Why Trump is a better environmentalist than Biden or Obama....

First of all anything you write is embarrassing as you don't provide ANY proof! No links...like the below!
So 1 million barrels floating 1 mile on the open ocean is safer than 700 barrels in a pipeline traveling 1 mile on dry land?
Sorry but experts know which is a bigger danger. I would ask you if these experts are embarrassing?
David Valentine, Professor of Earth Science and Biology at UCSB, (what is Surada's expertise?)))
says it is better to have soil spills than ocean spills:
“In general, spills to soil are more contained than spills to water, and thus cleanup is more straightforward.
Damage is often lesser for soil spills. For this reason an aquatic spill (including marine) tends to be more harmful than a spill to soil.”

Linda Krop, Chief Counsel at the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) in Santa Barbara, California, agrees. “Spills in soils cause less damage and are easier to clean up effectively.” She adds that pipelines are unlike other modes of oil transportation because they can have safety features that make large leaks preventable:

Talk about embarrassing! YOU provide nothing while I provide FACTS!!!
Read up on the Yellowstone river oil spill of 2011. They are still trying to clean that up.
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?
Most of that is exports.

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