Which Income Group Are You In

my income range is not listed

You skipped a whole bunch...im in the gap you left out of 27,000-85,000

I also think the tax rate should be 0% for everyone under 30,000 and EXACTY THE SAME on all income over that.

No unconstitional progressive tax rates for me. I may be on the bottom of the income but the rich are who pay my salary.

EDIT: Hey i see you make a lot of threads about almost the same topic....remember its QUALITY not QUANTITY ;).

In a way, it is. When someone buys a set of sheets, everyone pays EXACTLY the same taxes.

Now what's funny, Warren Buffet, and I quote:

"Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent."

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary

Now isn't that truly histerical? Really funny? And his humor. Read this:

"Mr Buffett, who runs the investment group Berkshire Hathaway and is widely regarded as the world’s most successful investor, said that he was a Democrat because Republicans are more likely to think: “I’m making $80 million a year – God must have intended me to have a lower tax rate.”

Man, I am laughing and laughing. The comedy is too much. The humor. The giggles. The outright laughter.

that's a little disingenuous. You make it sound as if the secretary paid 30% on the entire 60K she earned.

That's not how the tax scale works.

I bet it was more that 17.7%?
my income range is not listed

You skipped a whole bunch...im in the gap you left out of 27,000-85,000

I also think the tax rate should be 0% for everyone under 30,000 and EXACTY THE SAME on all income over that.

No unconstitional progressive tax rates for me. I may be on the bottom of the income but the rich are who pay my salary.

EDIT: Hey i see you make a lot of threads about almost the same topic....remember its QUALITY not QUANTITY ;).

I would support a flat tax on everyone with one condition..
We burn the tax code books. NO DEDUCTIONS. All income is equally taxed.

Watch the rich scream about that one
Why would they?

Taxing a flat percentage of ones income for everyone is the fairest way to tax a population.

Everyone pays 15%. Period.
People should focus on how much they make, and whether the supply-side corporate policies of Republicans, and conservative Democrats have helped them economically, more than their hatred of gays, loathing of abortion, or love of God, like he's got stock in any party?!?
P.O.P., I make 65K a year. You tell me how much of that I should pay in Federal taxes.

Well, I'll tell you this--if you were to get a tax cut, I'd rather it be for sales, gas, property, toll roads, smaller fees, utility taxes, or more importantly, in payroll taxes.

Like I've said over, and over, one, taxes were not cut uniformly, as many people got a tax cut that was the size, or larger than you get paid for a year.

The trick is, to get you to believe you are part of "we," or "our," taxes, as the pronouns are spewed about, when in truth, you are in the lower income group's average, the lower 90 percent, and you've actually lost ground. This is not because of taxes either, it is because of downsizing, weakening unions (whether you actually work in a union workplace), legalizing immigrants, and trade agreements that are horribly onerous to the American worker. And believe me, if they've not gotten to your job yet, they are still trying, with H1B visas, or exporting diagnosis of X-Rays in hospitals to India, to exporting of tele-centers.

It's all about whether you marry yourself to an ideology some ten million dollar a year talking head preaches on the 'tee-vee' or whether you demand better conditions for yourself, more economic stability, and a more containerized local economy, rather than one sliced up and bleeding from the cuts of globalization.
my income range is not listed

You skipped a whole bunch...im in the gap you left out of 27,000-85,000

I also think the tax rate should be 0% for everyone under 30,000 and EXACTY THE SAME on all income over that.

No unconstitional progressive tax rates for me. I may be on the bottom of the income but the rich are who pay my salary.

EDIT: Hey i see you make a lot of threads about almost the same topic....remember its QUALITY not QUANTITY ;).

I would support a flat tax on everyone with one condition..
We burn the tax code books. NO DEDUCTIONS. All income is equally taxed.

Watch the rich scream about that one

your whole "hate the rich" thing is sooo fucking four decades ago. i think youre just an envious little bitch

It has nothing to do with "hating" the rich, it is just good economic sense.

