Which is a bigger number 168,000,000 liters or 750 barrels??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"litres"!!! 800,000 litres of an oil-water mixture from Pace Oil and Gas Ltd., and nearly 3.5 million litres of oil from a pipeline run by Plains Midstream Canada.

There are 4 liters in a gallon.
This means 800,000 liters equal to 200,000 gallons.
There are 42 gallons to a barrel. 800,000 liters equal to 4,761 BARRELS!
Keystone pipeline carries 750 barrels in one mile VERSUS OIL tanker carrying 1 million barrels (168,000,000 liters) in one mile on the open ocean!
AGAIN where is the BIGGER RISK!!!

Also the 20,833 BARRELS ( 3.5 million liters) from a pipeline by Plains Midstream Canada "

An estimated 4,500 m3 (28,000 barrels) of crude oil leaked and has collected along the pipeline’s
30-metre right-of-way and spread into nearby stands of stagnant water, where it is contained!
Media Releases - Plains Midstream Canada

Read the whole story! GET FACTS rather then hysteria!
AGAIN which is the bigger risk??? 750 barrels in a mile of pipeline or 168,000,000 liters traveling one mile in a tanker on the open ocean???

FACTS are there are GREATER risks of the oil tanker!
I really would like to hear from you anti-pipeline people specifically regarding WHICH carries the greater chance of an accident and if an accident which
would encompass a larger area of destruction?

Just a reminder:
he Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, when Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker bound for Long Beach, California, struck Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef and spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels (41,000 to 119,000 m3) of crude oil.[1][2] It is considered to be one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters.[3]
However, Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by helicopter, plane, or boat, made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response. The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline,[5] and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.[6] Exxon's CEO, Lawrence Rawl, shaped the company's response.[7]
Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lot of that oil is being transported by rail now.

Who do you know that has a lot of ownership in Railroads..... :confused:

Warren Buffet?


I win!!!
A lot of that oil is being transported by rail now.

Who do you know that has a lot of ownership in Railroads..... :confused:

Warren Buffet?


I win!!!

Which if you can tell me is a bigger number 168,000,000 liters by a drunken capitan over one mile of 50 foot waves OR
750 barrels in one mile of pipeline on land with 1 monitor for every 500 feet of pipeline?

That was the question!
Do most of you understand the simple concept that shipping 1 million barrels by a tanker is a higher risk of accident and if there is a greater amount of environmental damages?

Exxon Valdez
spilled spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels in the ocean!
The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline,[5] and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.[6] Exxon's CEO, Lawrence Rawl, shaped the company's response.[7]

According to official reports, the ship was carrying approximately 55 million US gallons (210,000 m3) of oil, of which about 10.1 to 11 million US gallons (240,000 to 260,000 bbl; 38,000 to 42,000 m3) were spilled into the Prince William Sound.

Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again why are all the environmentalist agains the pipeline and FAVOR tankers???
To the people responding to that phony "all the trees and plants" died crap!
You realize that the Exxon Valdez spill at nearly 3/4 million barrels despoiled 100 times the size of this dinky pipeline spill?
And you idiots get excited and worked about 20,000 barrel spill described in the "all the trees and plants died" crap???

Get a life! Get a real handle on the stupidity of shipping 168 million liters in one tanker!
depends on the size of the barrels.

YOU idiot! One Barrel of oil contain 42 gallons!
U.S. refineries produce about 19 gallons of motor gasoline from one barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil.
How many gallons of gasoline does one barrel of oil make? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

What a stupid question!
My point of this question was why are idiots obviously like you all in favor of shipping 1 million barrels of oil in a tanker one mile on the open ocean YET stupidly are against shipping 750 barrels of oil in ONE MILE of the Keystone pipeline almost all on DRY LAND?

How f...king stupid are people like you???
A barrel isn't a standard of measurement. They come in different sizes. Though Im not surprise they've standardized oil barrels.

Also, I didn't ask a question. I made an observation. Mostly to lighten up the thread with alittle humor. You really need to chill out.
A barrel isn't a standard of measurement. They come in different sizes. Though Im not surprise they've standardized oil barrels.

Also, I didn't ask a question. I made an observation. Mostly to lighten up the thread with alittle humor. You really need to chill out.

Yes you did say" depends on the size of the barrels."

YES there is a standardized 42 gallons to a barrel of OIL... which I thought any person commenting on the thread would know.

