Which moderator would you most like to see naked

Which moderator would you most like to see naked?

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So why do you even post on this board, seriously. You never talk about politics. You hang out in the sewer trying to get attention from the rats and you post pictures of half naked ladies. That's all you really ever do around here. Lol! I think it's quite obvious that you aren't the least bit interested in politics. Hmmm.
Again, old lady, it's all been posted. And remember, Admin approached ME and ASKED ME to mod this board...my earlier post will prove why. You're finger broke? :D
So why do you even post on this board, seriously. You never talk about politics. You hang out in the sewer trying to get attention from the rats and you post pictures of half naked ladies. That's all you really ever do around here. Lol! I think it's quite obvious that you aren't the least bit interested in politics. Hmmm.
Again, old lady, it's all been posted. And remember, Admin approached ME and ASKED ME to mod this board...my earlier post will prove why. You're finger broke? :D

Come on. Calling me old. I look 20 years younger than you at least. Even you must realize this. :D You must smoke or drink or something because you look old, mean and nasty like a used up old hole.
I look 20 years younger than you at least.
Is that why you post uber fuzzy badly photoshopped pix of yourself? To look 20 years younger? :lol: Rember old hag, there is only a 4 year age dif betwen us...be real for once.
Poor old girl. :(
So why do you even post on this board, seriously. You never talk about politics. You hang out in the sewer trying to get attention from the rats and you post pictures of half naked ladies. That's all you really ever do around here. Lol! I think it's quite obvious that you aren't the least bit interested in politics. Hmmm.
Again, old lady, it's all been posted. And remember, Admin approached ME and ASKED ME to mod this board...my earlier post will prove why. You're finger broke? :D

Still waiting for this big something you threatened to do to me when you were no longer a mod. What was this big plan of yours anyway? Get your skank friends in the skank zone to pile on if I post there? Something like that I assume. :D Remember, you said just wait? Still waiting. So far nothing notable. :D Lol.
I look 20 years younger than you at least.
Is that why you post uber fuzzy badly photoshopped pix of yourself? To look 20 years younger? :lol: Rember old hag, there is only a 4 year age dif betwen us...be real for once.
Poor old girl. :(

My pictures aren't photo shopped. I don't ever use photoshop. This is how I look. I know, you hate that. :D And if there is only a 4 year difference between us, then girl, you look like hell. :D
My pictures aren't photo shopped. I don't ever use photoshop. This is how I look. I know, you hate that. :D And if there is only a 4 year difference between us, then girl, you look like hell. :D
Is that why they are all fuzzy and you look like you have snake eyes? At least post a close up of yourself without a filter....ha...you photoshop the fuck out of your pix...and badly at that...:lol:
I think you were looking at your own avi when you saw that. :D I look fresh and innocent and sweet. :) Not skank like, not a ton of makeup. Just myself, sweet and natural.
Oh I've seen your other pix...my skin doesn't sag like yours..no wonder you fuzz the shit out of them.
And again, I have posted myself without make up..unfuzzed and untouched. Unlike you.
Try again...:lol:
My pictures aren't photo shopped. I don't ever use photoshop. This is how I look. I know, you hate that. :D And if there is only a 4 year difference between us, then girl, you look like hell. :D
Is that why they are all fuzzy and you look like you have snake eyes? At least post a close up of yourself without a filter....ha...you photoshop the fuck out of your pix...and badly at that...:lol:

I don't use filter. I don't even know what that is! Figures that you would though! :D Ha ha! You get uglier by the second.

Remember when you got all mad and jealous because Mad Cabbie was posting compliments about me on my gallery. :D I member. That was just about the time when you started giving me all kinds of grief about my looks. :D Come on, you must not be blind. It is clear that I am younger than you, blurry picture or not. ;)
I think you were looking at your own avi when you saw that. :D I look fresh and innocent and sweet. :) Not skank like, not a ton of makeup. Just myself, sweet and natural.
Oh I've seen your other pix...my skin doesn't sag like yours..no wonder you fuzz the shit out of them.
And again, I have posted myself without make up..unfuzzed and untouched. Unlike you.
Try again...:lol:

My skin sags? No, it doesn't. :D LOL. You are ugly with and without makeup. You have a big ugly face. End of story.
I think you were looking at your own avi when you saw that. :D I look fresh and innocent and sweet. :) Not skank like, not a ton of makeup. Just myself, sweet and natural.
Oh I've seen your other pix...my skin doesn't sag like yours..no wonder you fuzz the shit out of them.
And again, I have posted myself without make up..unfuzzed and untouched. Unlike you.
Try again...:lol:

Now, do you want to go on like this? Keep talking about me in the flamer zone. I can go on like this if need be where I can take you on one to one and where your fellow skanks aren't piling on, you piece of shit.
But he exited stage right ASAP! :D MeBelle has filled me in. ;)
It was a mutual going of separate ways. See, LDR's don't really work out. We are still friends, and email one another here and there. So, whatever you were told, was lies.
Again, awesome guy. ;)
But he exited stage right ASAP! :D MeBelle has filled me in. ;)
It was a mutual going of separate ways. See, LDR's don't really work out. We are still friends, and email one another here and there. So, whatever you were told, was lies.
Again, awesome guy. ;)

So, is that why you are here? A lonely old middle aged bar hag looking for companionship? Because you never participate in any political discussions, and I don't believe you are intelligent enough to do so anyways.
My skin sags? No, it doesn't. :D LOL. You are ugly with and without makeup. You have a big ugly face. End of story.
OMFG you are so immature...is this middle school all over again? :lol:

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