We've got a spending problem, because income has been maldistributed to the top, and entirely too many people think they are in the top brackets. The "average" income for the lower 90 percent in 2000 was $27,000 a year, and they've been stagnant. The top two percent, however, have profited wildly, without properly taxing them. And they get the interest income too, on all that money we're borrowing from them, paid from what--your tax dollars.

Basically, in the last four to five decades, taxes have not been reduced, but shifted. They've been shifted to the poor and middle class, from the rich. The argument has been, they are going to produce good jobs for you. But what has happened is, 19 percent unofficial unemployment, ten percent official unemployment rates, and most of the good jobs have been sent away. IF they can figure out a way to reduce your wages too, they will, because just like insurance companies, finding ways to screw you, make their corporate bottom-lines better.

Like it or not, the media has done a great job of "reverse-brainwashing" on people, to hate the poor, and by suck-up sycophants to the rich.

Once again, do you want to take on more taxes at sixty grand a year, or do you want the poor old gilded class to pay more? Because with 9 Trillion and growing, and no way to cut taxes, because you guys love your perpetual wars, and huge defense budgets, and Liberals (not democrats so much anymore, disgustingly) actually like to improve the lives of actual Americans. Let reality seep in, and understand, we're going to have to raise taxes. The question is, do you want eviscerate that brainwashing that makes you Luuuuvvv the rich, or do you want to take on that extra burden at the lower 90 percent?
my income range is not listed

You skipped a whole bunch...im in the gap you left out of 27,000-85,000

I also think the tax rate should be 0% for everyone under 30,000 and EXACTY THE SAME on all income over that.

No unconstitional progressive tax rates for me. I may be on the bottom of the income but the rich are who pay my salary.

EDIT: Hey i see you make a lot of threads about almost the same topic....remember its QUALITY not QUANTITY ;).

I would support a flat tax on everyone with one condition..
We burn the tax code books. NO DEDUCTIONS. All income is equally taxed.

Watch the rich scream about that one

That is EXACTLY what a TON of conservatives are calling for.... flat tax on EVERY dollar earned across the board.. no need for deductions, or whatever else

And that includes ALL income earned.... so no, you don't get people making less than X dollars exempt.... every dollar, every person, equally taxed...

You choose to put people on ignore. That sounds about typical for authoritarian team-think.

Sure, a flat tax. So, we're going to repeal all other taxes, every one of them, then institute a flat tax? Sure, I'm in for that. But if you don't get rid of sales, gas, utility, property, and FICA SS taxes, before you do that, then all you accomplish is doing what those who brainwashed you wanted in the first place--finally achieving off-loading the majority of the tax burden from them, to you.

Top 20 percent pay 19 cents on the dollar in taxes, the lower 20 percent pay 18 cents on the dollar in tax, when you add up all taxes paid. This is due to the regressive effect of all those quiet little taxes you never seem to be able to focus on, listed above.

Why do rich people whine so much? Seems very ingratuitous to me. Enjoy your money, and status, and if you are having a hard time getting by, then you aren't rich, and you don't benefit by voting for Republicans.
In a way, it is. When someone buys a set of sheets, everyone pays EXACTLY the same taxes.

Now what's funny, Warren Buffet, and I quote:

"Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent."

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary

Now isn't that truly histerical? Really funny? And his humor. Read this:

"Mr Buffett, who runs the investment group Berkshire Hathaway and is widely regarded as the world’s most successful investor, said that he was a Democrat because Republicans are more likely to think: “I’m making $80 million a year – God must have intended me to have a lower tax rate.”

Man, I am laughing and laughing. The comedy is too much. The humor. The giggles. The outright laughter.

that's a little disingenuous. You make it sound as if the secretary paid 30% on the entire 60K she earned.

That's not how the tax scale works.

I bet it was more that 17.7%?

No bet to it, she did.

Let's not forget, that at 100,000 dollars, roughly, they stop paying the SS taxes. So, about 7 percent is immediately dropped from anything people make over that "cap" which we should get rid of, since for decades now, they've been using the SS overage to pay for all the rest of what the government spends, like wars, wars, and more wars. If they have a business, then they pay 15 percent or so, up to one hundred K a year, then after that, nothing.

