Which has better odds, winning the lottery 5 times in a row or this?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
In Hebrew numerics:
"ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom
which instituted
The 66 books of man(6) they promote of the
"Holy Bible"=666
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called
using the idol son of baal (the morning star)as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his name father &son as 1
"Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74
Since winning the lottery twice (not in a row) is 5 trillion to one against. I would say the odds against winning the lottery five times in a row are astronomical.
In Hebrew numerics:
"ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom
which instituted
The 66 books of man(6) they promote of the
"Holy Bible"=666
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called
using the idol son of baal (the morning star)as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his name father &son as 1
"Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74
This is not unlikely at all. In fact - it is guaranteed because those that find these numerical equivalents are looking for them and will continue to look until they find it.
Ok Then Faq2 find it then, it has to be relevant so find the number relating to say Islam.
*waiting for the sound of crickets!*

Two thumbs and by your standard Isaiah 7 is just about King Hezekiah and nothing more.
Isaiah 53 is about Israel and nothing more
and Daniel 9 is about an anoited king Onias who was cut off by the wicked Antiochus and nothing more.
Psalms is about King David having oeopke at his hands and feet and nothing more.
By your standard the Roman created religion forced placed their false prophet into text to profit from making them the great harlot and Jesus Lucifer.
So the answer to my question what are the odds is
check mate?
Ok Then Faq2 find it then, it has to be relevant so find the number relating to say Islam.
*waiting for the sound of crickets!*

Two thumbs and by your standard Isaiah 7 is just about King Hezekiah and nothing more.
Isaiah 53 is about Israel and nothing more
and Daniel 9 is about an anoited king Onias who was cut off by the wicked Antiochus and nothing more.
Psalms is about King David having oeopke at his hands and feet and nothing more.
By your standard the Roman created religion forced placed their false prophet into text to profit from making them the great harlot and Jesus Lucifer.
So the answer to my question what are the odds is
check mate?

What's this all about? The simple answer is that the number 666 is tied to the beast, which is tied to the dragon, and the dragon is (obviously) Satan. Hence, 666 is the mark of Satan.

But, as with any compelling story or symbol, there have been many ways of interpreting this over the centuries, depending on where and when you're reading it.

The most common interpretation is that the dragon is Satan, and the beast from the sea is the Roman emperor and empire, incited by the dragon to persecute the early Christians. By the time of the writing of Revelation, Satan was commonly depicted as a dragon.

The second beast is, well, God knows, but evidently a "false prophet," deceiving the people into worshipping the emperor (the first beast).

Why 666? You mention the most common interpretation, gematria, the Hebrew numerological system. Check out the Staff Report about numerology, the mystic association of numbers with poetic concepts, at The Straight Dope What s the story on numerology .
The Straight Dope What s up with 666 the mark of the beast
In Hebrew numerics:
"ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom
which instituted
The 66 books of man(6) they promote of the
"Holy Bible"=666
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called
using the idol son of baal (the morning star)as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his name father &son as 1
"Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74

So, if I understand you, Tom Brady is not going to be suspended.
Two thumbs thanks for adding your info.
Dragon in Isaiah is pierced, and Chrustianity is famous for placing Jesus into the OT anywhere it mentions pierce, therefore Jesus=the dragon, however Jesus is not in Psalms since the word does not ssy pierced it says at my hands and feet=they lie to people and conveniently leave out the dragon part.
All verses on the serpent, dragon, satan, lucifer (son of perdition) matches Jesus exactly and nobody else.
Rome had coins with Jesus on them and rows of collumns of numbers that equalled 666.
Arabs were forced to use them & could not buy or sell without this coin.
Ok Then Faq2 find it then, it has to be relevant so find the number relating to say Islam.
*waiting for the sound of crickets!*

Two thumbs and by your standard Isaiah 7 is just about King Hezekiah and nothing more.
Isaiah 53 is about Israel and nothing more
and Daniel 9 is about an anoited king Onias who was cut off by the wicked Antiochus and nothing more.
Psalms is about King David having oeopke at his hands and feet and nothing more.
By your standard the Roman created religion forced placed their false prophet into text to profit from making them the great harlot and Jesus Lucifer.
So the answer to my question what are the odds is
check mate?
No, by my standard numerologists will dig and dig until they find some corroborating numbers - period. The chances of them finding one in a book that size with that much nuance is 100 percent. You go into converting Jesus into numbers but not Jesus Christ. Why? Because Jesus fits what you need. And so goes with all the numerological comparisons ‘found’ in the bible.
Faq2: so you lied then made excuses instead of admiting you were reaching for straws?

Fact: christ is not his name, that's why, but using that logic baal is a word meaning lord, so since it's "Lord Jesus" then by your standard why not use that in secreting the numbers.
Baal Jesus=666.

Fact :your statement still can't answer the odds all those things reveal the inevitable conclusion and
Fact:you couldn't give us one proof of your "forced" theory.=you lied.
Truth doesn't need excuses and lies. Something protected by a lie creating you to do deceive & do evil to protect it=evil.
So if you are a christian hiding it's satanic nature=evil.
If you are non Christian keeping them blinded and preventing the healing,deprograming, while thwarting the liberation of the world from them=evil.
Either way, next time you complain how messed up the world is, ask yourself, wasn't it your fault and people like you who faught against changing it?
So, because I don’t buy such tripe backed by numerology that means I = evil?
Interesting theory you have there, numerologist.
No because you fight against something you haven't proven your position and case against and you are fighting against reforming a wrong path that even you admit is problematic for mankind.
Basically you are fighting against that nature in life to progress (evolve) thus going the opposite direction of your purpose and being as in fighting against life itself and what is the mirror opposite that nature to LIVE?

Voltaire in his day said Christianity would collapse and be no more in the age of reason. He didn't take into account the self infliction of people like you who fight their own liberation and shoot themselves in the foot.
Old school that isn't what this is regarding picking any number, you and Faq haven't backed your comments by proving this using Islam as an example. You haven't given any examples or proof at all.
All Faq can do is back peddle and avoid their own claims.
If it's so easy you'd have examples already instead of fifth grader type replies.

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