Which is it Obama ? You are NOT being honest....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama in giving the below speech clearly CLEARLY says
"There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."
Obama?s Health Care Speech

So why then if the ACA was to help as Obama said.."We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

Did Obama NOT know what the Census bureau included when it clearly states:
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage (Numbers in thousands)
U.S. 46,340,000
Not a citizen 9,936,000

So why would IF ACA was NOT to cover illegal immigrants as Obama said..
Did he allow the Census to include in the table 9,936,000 that are not citizens?
But HE continues to use the number "46 million uninsured" WHEN HE KNOWS as anyone else does when reading the census table these are NOT people counted as part of the "NATION"!!!

There is no clearer example of how Obama will continue to make fools out of people that still believe there were 46 million when ACA was passed by only 7 voters who believed that number!
Another "Which is it???

In an apparent reversal of his past campaign statements, President Barack Obama told Fox News's Bill O'Reilly in a Sunday interview that he does not believe in fundamentally transforming America.
O'Reilly read Obama a question from a viewer who asked,
"Mr. President, why do you feel it is necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"
"I don't think we need to fundamentally transform the nation," said Obama.

"But those are your words," explained O'Reilly.
"I think what we have to do is make sure that here in America, if you work hard, you can get ahead," said Obama.
On October 30, 2008, then-candidate Obama said at a Columbia, Missouri, campaign event,
"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

Obama: 'I Don't Think We Need to Fundamentally Transform the Nation'
So where then are the honest people like you and me calling on Obama to clarify his contradictions?

Specifically regarding the totally dishonest use of 10 million illegal citizens in the 46 million meme!

If OBAMA SAYS they are not to be part of ACA then they should NOT be counted as part of the 46 million!

And furthermore, if Medicaid had done a better job UNDER EXISTING laws before ACA there would be another 14 million deducted from the 46 supposedly uninsured!

The gross mischaracterization of the number of truly uninsured helped pass ACA NEEDLESSLY!

We should ask even conservatives WHY are they using 46 million uninsured when reality is there are less then 4 million that want, need but can't get insurance..not 46 million!
So where then are the honest people like you and me calling on Obama to clarify his contradictions?

Specifically regarding the totally dishonest use of 10 million illegal citizens in the 46 million meme!

If OBAMA SAYS they are not to be part of ACA then they should NOT be counted as part of the 46 million!

And furthermore, if Medicaid had done a better job UNDER EXISTING laws before ACA there would be another 14 million deducted from the 46 supposedly uninsured!

The gross mischaracterization of the number of truly uninsured helped pass ACA NEEDLESSLY!

We should ask even conservatives WHY are they using 46 million uninsured when reality is there are less then 4 million that want, need but can't get insurance..not 46 million!
Let us try to remember that the writers of this were counting on YOUNG PEOPLE to carry this...They aren't signing on in the numbers they thought...Only getting mostly older people getting Medicare/Medicaid...and millions being pushed off their plans altogether.
So where then are the honest people like you and me calling on Obama to clarify his contradictions?

Specifically regarding the totally dishonest use of 10 million illegal citizens in the 46 million meme!

If OBAMA SAYS they are not to be part of ACA then they should NOT be counted as part of the 46 million!

And furthermore, if Medicaid had done a better job UNDER EXISTING laws before ACA there would be another 14 million deducted from the 46 supposedly uninsured!

The gross mischaracterization of the number of truly uninsured helped pass ACA NEEDLESSLY!

We should ask even conservatives WHY are they using 46 million uninsured when reality is there are less then 4 million that want, need but can't get insurance..not 46 million!
Have you ever tried getting the truth out of a dope addict - you can't unless you offer them some dope. :eusa_liar: Obama :eusa_liar:
So where then are the honest people like you and me calling on Obama to clarify his contradictions?

Specifically regarding the totally dishonest use of 10 million illegal citizens in the 46 million meme!

If OBAMA SAYS they are not to be part of ACA then they should NOT be counted as part of the 46 million!

And furthermore, if Medicaid had done a better job UNDER EXISTING laws before ACA there would be another 14 million deducted from the 46 supposedly uninsured!

The gross mischaracterization of the number of truly uninsured helped pass ACA NEEDLESSLY!

We should ask even conservatives WHY are they using 46 million uninsured when reality is there are less then 4 million that want, need but can't get insurance..not 46 million!
Let us try to remember that the writers of this were counting on YOUNG PEOPLE to carry this...They aren't signing on in the numbers they thought...Only getting mostly older people getting Medicare/Medicaid...and millions being pushed off their plans altogether.

But there NEVER were 46 million!
14 million are already eligible for Medicaid so what the f..k are we doing with ACA if we couldn't get these 14 million who all they needed to do was register.. destroy health care for the rest of US?

The bullshit about the "younger people" is wrong. They don't need to buy it to make it work!
Do you know the single biggest cost driver according to doctors is the $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc. they order because THEY FEAR LAWSUITS!
Think about it! Ins.companies /Medicare PAY these claims! It is simpler. Then the costs are passed on in higher premiums, thus reducing the number of people that can afford it!

TAX THE F...king lawyers like ACA taxes tanning salons as they said they cause skin cancer! Well lawyers cause the $850 billion a year!
Then take the truly 4 million that are not able to get insurance and with the $27 billion in lawyers tax on their $270 billion pay a $5,000 premium for each of the uninsured!
THAT's it!
Peg the decline in tax rate to decline in the $850 billion!
THEN see how quickly premiums start to decline because the majority of people don't seem to know that STATE insurance regulators must pay on premiums or companies can't sell.
Part of the passing on premiums is known as Medical liability ratio which averages about 80% of every dollar in premium. These f..king idiots having NO concept of insurance financing said has to be 85%!
Well these dumb f..ks just priced insurance companies out of business because states require reserves for future claims. Reserves come from profits! If 85% goes to claims and 15% goes to overhead..
NO Profits... no reserves!

This is the very fundamental problem with the vast majority of people! THEY DON"T understand this and as a result sure sounds good no more pre-existing conditions.. 85% paid out in claims.
Well dummies! You are doing what ass hole wanted when he said he preferred single payer! But this dumb f...k didn't realized insurance companies pay $100 billion a year in taxes!
Employ 400,000 people! So if Obama's preference as he clearly states is a single payer.. WHAT HaPPENS to the $100 billion in tax revenue per year and 400,000 employees???
NEVER thought about that!

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