Why Trump is a better environmentalist than Biden or Obama....

One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?

Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.
If you were that concerned about the environment why are you leaving your carbon foot print here?
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?
Did you know Trump suspended enforcement of EPA rules?

Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

As of May 2020, the Trump administration has rolled back 64 environmental rules and regulations, and an additional 34 rollbacks are in progress.[3] Some environmentalists are concerned that a successful reelection of Trump in 2020 will result in severe and irreversible changes in the climate.[4] Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration - Wikipedia

Were you aware that one of the EPA rules required for rain water under “water of the United States,” that puddles after a rain fall would be evaluated? Fortunately after much debate puddles were excluded.
A puddle is commonly considered a very small, shallow, and highly transitory pool of water that forms on pavement or uplands during or immediately after a rainstorm or similar precipitation event. However, nume rous comme nters asked that the agencies expressly exclude them in a rule. The final rule does so. page 65 of this document found at this site:

Think about it. The EPA would have asked property owners to measure the amount of water in puddles!

This is why Trump and a vast majority of Americans are so disgusted with "Rules and Regulations"!!! No practical evaluation is for a vast majority of the Rules and Regulations"!
This shows Trump is better for environment how?

One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?
Did you know Trump suspended enforcement of EPA rules?

Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

As of May 2020, the Trump administration has rolled back 64 environmental rules and regulations, and an additional 34 rollbacks are in progress.[3] Some environmentalists are concerned that a successful reelection of Trump in 2020 will result in severe and irreversible changes in the climate.[4] Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration - Wikipedia

Were you aware that one of the EPA rules required for rain water under “water of the United States,” that puddles after a rain fall would be evaluated? Fortunately after much debate puddles were excluded.
A puddle is commonly considered a very small, shallow, and highly transitory pool of water that forms on pavement or uplands during or immediately after a rainstorm or similar precipitation event. However, nume rous comme nters asked that the agencies expressly exclude them in a rule. The final rule does so. page 65 of this document found at this site:

Think about it. The EPA would have asked property owners to measure the amount of water in puddles!

This is why Trump and a vast majority of Americans are so disgusted with "Rules and Regulations"!!! No practical evaluation is for a vast majority of the Rules and Regulations"!
This shows Trump is better for environment how?

I looked up that and found something more current as 8/4/20...
Biden would limit his ban to new gas-drilling permits on public lands, his campaign said, pointing out that about 90% of fracking is on private land.

This is Biden's solution i.e. following Obama's reduced federal land leases... and that was why gas prices were much higher under Obama!
Check out this chart and tell me which President was happy when the USA was buying oil from Brazil?

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,” said Obama to Brazil.

Wow... finally how much does Methane contribute to the atmosphere???
A new study from Geophysical Research Letters has found that methane emissions from oil and natural gas production over the past decade are “an order of magnitude lower” than what has been reported by previous studies. The study was authored by researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the University of Colorado – two of the leading global experts on methane emissions.
SO again... FACTS not guesses! Methane considerably LOWER contribution than the EPA law was based on!
FACTS... NOT guesses!
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.
Why not just insist he be put in a re-education camp?
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.
in 2020 republicans don't even support clean air or water

what the fuck are you talking about/

Trump talks like he does

That's not what his EPA does, this pipeline being a great example. What the fuck do we need a sand tar pipe for when teh Saudis are pushing the price of a barrel so low all our wells up north are going to close/ Including canadian wells

Makes 0 fucking sense

The idiot is spewing a retarded Dem talking point. Dems can't win on the issues so they lie and claim Republicans want dirty air and water...WHILE its Dems who are fouling the air and water with their big cities cramming people together like sardines obliterating the environment as the spread out from their epicenter of environment destruction.

Yea i'm a democrat bud


I'm a real natinoalist

Not a pretend one who is really workign for the chamber of commerce and fucking israel

stay woke you dumb ****

You fucking whtie trash pleb nationalists are the worst. What teh fuck do you know about national prerogatives or power generally? You don't know a fucking thing. Worrying about oil in 2020 of all fucking years....Christ

Canadian oil
Ahhh. It's all THE JOOOS fault.
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.
in 2020 republicans don't even support clean air or water

what the fuck are you talking about/

Trump talks like he does

That's not what his EPA does, this pipeline being a great example. What the fuck do we need a sand tar pipe for when teh Saudis are pushing the price of a barrel so low all our wells up north are going to close/ Including canadian wells

Makes 0 fucking sense

The idiot is spewing a retarded Dem talking point. Dems can't win on the issues so they lie and claim Republicans want dirty air and water...WHILE its Dems who are fouling the air and water with their big cities cramming people together like sardines obliterating the environment as the spread out from their epicenter of environment destruction.

Yea i'm a democrat bud


I'm a real natinoalist

Not a pretend one who is really workign for the chamber of commerce and fucking israel

stay woke you dumb ****

You fucking whtie trash pleb nationalists are the worst. What teh fuck do you know about national perogatives or power generally? You don't know a fucking thing. Worrying about oil in 2020 of all fucking years....Christ

Canadian oil

LMAO care to debate which side is doing real damage to the environment? I'm guessing no, not surprised as I'd kick your ass and you'd end up running home to your momma crying.
Outraged Westerners look to Trump after Obama's EPA refuses to pay claims from Gold King Mine spill
LMAO care to debate which side is doing real damage to the environment? I'm guessing no, not surprised as I'd kick your ass and you'd end up running home to your momma crying.
i'm a 200 pound brown man who does well in modern education I assure you i'd curb stomp you

Wow. 200 pounds. Is that your idea of "big?" I doubt I'd even feel your punches. I could pick you up, spin you around and throw you. :lmao:

