Which is more likely an explanation of the 2020 election

Which Scenario is more likely?

  • Scenario 1

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Scenario 2

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
1. The states were given the 20m doses. It was their job to get shots in arms. You want Trump to wipe everyone's ass too?

actually, I want him to do his job...which is to manage national emergencies.

2. Trump stopped Chinese traveling from China to the US and democrats called him "xenophobic". US travelers from China needed to quarantine. It my understanding that NY and other states were actually infected more from the EU and not China. You can thank Trump for minimizing the infections in spite of China's and the WHO's misinformation.

Except that they didn't quarantine... that was the point. Instead, they rushed back here in a panic and brought the disease with them.

3. LOL!! Same as the cities where the Js are happy to exploit them and keep them on the urban plantations voting democrat and in the public school holding pens.

Wow, the sad thing is you really believe that, Cleetus.
It's your side that cooked up this absurd hoax, out of an exaggerated flu bug, and used it as an excuse for Democrapic politicians to seize and abuse powers to which they had no claim, for their own gain, to the detriment of those they are supposed to be serving. It's your side that used this hoax to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy.

Your side totally owns this hoax, and all of its disastrous consequences.

It's hilarious that you really believe that your Underwear is magic, but proven scientific fact is a hoax, Mormon Bob.

This is kind of the problem with the Conservative Movement, it believes in mythology rather than fact.

That's why Trump supporters are behind a huge effort to censor their opposition, even to the point of attacking and shutting web sites that allow the opposing view to be expressed thereon, right?

It's not about opposing view, Mormon Bob. It's about inciting violence and spreading conspiracy theories.

Frankly, if anything, Twitter and Facebook are finally doing what they should have done years ago... but Parler refuses to which is no one will carry it.
1. The states were given the 20m doses. It was their job to get shots in arms. You want Trump to wipe everyone's ass too?

actually, I want him to do his job...which is to manage national emergencies.

2. Trump stopped Chinese traveling from China to the US and democrats called him "xenophobic". US travelers from China needed to quarantine. It my understanding that NY and other states were actually infected more from the EU and not China. You can thank Trump for minimizing the infections in spite of China's and the WHO's misinformation.

Except that they didn't quarantine... that was the point. Instead, they rushed back here in a panic and brought the disease with them.

3. LOL!! Same as the cities where the Js are happy to exploit them and keep them on the urban plantations voting democrat and in the public school holding pens.

Wow, the sad thing is you really believe that, Cleetus.
The problem is that you type shit that fits democrat talking points, but is total bullshit. Are you one of those CNN fake news writers?
1. Trump got the vaccines developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed in record time. He did his job well. You're welcome. If you want a few villains, look at the democrat governors.
2. They did quarantine. Stop lying.
3. All you have are lies Cleetus, and you have Biden's term coming up next, good luck spinning that disaster.
That's why Trump supporters are behind a huge effort to censor their opposition, even to the point of attacking and shutting web sites that allow the opposing view to be expressed thereon, right?

It's not about opposing view, Mormon Bob. It's about inciting violence and spreading conspiracy theories.

Frankly, if anything, Twitter and Facebook are finally doing what they should have done years ago... but Parler refuses to which is no one will carry it.

That's bullshit, and you know it.

That you defend such censorship of opposing views is prima facie proof that you, INCEL Joe, are full of shit, and that you know that you are full of shit, and that you know damn well that none of your positions can stand up to honest discussion. You know that you cannot win by presenting your positions, and allowing opposing view also to be expressed, that you can only “win” by cheating.

Someone who believes that he's right doesn't feel any need to censor opposing views. Only those who are lying benefit from censorship.

Everyone here knows, of course, that you're a lying piece of shit, so you're really not demonstrating anything new by showing us this particular proof of it.

It's hilarious that you really believe that your Underwear is magic, but proven scientific fact is a hoax, Mormon Bob.

Your “science” is the same bullshit that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman. Nothing to do with genuine science, other than being the most exact possible opposite of it.

And lying about what I believe does not help your case. But then lying is what you do. It's what you are. It'd be foolish of anyone to ever expect otherwise from you.

And I'm fairly confident that nobody here wants to hear of your faggot fantasies about other men's underwear. Isn't there some faggot forum somewhere to which you can take that shit?
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The problem is that you type shit that fits democrat talking points, but is total bullshit. Are you one of those CNN fake news writers?
1. Trump got the vaccines developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed in record time. He did his job well. You're welcome. If you want a few villains, look at the democrat governors.

Trump had months to come up with a plan and coordinate with the governors... he failed. Not to worry, Joe will get it straightened out.

2. They did quarantine. Stop lying.

You list a couple hundred. Hundreds of THOUSANDS of people returned from China in the first weeks of the virus, and they brought the virus with them. But they were white, so it was okay.
That's bullshit, and you know it.