Payroll taxes are the biggest of regressive taxes. And as far as I've seen, Al Gore's "lock-box," saving all that extra money for future SS payments, has not materialized. And I rarely hear about them taking back that money, before they raise taxes in that area. After all, it was and is collected for the purpose of paying out SS insurance.

Once again, do you want Skull to pay, or do you want one of the many hidden, not discussed taxes to be levied, to hurt your lives, extra sales tax, gas taxes, utility taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, on down the line. While the federal taxes have dropped over ethe last 40 years, these taxes have gone up, and up, and up.
I would support a flat tax on everyone with one condition..
We burn the tax code books. NO DEDUCTIONS. All income is equally taxed.

Watch the rich scream about that one

Actually I know a few rich people. Each and every one of them would love to see a flat tax levied across the board, it would decrease what they are paying now.

No, what they want is a flat tax on income. Start saying their capital gains are going to be taxed at the same rate, and they'll flip a shit.

I've always said capital gains should be thrown in with regular income. I don't understand why they don't pay federal, and FICA taxes on gains, or why making money because you have money, should be taxed any less than ditch-diggin'.
Personally I've done well in my young life. I am going to pay nearly 50k in taxes this year between my wife and I.

Oh well. Sure I'd like to have it in cash. But I'm not starving either. And I think that I can handle that tax burden quite a bit better as a young person without kids than someone struggling to raise kids. So I'm happy to take that bullet. When my wife and I have kids and she stays home with them, our income will reduce and I won't feel the least bit guilty about the new kid picking up my slack.

It's great that you feel you can afford it. But that perception, like the original poster misses the whole point. Stop giving government excuses to spend more money. Who get's taxes and how much because a completely irrelevant point if government got it's shit together and didnt' spend like drunken sailors. People with the 'eh, I can afford it' mentality, only fan that fire.
So, basically what you mean is that people should support the party that best financially benefits them, regardless of their personal beliefs and morality. Does that sound about right?

Well, not necessarily, but one must take into account, when voting based on abortion, gun control, gay hatred, extreme nationalism, or any other issue, for Republicans, that they are voting against themselves, economically.

It isn't just speculation here, as we've dropped further and further behind, the lower 90 percent of us, while the top tier has skyrocketed ahead. Maldistributed income was a large factor in the depression of 1929, and has been a factor in this depression too.
my income range is not listed

You skipped a whole bunch...im in the gap you left out of 27,000-85,000

I also think the tax rate should be 0% for everyone under 30,000 and EXACTY THE SAME on all income over that.

No unconstitional progressive tax rates for me. I may be on the bottom of the income but the rich are who pay my salary.

EDIT: Hey i see you make a lot of threads about almost the same topic....remember its QUALITY not QUANTITY ;).

I would support a flat tax on everyone with one condition..
We burn the tax code books. NO DEDUCTIONS. All income is equally taxed.

Watch the rich scream about that one

I love this idea. I'm on board with you here.
Remember, it isn't about having to raise taxes. We're going to have to do that anyway. It is do you, in your lower income group want your taxes raised, or do you want the richest 2-3 percent's taxes raised. I'm personally not a masochist, but maybe you are, and you want them to tax you more, so the poor, underprivileged rich, can have their fifteenth home, or fiftieth BMW, or an extra yacht.

I think i should have to pay the same amount of taxes, as a percentage of my total income as a person who earns 250,000,000 a year.

Me at ~$40,000 paying 30% would be paying $12,000/year in taxes
Them at ~$250,000,000 paying 30% would be paying $75,000,000 in taxes.

I dont see a problem with that.
I would support a flat tax on everyone with one condition..
We burn the tax code books. NO DEDUCTIONS. All income is equally taxed.

Watch the rich scream about that one

your whole "hate the rich" thing is sooo fucking four decades ago. i think youre just an envious little bitch

It has nothing to do with "hating" the rich, it is just good economic sense.