The biggest problem we have in this country is people who take the EXCEPTIONS the rare events and make them sound BIGGER and worse then they i.e.,
i.e. the thread "all the trees and plants died" regarding a very very minor oil pipeline spill.

"Chill out" should be the motto of people like you that get all bent out of shape, run around "all trees and plants died", "Chicken-sky-is-falling-Little" types that
hysterically using BIG numbers i.e. 3.5 million liters which is 20,833 BARRELs to incite "we-gotta--do-something mentality!
The same hysteria around Sandy Hook, etc. ignore the FACT that less then 8 people a year die from mass rifle shootings since 1982, But no idiots obviously like
the same that cry we have "to ban all guns" make the same gross hysterical assumptions as the hysterical, grossly wrong anti-pipeline people.

So know you've been informed regarding 42 gallons to a barrel of oil..... which is a bigger number and which has a greater chance of causing more environmental damage?
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You and the other "Chicken-sky-is-falling-Little" are also the ones to blame for the current Obamacare destruction of health care as we knew it!

I bet YOU and other "Chicken-sky-is-falling-Little" types were in total agreement with the phony "46 million uninsured" number used to pass by just 6 votes
Obamacare! These 6 voters obviously thought they were helping improve the health insurance prospect of 46 million but they like most people that use
that number are totally ignorant that there are truly less then 4 million that need and want health insurance SINCE:
18 million Counted as uninsured WANT to be uninsured! They are under 34. Make over $50k. Don't want to spend more for their employers' health plan!
14 million ARE ALREADY COVERED by Medicaid but they don't know it and all they need do is enroll!
10 million are NOT CITIZENS and yet counted as uninsured!
That leaves 4 million truly that need insurance! But "Chicken-sky-is-falling-Little" types ignore these facts and we now have the Obamanation called Obamacare!
These "Chicken-sky-is-falling-Little" rare and NOT as big a problem as the "Chicken-sky-is-falling-Little" types would have you believe is creating a lot of
chaos in our country! Least dangerous pipeline not being built therefore dangerous shipping by one million barrel tankers will increase!
Banning guns based on less then 8 shooting deaths a year ... now causing major problems for law enforcement!
A destruction of the $100 billion a year tax paying industry and unemployment of 400,000 people is in process all because of less the 4 million!
So now along with hysterical blown out of proportion stupid statements like All the trees and plants died" regarding one episode which was cleaned up in less then 4 months after less then 20,000 barrels seepage... we have these similar hysterical unsubstantiated statements like "46 million uninsured"!
When the facts are 18 million are under 34, make over $50K and don't want nor need to spend more then out of pocket costs for employers' insurance.
Or how about 14 million counted as uninsured THAT all they need do is register with Medicaid.
But no one seems to comprehend Obama's 46 million figure included not only those phony above but 10 million NOT citizens!
Thus again hysteria badgering false number of 46 million is really less the 4 million. That simple arithmetic seems beyond Obama/supporters comprehension!
And if they have problems with THAT number God forbid they are involved in MY health care!!!

Well here is the problem with idiots that don't seem to have common sense!

WE ARE PAYING for this propensity to hyperbole! To making rare, uncommon events.. sound as if it happens ALL the TIME!
So we lurch from one crisis to another... first healthcare...46 million uninsured...oh woe... When in fact there are less then 4 million!
Then we lurch to stop the pipeline... all the while ACCEPTING the greater chances of occurring and bigger mess from oil tankers.
Then we have all the angst and hyperbole about guns.."BAN ALL GUNS"... because an average of 8 people a year over the last 30 years killed in mass shootings!

When will you lemmings stop lurching over the cliff EVERY TIME the Mainstream Media cries "Wolf"?

People like you that say chill out... well stop being such wusses. Stop believing the world is coming to an end! Stop believing every single word the
MSM and fear mongers put out.."all trees and plants died" is the thread headline and what an exaggeration!

I just don't comprehend how people like you continually jump to conclusions.. believe the MSM.. and because of that YOU and those idiots are
hitting my pocketbook! Minimally next year IT will cost me more the $1100 directly ! All because Obama doesn't like profits!
All because idiots like you have NO concept of how common sense works!