That you defend such censorship of opposing views is prima facie proof that you, INCEL Joe, are full of shit, and that you know that you are full of shit, and that you know damn well that none of your positions can stand up to honest discussion. You know that you cannot win by presenting your positions, and allowing opposing view also to be expressed, that you can only “win” by cheating.

Uh, I was on facebook this morning. The few right wing friends I haven't blocked in the last year are still posting the same crazy bullshit they always post. There is no censorship of right wing views.

What you can't do is incite violence... and they'll probably back down on that in a couple of weeks.

Your “science” is the same bullshit that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman. Nothing to do with genuine science, other than being the most exact possible opposite of it.

Oh, noes, do you have nightmares about Bruce Jenner in a leather Teddy? Did you stain your magic underwear again?

And lying about what I believe does not help your case. But then lying is what you do. It's what you are. It'd be foolish of anyone to ever expect otherwise from you.

Again, still waiting for you to tell me what I've said about Mormon beliefs that is incorrect, other than, "You make us sound silly when you say it like that!"

Yes, Magic Underwear is silly. Baptizing Dead People is silly. Most people give you all a pass because you go around with those silly smiles trying to lure unwary people into your cult. I don't.

And I'm fairly confident that nobody here wants to hear of your faggot fantasies about other men's underwear. Isn't there some faggot forum somewhere to which you can take that shit?

Dude, you are the only one who obsesses about my sex life. A couple of years ago, you insisted I was gay... not you are insisting I don't date... I'm not sure why you keep obsessing, but man, you are going to ruin your magic underwear and then you'll never get into the Celestial Heaven to rule your own planet.
The problem is that you type shit that fits democrat talking points, but is total bullshit. Are you one of those CNN fake news writers?
1. Trump got the vaccines developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed in record time. He did his job well. You're welcome. If you want a few villains, look at the democrat governors.

Trump had months to come up with a plan and coordinate with the governors... he failed. Not to worry, Joe will get it straightened out.

2. They did quarantine. Stop lying.

You list a couple hundred. Hundreds of THOUSANDS of people returned from China in the first weeks of the virus, and they brought the virus with them. But they were white, so it was okay.
1. LOL!! Joe has no clue WTF he's doing. Even the stupid democrat governors are starting "super sites" to get more shots in arms, its about fucking time. They should have done that from the start. p.s. which state was so stupid that they had to discard vaccine? (NY)

2. Liar. I proved my point. Put up a post proving your point. You can't. ALL returnees from China were required to quarantine, period.
1. LOL!! Joe has no clue WTF he's doing. Even the stupid democrat governors are starting "super sites" to get more shots in arms, its about fucking time. They should have done that from the start. p.s. which state was so stupid that they had to discard vaccine? (NY)

Probably most of them had... the thing is, this vaccine has a shelf-life once it's taken out of the icebox.

When I was at my sister's house an Christmas Eve, her son-in-law who is a cop in one of the Burbs said there was a big scramble to get shots to first responders, because they would crack out some vaccine, and half the people who needed it didn't show up. A lot of the problem is that when you tell your cultists the virus is a "Hoax", which Trump has done, they aren't going to be lining up to get their shots.

2. Liar. I proved my point. Put up a post proving your point. You can't. ALL returnees from China were required to quarantine, period.

Flights continued this past week, the data show, with passengers traveling from Beijing to Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, under rules that exempt Americans and some others from the clampdown that took effect on Feb. 2. In all, 279 flights from China have arrived in the United States since then, and screening procedures have been uneven, interviews show.

“I was surprised at how lax the whole process was,” said Andrew Wu, 31, who landed at Los Angeles International Airport on a flight from Beijing on March 10. “The guy I spoke to read down a list of questions, and he didn’t seem interested in checking out anything.”

Sabrina Fitch, 23, flew from China to Kennedy International Airport in New York on March 23. She and the 40 or so other passengers had their temperature taken twice while en route and were required to fill out forms about their travels and health, she said.
Scenario-1: the MSM and their fake polls predicted the democrats would win in a big blue wave. The fact is that the GOP didn't lose a House seat, the democrats lost (12) seats. The polls showed that the (14) GOP senators up for election were vulnerable, fact is that the GOP lost (3) seats, two by their own stupidity by running Doug Collins against Loeffler splitting the GOP vote. Fact is Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016, that shows amazing popularity. So how did he lose?

Because Biden got more votes. That's why Trump lost.

The fact that the GOP won back seats in districts they lost in 2018 that were gerrymandered to favor Republicans doesn't mean that much.

