

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