We've got a spending problem, because income has been maldistributed to the top, and entirely too many people think they are in the top brackets. The "average" income for the lower 90 percent in 2000 was $27,000 a year, and they've been stagnant. The top two percent, however, have profited wildly, without properly taxing them. And they get the interest income too, on all that money we're borrowing from them, paid from what--your tax dollars.

Basically, in the last four to five decades, taxes have not been reduced, but shifted. They've been shifted to the poor and middle class, from the rich. The argument has been, they are going to produce good jobs for you. But what has happened is, 19 percent unofficial unemployment, ten percent official unemployment rates, and most of the good jobs have been sent away. IF they can figure out a way to reduce your wages too, they will, because just like insurance companies, finding ways to screw you, make their corporate bottom-lines better.

Like it or not, the media has done a great job of "reverse-brainwashing" on people, to hate the poor, and by suck-up sycophants to the rich.

Once again, do you want to take on more taxes at sixty grand a year, or do you want the poor old gilded class to pay more? Because with 9 Trillion and growing, and no way to cut taxes, because you guys love your perpetual wars, and huge defense budgets, and Liberals (not democrats so much anymore, disgustingly) actually like to improve the lives of actual Americans. Let reality seep in, and understand, we're going to have to raise taxes. The question is, do you want eviscerate that brainwashing that makes you Luuuuvvv the rich, or do you want to take on that extra burden at the lower 90 percent?

bullshit, its all about hating the rich. maldistributed? wtf is that? you morons love to make shit up. do you think there is some guy in washington who is passing out money...oh, wait...your hero obama is doing just that...and none of it is going to the people it was soaked from, its all going to his pay offs to special intrest.

if obama wanted to stimulate the economy he should have cut peoples fucking taxes and not come up with new ways to tax them, and waste their money on bullshit schemes. every dime you fuckers take from a worker is another dime less somone has to do without all the while they watch their paycheck shrink, and its all YOUR FUCKING FAULT!

every time you vote for a liberal tax and spender you suck money from the wallet of yourself and your neighbor, you are in the habit of fucking yourself in the ass and calling it making love.
Last edited:
Once again a so called liberal posting crap. If you were a true liberal, you would realize that economic liberty is a right as important as any other.

tell me where do i fit in? In 2005 my wife and i made about 80K. Last year we doubled that and this year we should triple it.

i suppose you think i should be taxed more because we risked every dime we had to start a business that has had some success.

typical dimocrat wanting to penalize success and reward mediocrity.

I agree with the Pilot here - What about us folk that sold our business and retired? I think your table is a bit out of tune with what is going on in the real world. As the Skull Pilot says, you make your way in life through the risks you are willing to take with business and your own hard work and dedication. In spite of what you liberals want everybody to believe, there's no free lunch. Also it would pay yo to remember that everytime the government gives you something, they have taken something from somebody else. Why is the concept of supporting yourself such a hard thing to understand and grasp? You are what you make of yourself.
Your question on the flat tax to your rich friends. Did you ask them to also give up ALL their tax deductions?

well....in 2006 i paid the state and feds almost $175k in taxes.....if you went a straight 10% and took away all my deductions....well lets just ...that is fine with me.....

If you paid $175K in taxes, you are doing rather well and should quit your bellyaching.

feel free to point out where i am bellyaching......are the well off not allowed to voice an opinion in your country.......
well....in 2006 i paid the state and feds almost $175k in taxes.....if you went a straight 10% and took away all my deductions....well lets just ...that is fine with me.....

If you paid $175K in taxes, you are doing rather well and should quit your bellyaching.

feel free to point out where i am bellyaching......are the well off not allowed to voice an opinion in your country.......
only if they have a conservative voice
rich liberal voices are allowed
that's a little disingenuous. You make it sound as if the secretary paid 30% on the entire 60K she earned.

That's not how the tax scale works.

I bet it was more that 17.7%?

No bet to it, she did.

Let's not forget, that at 100,000 dollars, roughly, they stop paying the SS taxes. So, about 7 percent is immediately dropped from anything people make over that "cap" which we should get rid of, since for decades now, they've been using the SS overage to pay for all the rest of what the government spends, like wars, wars, and more wars. If they have a business, then they pay 15 percent or so, up to one hundred K a year, then after that, nothing.