And, no, nobody said 14 Republicans were vulnerable. Everyone knew that Doug Jones was going to lose in AL, the Dems picked up four senate seats in states they won. The only real surprise was that Susan Collins survived, but she only did so because she ran as far away from Trump as she could.

You honestly believe that Biden got more votes than Obama did?? Whoo boy if you believe that than you are a fool.

Trump was leading in one state by 700,000 votes and he led in the other contested states as well. Do you really believe that every vote that came in after that 700,000 was for Biden?? How realistic is that. It isn't.

This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. GOP watchers kicked out of counting houses. Paper put up so no one could see in. Dominion machines taking Trump votes and giving them to Biden. That one was caught. How many weren't caught? Ballots arriving in the middle of the night after the counters were gone. Boxes of ballots under shelves. Honest my ass.

A stolen election.
1. LOL!! Joe has no clue WTF he's doing. Even the stupid democrat governors are starting "super sites" to get more shots in arms, its about fucking time. They should have done that from the start. p.s. which state was so stupid that they had to discard vaccine? (NY)

Probably most of them had... the thing is, this vaccine has a shelf-life once it's taken out of the icebox.

When I was at my sister's house an Christmas Eve, her son-in-law who is a cop in one of the Burbs said there was a big scramble to get shots to first responders, because they would crack out some vaccine, and half the people who needed it didn't show up. A lot of the problem is that when you tell your cultists the virus is a "Hoax", which Trump has done, they aren't going to be lining up to get their shots.

2. Liar. I proved my point. Put up a post proving your point. You can't. ALL returnees from China were required to quarantine, period.

Flights continued this past week, the data show, with passengers traveling from Beijing to Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, under rules that exempt Americans and some others from the clampdown that took effect on Feb. 2. In all, 279 flights from China have arrived in the United States since then, and screening procedures have been uneven, interviews show.

“I was surprised at how lax the whole process was,” said Andrew Wu, 31, who landed at Los Angeles International Airport on a flight from Beijing on March 10. “The guy I spoke to read down a list of questions, and he didn’t seem interested in checking out anything.”

Sabrina Fitch, 23, flew from China to Kennedy International Airport in New York on March 23. She and the 40 or so other passengers had their temperature taken twice while en route and were required to fill out forms about their travels and health, she said.
1. True, the first doses were intended for first responders and healthcare workers, and nursing homes. If they didn't show up, that's on them, not Trump. Anyone who doesn't believe that Guam will capsize knows how serious covod-19 is, yet Cuomo expressed doubt that the "Trump" vaccine was safe and effective. Stupid fuckwad. Now he knows that shutting down the state was a dumb idea.

2. Your article specifically states "before Trump stopped flights from China", which proves nothing, those potential infections are on China and the WHO.
You honestly believe that Biden got more votes than Obama did?? Whoo boy if you believe that than you are a fool.

There were more voters this time, AND the election was more tightly run. There weren't huge turnouts in 2008 or 2012 because the elections weren't really contested. Even Republicans weren't thrilled with their candidates.

In terms of percentages - Biden got about the same percentage range as Obama did, Trump got the same percentage range that Romney and McCain did.

If anything is hard for me to beleive, it's that after killing 400,000 people, losing 65 million jobs, and generally making a mess of things, Trump got 11 million more votes than he did in 2016.

Trump was leading in one state by 700,000 votes and he led in the other contested states as well. Do you really believe that every vote that came in after that 700,000 was for Biden?? How realistic is that. It isn't.

Actually, it was very realistic, because those states counted the in-person votes before counting the mail in votes. The rural area finished counting before them more heavily populated urban areas. In fact, everyone predicted that would be the case, which is why no one called those states, not even Fox News.

This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. GOP watchers kicked out of counting houses. Paper put up so no one could see in. Dominion machines taking Trump votes and giving them to Biden. That one was caught. How many weren't caught? Ballots arriving in the middle of the night after the counters were gone. Boxes of ballots under shelves. Honest my ass.

Every last one of those stories have been debunked.

Most of those claims were never brought to court because they were fraudulent. The few that were were rejected.
1. True, the first doses were intended for first responders and healthcare workers, and nursing homes. If they didn't show up, that's on them, not Trump. Anyone who doesn't believe that Guam will capsize knows how serious covod-19 is, yet Cuomo expressed doubt that the "Trump" vaccine was safe and effective. Stupid fuckwad. Now he knows that shutting down the state was a dumb idea.

A lot of people had doubts that a vaccine Trump was trying to roll out before the election would be safe, but oddly, the people who have the biggest doubts about a vaccine are Trump supporters.

2. Your article specifically states "before Trump stopped flights from China", which proves nothing, those potential infections are on China and the WHO.

