which is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt? poll

which of he following is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt?

  • the fact that Crooks got on the roof unseen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the fact there were no Secret Service on the roof

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a water tower nearby, but no SS there--could easily have picked off Crooks early

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crooks allegedly had foreign contacts/accounts (still don't know details on that one?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • there is no excuse for what happened & more people in SS than Cheatle should be fired

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • people were shouting about a man w/ gun on roof but were at first ignored

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not troubled because I have TDS & don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
which is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt?

Oh wait. I forgot something:

The fact we aren't getting any further information. I guess I'm used to that..
Last edited:
Ignored Member arrives! I'm shocked. Why would a leftist bother with this topic.. Oh, wait, maybe he chose the last option listed.. Let's see...

Nope, he didn't admit to having TDS (most people I put on Ignore have that disorder) so.. To take off ignore or not to take off?

decisions, decisions.............

Whether it is nobler in mind..
I say it's the fact that Trump cultists are using the fact that one of their own went bad as an excuse to demand even more violence against liberals.
Aren't any intelligent folks interested in discussing this?

I say it is Issue of the Month/Year
If Trump is actually starting to come apart, the early indications will be him dropping the pretense that he's defending democracy.

He may not be, but his speech that included his 'not a Christian' mistake sounded a lot like the onset of paranoia taking over.

Everything about Kamala's person and demeanour could be more than Trump can handle!

Especially if she's being schooled by mental health professionals on how to deal with his psychopathy!

If Trump can't make an antiwar tact to work then he's likely going to have to resort to extremist tactics.
Aren't any intelligent folks interested in discussing this?

I say it is Issue of the Month/Year
It is yes.

The answer "all of the above" is the most obviously correct.

Most troubling of all is that this clearly appears to be what I call "a soft setup."

It was not a setup in the sense that the Secret Service knew about the threat in advance and deliberately allowed the assassination attempt to happen.

Rather, it was a culture among the leadership that Donald Trump's life is not as important to the nation as, for example, Jill Biden's. They are very strong anti-Trumpers, who not only see Trump as the opposition candidate, but a dire threat to everything their professional lives revolve around. With that attitude, it is no wonder that security for Trump was allowed to lapse.

If the attempt had succeeded, and Trup had died, there would have been chaos in the nation. We've often speculated about what would cause those on the right of the political spectrum to finally take to the streets with the same violent actions that the left frequently uses. I think this would have been it.

Why would the federal government, including Alejandro Mayorkas, Cheatle's boss, want that? What better excuse for them to enact Martial Law in all but name? What better excuse for them to futher collude with Big Tech to stifle free speech that bothers them?

That's my concern, that and the fact that Democrats don't give up on ideas like this. It may well happen again, and we've been given no reason to think that whoever took over from Cheatle will be any different.
He may not be, but his speech that included his 'not a Christian' mistake sounded a lot like the onset of paranoia taking over.
That's what I thought he said until I listened to it at half speed. Then it's obvious that he said "I'm a Christian." Having said that, I'm not convinced that he's a Christian. I've suspected him of being a crypto-Jew for almost 10 years.
which is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt?

That the target bullet narrowly missing Trump did not ricochet off
the metal flag pole behind Trump and hit the SS agent who
worked in tandem with Crooks to make this happen
squarely between the eyes instead.


Which is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt?

The fact that such a poorly organised and executed False Flag has still fooled so many gullible Sheeple and Normies
The fact that such a poorly organised and executed False Flag has still fooled so many gullible Sheeple and Normies

Probably because you still have not regaled us with your VAST insider information to better inform us hoi polloi.


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