200 with no fat is a lotta dude

Outside real giants i'll go at you, lol

Mike tyson is in my weight class
internet tough guy.jpg
LMAO care to debate which side is doing real damage to the environment? I'm guessing no, not surprised as I'd kick your ass and you'd end up running home to your momma crying.
i'm a 200 pound brown man who does well in modern education I assure you i'd curb stomp you

Wow. 200 pounds. Is that your idea of "big?" I doubt I'd even feel your punches. I could pick you up, spin you around and throw you. :lmao:

200 with no fat is a lotta dude

Outside real giants i'll go at you, lol

Mike tyson is in my weight class
View attachment 387479

REAL tough guys don't go around calling attention to themselves calling themselves tough guys.
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.
in 2020 republicans don't even support clean air or water

what the fuck are you talking about/

Trump talks like he does

That's not what his EPA does, this pipeline being a great example. What the fuck do we need a sand tar pipe for when teh Saudis are pushing the price of a barrel so low all our wells up north are going to close/ Including canadian wells

Makes 0 fucking sense

You are the liar.

President Donald Trump has taken historically unprecedented action to roll back a slew of environmental regulations that protect air, water, land and public health from climate change and fossil fuel pollution.

The administration has targeted about 85 environmental rules, according to Harvard Law School’s rollback tracker."

One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?

Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.
If you were that concerned about the environment why are you leaving your carbon foot print here?

Whether you like it or not, Trump is not a environmentalist.
PROGS don't know how to do stuff. Perhaps maybe music and art still, but they're a shell of themselves of what were once "liberals".
LMAO care to debate which side is doing real damage to the environment? I'm guessing no, not surprised as I'd kick your ass and you'd end up running home to your momma crying.
i'm a 200 pound brown man who does well in modern education I assure you i'd curb stomp you

Wow. 200 pounds. Is that your idea of "big?" I doubt I'd even feel your punches. I could pick you up, spin you around and throw you. :lmao:

200 with no fat is a lotta dude

Outside real giants i'll go at you, lol

Mike tyson is in my weight class
View attachment 387479

*looks at your avatar*

*looks at your response*

You seem to care dave

I don't know why considering i wasn't talking to you, lol
Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!!
But you knew that already.
Yup..goes to terminals then loaded into oil tankers. 'I love the poorly educated' - D. Trump
crashing the economy by superfailing the pandemic response is great for the environment. so he did it on purpose?

Having an out-of-control killer virus in the US also hurt illegal immigration.... Trump's playing checkers while the rest of us are playing tic-tac-toe.
LMAO care to debate which side is doing real damage to the environment? I'm guessing no, not surprised as I'd kick your ass and you'd end up running home to your momma crying.
i'm a 200 pound brown man who does well in modern education I assure you i'd curb stomp you

Wow. 200 pounds. Is that your idea of "big?" I doubt I'd even feel your punches. I could pick you up, spin you around and throw you. :lmao:

200 with no fat is a lotta dude

Outside real giants i'll go at you, lol

Mike tyson is in my weight class
View attachment 387479

*looks at your avatar*

*looks at your response*

You seem to care dave

I don't know why considering i wasn't talking to you, lol
Free speech is a bitch, kid.
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.
in 2020 republicans don't even support clean air or water

what the fuck are you talking about/

Trump talks like he does

That's not what his EPA does, this pipeline being a great example. What the fuck do we need a sand tar pipe for when teh Saudis are pushing the price of a barrel so low all our wells up north are going to close/ Including canadian wells

Makes 0 fucking sense

The idiot is spewing a retarded Dem talking point. Dems can't win on the issues so they lie and claim Republicans want dirty air and water...WHILE its Dems who are fouling the air and water with their big cities cramming people together like sardines obliterating the environment as the spread out from their epicenter of environment destruction.

Yea i'm a democrat bud


I'm a real natinoalist

Not a pretend one who is really workign for the chamber of commerce and fucking israel

stay woke you dumb ****

You fucking whtie trash pleb nationalists are the worst. What teh fuck do you know about national perogatives or power generally? You don't know a fucking thing. Worrying about oil in 2020 of all fucking years....Christ

Canadian oil

LMAO care to debate which side is doing real damage to the environment? I'm guessing no, not surprised as I'd kick your ass and you'd end up running home to your momma crying.
Outraged Westerners look to Trump after Obama's EPA refuses to pay claims from Gold King Mine spill

But but but Republicans want dirty air and water :206: and Trump...something :aargh:
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.
in 2020 republicans don't even support clean air or water

what the fuck are you talking about/

Trump talks like he does

That's not what his EPA does, this pipeline being a great example. What the fuck do we need a sand tar pipe for when teh Saudis are pushing the price of a barrel so low all our wells up north are going to close/ Including canadian wells

Makes 0 fucking sense

You are the liar.

President Donald Trump has taken historically unprecedented action to roll back a slew of environmental regulations that protect air, water, land and public health from climate change and fossil fuel pollution.

The administration has targeted about 85 environmental rules, according to Harvard Law School’s rollback tracker."

Well the Dem's environmental regulations don't seem to be working well in Dem run cities in Dem run states. The places are a shithole of habitat destruction and filth. Why don't Dems clean up their damn mess they don't need a regulation to force them to.
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?

Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.
If you were that concerned about the environment why are you leaving your carbon foot print here?

Whether you like it or not, Trump is not a environmentalist.
I know attention span is questionable but here is a simple question.
Which is a bigger number: 1,000,000 barrels traveling one mile on the ocean or 700 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land?
I know that is very simple but can you honestly answer... Which is a bigger number?

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