Nope, they're really on Trump. He should have kept American from coming back or quarantined them when they did. He didn't do that.
I went with #1. I believe the Republicans shot themselves in the foot playing the election fraud strategy they decided upon in late 2019. It energized the Democrats, in particular blacks and women. Once the GOP really began crying about it back in the summer the election became interesting.
If anything is hard for me to beleive [sic], it's that after killing 400,000 people, losing 65 million jobs, and generally making a mess of things…

Every sane person understands that that number, now claimed to be 400,000, is a huge exaggeration, crafted by counting many, many deaths as #CoronaHoax2020 deaths that were really from other causes. It is amazing how many ignorant cretins such as yourself continue to parrot this absurd hyperbole.

As for job loses, again, it is your side that totally owns that. It is yearly side that exploited the #CoronaHoax as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, shitting down businesses and throwing people out of work, as well as stripping the people of essential First Amendment freedoms of religion and assembly.
Every sane person understands that that number, now claimed to be 400,000, is a huge exaggeration, crafted by counting many, many deaths as #CoronaHoax2020 deaths that were really from other causes. It is amazing how many ignorant cretins such as yourself continue to parrot this absurd hyperbole.

Actually, if anything, the number is probably higher. Probably a lot of deaths that happened that weren't diagnosed or attributed to something else.

You do understand the concept of Co-morbidity, right? That if you are sick and a disease kills you, it was because the disease took advantage of your weakened condition.

As for job loses, again, it is your side that totally owns that. It is yearly side that exploited the #CoronaHoax as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, shitting{sic} down businesses and throwing people out of work, as well as stripping the people of essential First Amendment freedoms of religion and assembly.

Yes, groveling in front of an imaginary fairy in the sky is more important than saving lives. Nice to see you have your messed up Priorities...

Seriously, you think that if God were decent, he'd give you all a pass...

Anyway... the economy was heading into recession long before Trump got there. His unnecessary trade war with China messed up supply chains, as did the disease itself.
Very few are stupid/delusional/dishonest enough to claim that stripping us of our basic freedoms of religion or assembly was being done for the purpose, or with the effect, of saving lives.

That's suit plain batshit crazy, to believe or to claim that.

Look, man, I realize being in a cult, you just can't go ten minutes without groveling in front of your imaginary Sky Pixie. But, um, yeah, when you have a deadly virus, sticking hundreds of people in a room for an hour breathing on each other is a really, really bad idea.

Right. The economic disaster that we are experiences has nothing at all to do with the fact that government forced businesses to shut down, and forced people out of their jobs, all over lies and exaggerations about an overhyped flu bug.

Actually, businesses largely took those measures on their own... without prompting from the Government. Company I was consulting for back in January sent everyone to work from home weeks before Gov. Pritzker shut down the state.

Of course, they were already having supply chain issues because Trump kept screwing with supply chain from China and Mexico.
1. True, the first doses were intended for first responders and healthcare workers, and nursing homes. If they didn't show up, that's on them, not Trump. Anyone who doesn't believe that Guam will capsize knows how serious covod-19 is, yet Cuomo expressed doubt that the "Trump" vaccine was safe and effective. Stupid fuckwad. Now he knows that shutting down the state was a dumb idea.

A lot of people had doubts that a vaccine Trump was trying to roll out before the election would be safe, but oddly, the people who have the biggest doubts about a vaccine are Trump supporters.

2. Your article specifically states "before Trump stopped flights from China", which proves nothing, those potential infections are on China and the WHO.

Nope, they're really on Trump. He should have kept American from coming back or quarantined them when they did. He didn't do that.
1. Total bullshit with no proof.
2. Yep. I showed you the link proving my point.
Thanks for playing.
1. Total bullshit with no proof.
2. Yep. I showed you the link proving my point.
Thanks for playing.

You showed they quarantined a few dozen people while thousands got in...

Racist travel bans didn't stop the spread of the virus.
1. Total bullshit with no proof.
2. Yep. I showed you the link proving my point.
Thanks for playing.

You showed they quarantined a few dozen people while thousands got in...

Racist travel bans didn't stop the spread of the virus.
You keep lying, why? You know I'm gonna call bullshit.
1. They quarantined everyone, I showed you the link. The travel ban was not racist, its basic social distancing, duh.
What was "racist" about it? (hint: nothing, but the race card is all democrats have)

2. Xiden rejoined the lying WHO, the ones who actually caused the pandemic to spread.
They told Trump that there was no human-human transmission
But, um, yeah, when you have a deadly virus, sticking hundreds of people in a room for an hour breathing on each other is a really, really bad idea.

It's one thing to be a worthless, cowardly, Gillettized pussy, hiding in your mom's basement out of fear of catching an overhyped flu bug.

It is very much another thing to demand that others do likewise.

The latter is what has done great damage to our economy, to our culture, and to our society as a whole.


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