Payroll taxes are the biggest of regressive taxes. And as far as I've seen, Al Gore's "lock-box," saving all that extra money for future SS payments, has not materialized. And I rarely hear about them taking back that money, before they raise taxes in that area. After all, it was and is collected for the purpose of paying out SS insurance.

Once again, do you want Skull to pay, or do you want one of the many hidden, not discussed taxes to be levied, to hurt your lives, extra sales tax, gas taxes, utility taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, on down the line. While the federal taxes have dropped over ethe last 40 years, these taxes have gone up, and up, and up.

If warren's income was not entirely from payroll, of course he didn't pay SS on it.

Anyone can do this. i do. We own an S corp. My wife and I both draw a small salary on which we pay all the required payroll taxes and from which we fully fund a retirement account.

But we also receive rent from the business and take a large portion of our income in profit distributions on which we do not pay payroll taxes.

when I start drawing income from my investments outside of my retirement accounts< all I pay on that is capital gains.

You simply cannot compare an employee whose entire income is from a salary to a person with multiple sources of income that are covered under completely different tax

And I looked up my taxes before we opened our business and after all our deductions we rarely paid over 14% of our total gross income in taxes.
well....in 2006 i paid the state and feds almost $175k in taxes.....if you went a straight 10% and took away all my deductions....well lets just ...that is fine with me.....

You must be in that top bracket, generally about 40 percent of income federally and whatever state...I suspect you're making about 400K a year... no, I do not feel sorry for you.
i dont believe he was asking for ANYONE to "feel sorry" for him

It sounds like he was whining about making so much that he paid $175,000 in taxes. The one thing I don't get is why these folks don't understand what the lives of people paying lower taxes are like, compared to theirs. If they want to pay lower taxes, they could always quit and go work at McDonalds.

This is a good point here, looked it up, and thank you for mentioning it, as it is a good concept to know.

diminishing marginal utility

decrease in enjoyment with increased consumption: the economic principle that each successive increase in consumption of a product or service provides less additional enjoyment or usefulness than the previous increase

I might add to this Encarta definition that at some point, the wealth of an individual ceases to add to our economy, and goes toward making the person involved, far too powerful, and yes, detracts from the lower class so much that it actually hurts people. It is all about whether you want to make being Social the capstone of society, or whether you want to make worship of money, or capital the kingfish.

It's great to make money, I'm all for you, I don't hate you, nor do I feel sorry for you having to pay mroe taxes, as you do use more of the commons. UPS is an example--they have millions of trucks running around, burning up the roads, causing damage, and they pay way more taxes than one guy who drives to and fro from work each day. There are more ways, but this should suffice, and wealthy people in some way profit way more from the commons than a working stiff.

There is a point, where not only does the individual reach the point of "diminishing marginal utility" but where society reaches the point where by giving, allowing that person to accrue just that much more wealth, society too finds diminishing marginal utility.
Personally I've done well in my young life. I am going to pay nearly 50k in taxes this year between my wife and I.

Oh well. Sure I'd like to have it in cash. But I'm not starving either. And I think that I can handle that tax burden quite a bit better as a young person without kids than someone struggling to raise kids. So I'm happy to take that bullet. When my wife and I have kids and she stays home with them, our income will reduce and I won't feel the least bit guilty about the new kid picking up my slack.

It's great that you feel you can afford it. But that perception, like the original poster misses the whole point. Stop giving government excuses to spend more money. Who get's taxes and how much because a completely irrelevant point if government got it's shit together and didnt' spend like drunken sailors. People with the 'eh, I can afford it' mentality, only fan that fire.

Here's the thing, you focus on spending, we focus on taxes and the debt. It's weird it is liberals now, and not Republicans and Democrats that focus on this, but it seems that is the world we're liviing in. The problem with that is we need to be focusing on collecting enough taxes to pay down the debt, and to pay for our regular allocations, instead of focusing on one or the other.