I have had it with you idiots saying "chill out"! We've been so chilled out we are frozen and we need to get hot about this continual deterioration of our
country and economy and our health care! "Chill out"... when you admit there is NO rational logical reason to favor a transportation method
that in one second can spill millions of BARRELS of oil out over 1,000s of miles of ocean versus worst case 5 miles of pipeline or 3,750 barrels!
And you make fun of me by saying "chill out"???
As if any of those things are getting worse- and all your "facts" about health care are discredited BS, Mr. Hyperbole lol. Sorry about the otters and birds, but the ocean can diffuse oil, while a big spill can ruin a whole state's drinking water...
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Anyway, they''ll build the dumb thing when they find a better route. It's a Dem thing, Mr. Brainwashed Hysterical.

Well here is the problem with idiots that don't seem to have common sense!

WE ARE PAYING for this propensity to hyperbole! To making rare, uncommon events.. sound as if it happens ALL the TIME!
So we lurch from one crisis to another... first healthcare...46 million uninsured...oh woe... When in fact there are less then 4 million!
Then we lurch to stop the pipeline... all the while ACCEPTING the greater chances of occurring and bigger mess from oil tankers.
Then we have all the angst and hyperbole about guns.."BAN ALL GUNS"... because an average of 8 people a year over the last 30 years killed in mass shootings!

When will you lemmings stop lurching over the cliff EVERY TIME the Mainstream Media cries "Wolf"?

People like you that say chill out... well stop being such wusses. Stop believing the world is coming to an end! Stop believing every single word the
MSM and fear mongers put out.."all trees and plants died" is the thread headline and what an exaggeration!

I just don't comprehend how people like you continually jump to conclusions.. believe the MSM.. and because of that YOU and those idiots are
hitting my pocketbook! Minimally next year IT will cost me more the $1100 directly ! All because Obama doesn't like profits!
All because idiots like you have NO concept of how common sense works!

I have had it with you idiots saying "chill out"! We've been so chilled out we are frozen and we need to get hot about this continual deterioration of our
country and economy and our health care! "Chill out"... when you admit there is NO rational logical reason to favor a transportation method
that in one second can spill millions of BARRELS of oil out over 1,000s of miles of ocean versus worst case 5 miles of pipeline or 3,750 barrels!
And you make fun of me by saying "chill out"???

As if any of those things are getting worse- and all your "facts" about health care are discredited BS, Mr. Hyperbole lol. Sorry about the otters and birds, but the ocean can diffuse oil, while a big spill can ruin a whole state's drinking water...

Explain the "discredited" health facts that there are less then 4 million truly uninsured?

A) He counts 18 million people THAT DON"T want health insurance. They are under 34.
They earn over $50,000 and turn down their employers' health plans BECAUSE they spend less then $1,000 a year. So why are they being penalized for NOT wanting to have it... Yet Obama counts them and that is totally unfair, a lie and wrong!

18 million people DON"T WANT HEALTH INSURANCE!!! So why force them to buy something they don't need or WANT???

B) 14 million people counted as "uninsured" all they need to do is register. Enroll. And they are covered by Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

DO YOU UNDERSTAND???? THESE 14 million people said they were uninsured and the Census says "yup..take them at their word".. CENSUS didn't go further
to see as this study did that 14 million people COULD BE COVERED all they had to do was REACH OUT!!!

C) So 32 million don't want and are already covered. That leaves 14 million..except according to the Census
10 million are not legal!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

The CENSUS said 10 million not legal counted as uninsured! You want people that are knowingly doing something illegal to be covered ... for free???

That leaves 4 million that truly need and WANT health insurance but NOT 46 million which was used to pass by only 6 votes Obamacare!
If people like you would really stop using 46 million and use 4 million that would allow this to happen!

But idiots like you that evidently can't even do simple subtraction have CAUSED this major disruption in health care.
YOU don't know a f..king thing about how insurance works.. DUH ever heard of a "CLAIM"????
Duh... do you know the average health insurance co. pays out 80% of premiums in claims??
DUH... do you know that Lawyers have caused $850 BILLION a year according to the people that send the claims, i.e. Doctors.. because Doctors fear being
sued, they duplicate tests, make specialists' referrals... ALL BILLED to the Insurance companies... that yes pay out 80% of every premium in CLAIMS!
DUH... why didn't dick head Obama go after lawyers i.e. tax them 10% like he did tanning salons? Take that 10% of $200 billion and PAY the premium of
the 4 million truly uninsured! THAT simple! NO tax increases! NO junking of the system!

BUT Idiots like YOU defend these lawyers! How...f...king STUPID!!
So any lawyers on this forum care to defend the $850 billion a year that the people that create the claims that INSURANCE companies and PAYERS pay out this $850 billion called "defensive Medicine"?

Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26% to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

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