Which group is "Sons of Bitches" and which group is "good people"?

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Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober


Same here. Which are the sons a bitches and which are good Americans? In the case you presented, the privlaged over pairs red shirt athletes would be the sons a bitches. It's reflected in the NFL's earnings and ratings.

As for mine, I will explain if you want, but I will say the folks are I call good Americans did their thing in a situation where many called for violence, yet they dressed like angels and remained quiet. They inspired me to go to watch their little play and even take my kids. These NFL guys and political elite only inspire me to change he channel.
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

The people taking ngndown the statues also hate the jews. America ignored the Nazi types until you guys make them popular again.
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

The people taking ngndown the statues also hate the jews. America ignored the Nazi types until you guys make them popular again.

It is our President who defends the "Nazi types"

You know.....some of them are good people
With NFL players, he made no accommodation that some may be good people or their cause may have some merit....They are all "Sons of Bitches" who deserve to be fired
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

The people taking ngndown the statues also hate the jews. America ignored the Nazi types until you guys make them popular again.

It is our President who defends the "Nazi types"

You know.....some of them are good people
With NFL players, he made no accommodation that some may be good people or their cause may have some merit....They are all "Sons of Bitches" who deserve to be fired

I bet some are good people. A member here g5000 or whatever flat said he joined a klan chapter, is he a son of a bitch? You two are likeminded except for the white nationalist stuff. As far as their case go's, what the fuck is their case? They are living at the top of their games, not subject to having to bring like normal folks, that aside, what exactly is their case? They seem to bounce around on that topic and the message went from cops murdering black people to supporting what? No kind bud in the locker room? Not enough bitches on their arms? They are nothing but rich little kids. I don't feel they should be fired at all. But I would have no problem having them all sit on the bench and support each other while the coaches bring out the second and third string guys to play.
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

The people taking ngndown the statues also hate the jews. America ignored the Nazi types until you guys make them popular again.

It is our President who defends the "Nazi types"

You know.....some of them are good people
With NFL players, he made no accommodation that some may be good people or their cause may have some merit....They are all "Sons of Bitches" who deserve to be fired

not a winner------regarding the NFL he was specific-----those sport players who let their asses approach the ground during the playing of the star-spangled banner-----he called "SONS OF BITCHES"-------not the people who were sitting because they were playing a violin.
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

The people taking ngndown the statues also hate the jews. America ignored the Nazi types until you guys make them popular again.

It is our President who defends the "Nazi types"

You know.....some of them are good people
With NFL players, he made no accommodation that some may be good people or their cause may have some merit....They are all "Sons of Bitches" who deserve to be fired

It appears Trump just doesn't like anyone disagreeing with him.
Trash always reveals itself.
It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

It seemed to me ---when Trump commented on the clash of PRO-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES------vs ANTI-DESTROY THE SCUPTURES people------he was acknowledging------that there were good people on both sides---------As a person who has accused Trump of
suffering from Hoof and Mouth disease------I STILL MAINTAIN
that his comment at that time was intelligent and sober

If you show up at a rally to protest taking down statues and the people around you are carrying torches and making Nazi salutes while chanting "Jews will not replace us" and you decide to march anyway

You are not a "Good Person"

The people taking ngndown the statues also hate the jews. America ignored the Nazi types until you guys make them popular again.

It is our President who defends the "Nazi types"

You know.....some of them are good people
With NFL players, he made no accommodation that some may be good people or their cause may have some merit....They are all "Sons of Bitches" who deserve to be fired

It appears Trump just doesn't like anyone disagreeing with him.
Trash always reveals itself.

seems to be true------he does not like people who disagree with him.
Other persons he might not like include rude schmucks who do not stand for the National Anthem------he might not even like people who spit on the sidewalk. Neither do I
Trump was right to attack the NFL players for disrespecting the anthem. When trump was talking about the good ppl in Charlottesville he wasn't speaking of white nationalists and the KKK. He had just condemned those groups the day before.
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