If you were nearly broke, would you spend the last part of your credit card going on a long, expensive vacation? That is basically what we're doing in Afghanistan, and Iraq. We can no longer afford our Imperialism, our role as the "World Police." I might add, it is a thankless job, that has pretty much been coopted by the corporations, as in Iraq it was used to put our multinationals in place, sappingt 90 percent of the profits from oil operations there. It makes us even more enemies too, thanks for nothing on that one. Afghanistan was about pipelines, and if there wasn't a 9/11, we'd have found another reason to go in there.

Government is big, and it needs to be paid for. The more we go into debt, the more interest we pay, and the less we actually have to spend on things. This mindless continual spiral down into debt, is foolhardy at best. I think the republican intention was to eventually reach a point where we'd axe SS, or some other rare program we actually spend on Americans, instead of sending a Predator-fired, laser-guided missile up some Arab's butt. I think they may have unwittingly, instead broken our ability to wage endless wars. IF that happens, it'll be the one thing good that has come from the republican administration's fiscal irresponsibility.
Personally I've done well in my young life. I am going to pay nearly 50k in taxes this year between my wife and I.

Oh well. Sure I'd like to have it in cash. But I'm not starving either. And I think that I can handle that tax burden quite a bit better as a young person without kids than someone struggling to raise kids. So I'm happy to take that bullet. When my wife and I have kids and she stays home with them, our income will reduce and I won't feel the least bit guilty about the new kid picking up my slack.

It's great that you feel you can afford it. But that perception, like the original poster misses the whole point. Stop giving government excuses to spend more money. Who get's taxes and how much because a completely irrelevant point if government got it's shit together and didnt' spend like drunken sailors. People with the 'eh, I can afford it' mentality, only fan that fire.

Here's the thing, you focus on spending, we focus on taxes and the debt. It's weird it is liberals now, and not Republicans and Democrats that focus on this, but it seems that is the world we're liviing in. The problem with that is we need to be focusing on collecting enough taxes to pay down the debt, and to pay for our regular allocations, instead of focusing on one or the other.

If you were nearly broke, would you spend the last part of your credit card going on a long, expensive vacation? That is basically what we're doing in Afghanistan, and Iraq. We can no longer afford our Imperialism, our role as the "World Police." I might add, it is a thankless job, that has pretty much been coopted by the corporations, as in Iraq it was used to put our multinationals in place, sappingt 90 percent of the profits from oil operations there. It makes us even more enemies too, thanks for nothing on that one. Afghanistan was about pipelines, and if there wasn't a 9/11, we'd have found another reason to go in there.

Government is big, and it needs to be paid for. The more we go into debt, the more interest we pay, and the less we actually have to spend on things. This mindless continual spiral down into debt, is foolhardy at best. I think the republican intention was to eventually reach a point where we'd axe SS, or some other rare program we actually spend on Americans, instead of sending a Predator-fired, laser-guided missile up some Arab's butt. I think they may have unwittingly, instead broken our ability to wage endless wars. IF that happens, it'll be the one thing good that has come from the republican administration's fiscal irresponsibility.

Only a dimocrat could call a running up a 9 trillion dollar deficit fiscal responsibility
Once again a so called liberal posting crap. If you were a true liberal, you would realize that economic liberty is a right as important as any other.

tell me where do i fit in? In 2005 my wife and i made about 80K. Last year we doubled that and this year we should triple it.

i suppose you think i should be taxed more because we risked every dime we had to start a business that has had some success.

typical dimocrat wanting to penalize success and reward mediocrity.

I'm a former business owner. Executive chef and owner of two very successful restaurants. Just retired at 45 years of age. The real question is, how many jobs do you provide for people?
Do you provide benefits for yor employees, so on and so forth.
I can't even begin to estimate how many liberals i've employed through the years. And each and everyone of them always had the same complaint. That I was making TOO MUCH money, and that I should just hand over my income to both them and the government, even though I paid more in taxes in a year then they will pay in a lifetime. Not to mention the cost of providing them with good paying jobs and FULL benefits.
You know how it is. if liberal idiots didn't have anything to whine about, they'd have no reason to live!

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