Zone1 Which Mary Should Catholic Women follow?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
A new study has revealed that Gen Z is the first generation where more women are leaving religion than men. This shocking flip in the gender divide is another mile marker that women are on the wrong path.

I recently published the book The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us to navigate and understand contemporary trends among women. I argued that feminism from the beginning has promoted an ideology that undermines faith and family. Several critiques have voiced disappointment that the book did not include a robust endorsement of Mary Wollstonecraft as a model for today’s women.

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Which Mary Should Catholic Women Follow?
A new study has revealed that Gen Z is the first generation where more women are leaving religion than men. This shocking flip in the gender divide is another mile marker that women are on the wrong path.

I recently published the book The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us to navigate and understand contemporary trends among women. I argued that feminism from the beginning has promoted an ideology that undermines faith and family. Several critiques have voiced disappointment that the book did not include a robust endorsement of Mary Wollstonecraft as a model for today’s women.

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Which Mary Should Catholic Women Follow?
The one whose name is spelled "Merry"?
A new study has revealed that Gen Z is the first generation where more women are leaving religion than men. This shocking flip in the gender divide is another mile marker that women are on the wrong path.

I recently published the book The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us to navigate and understand contemporary trends among women. I argued that feminism from the beginning has promoted an ideology that undermines faith and family. Several critiques have voiced disappointment that the book did not include a robust endorsement of Mary Wollstonecraft as a model for today’s women.

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Which Mary Should Catholic Women Follow?
Good... women are learning that religion is just a bit of a con.
I argued that feminism from the beginning has promoted an ideology that undermines faith and family.

- the events and opening scene of the 1st century began w/ the heavenly ordained couple not willing to live the life of servitude and denial made by the liar moses and their false commandments ...

and concluded w/ those very commandments putting to death the heavenly inspired exemplar and their message of liberation theology, self determination.

instead chosing the false religion of christianity.
- the events and opening scene of the 1st century began w/ the heavenly ordained couple not willing to live the life of servitude and denial made by the liar moses and their false commandments ...

and concluded w/ those very commandments putting to death the heavenly inspired exemplar and their message of liberation theology, self determination.

instead chosing the false religion of christianity.
The devil couldn't have put it any better. :omg:
A new study has revealed that Gen Z is the first generation where more women are leaving religion than men. This shocking flip in the gender divide is another mile marker that women are on the wrong path. ...

Why do you always concentrate yourselve to bullshit when you try to think about god and his church? 70% of all active Catholics are women. When the Vatican decided that women have not even the right to be diacons - in the 21st century they decided this!!! - the Vatican frustrated all this active women. That's how the leading male idiots try to tranform the Holy Church who indeed nearly always fought in history for women and their rights. If you not criticize us Catholic men but only our beloved women then you criticize Catholics from an anti-Catholic point of view. If you don't know: God is not only our all father - he is also our all mother. If we make something wrong then we make it all together wrong. Perhaps our time to die came - perhaps it did not come. Only god knows. Pray for us. Pray that we all together always will be in god.

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Why do you always concentrate yourselve to bullöshit when you try to think about god? 70% of all active Catholics are women. When the Vatican decided that women have not even the right to be diacons the Vatican frsutarte all this active women, That's how the leading male idiots tranform the Holy Church who nearly always fought in history for women. If y0ui cioctocize atyc8a9suicns rghne you alwas criticize Catholics from an anti-Catholic point of view. IOf you dponT know: God is not onlx our all father - he is also our all mother.
Open the link it is not a anti-catholic source. Open the link and see what the source and from which point of view it is. I think you are anti-catholic saying women should be ordained, that is anti-catholic.
- the events and opening scene of the 1st century began w/ the heavenly ordained couple not willing to live the life of servitude and denial made by the liar moses and their false commandments ...

and concluded w/ those very commandments putting to death the heavenly inspired exemplar and their message of liberation theology, self determination.

instead chosing the false religion of christianity.

Eh? Because you have not any light idea what you really try to speak about this what you do not like to understand and so you also do not try to understand is wrong? Is this really an argument?
The Christian religion came like a soft warm rain into a dry cold dessert and suddenly was clear what many of the Greek philosophers (often called "atheists") tried to find out since a very long time. Suddenly "to be born" was more than only an evilwilling joke of fantasy gods who not really existed in the way they had been imagined before. Suddenly to live made sense and was not only a reason for neverending depressions any longer.
Mortimer - that you are an idiot on the way to god is okay. But do not try to be an evilwilling and defaming idiot. This hurts some rules which are not made from us.
Im not evil, and defaming. Im also not a idiot. It is just the truth. Im sorry you hate the truth and are now condenscending somehow. You are the one who who wants to transform the truth into the lie. That is Satan, but you have another role then just destruction from outside, you come from inside with lies and mask yourself like the wolf in sheepclothes you speak about "love" and tolerance but love does not delight in evil but rejoices the truth 1 Corinthians 13:6.
"to be born" was more than only an evilwilling joke of fantasy gods who not really existed in the way they had been imagined before.

that is exactly the result of the crucifixions intent -

rather than liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus the crucifiers, desert religions of servitude and denial became their foremost accomplishment the denial of the heavens and has been since that time to the present.

Which Mary Should Catholic Women follow?​

Mary Magdalene


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