Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

  • Real Estate Broker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neurosurgeon

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Rocket Scientist

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Successful TV star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CEO of a top Corporation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Community Organizer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno, I've never had a job, jobs are for suckers

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
There are different types of intelligence

There is analytical intelligence exhibited by doctors, scientists, mathmaticians that involves intense theory and concentration

Then there is people intelligence. The ability to understand the people around you, communicate, organize and lead. Lawyers, CEOs and politicians thrive on people intelligence
Few would argue that Reagan was far from the most intelligent man to hold office. Fewer would argue that he was one of the better Presidents of our lifetimes.

To argue that one is a prelude to the other indicates that the ability to start a thread is down below pond scum.
Any answer given will be strictly opinion.

That is the whole point to an OPINION poll, jack ass.

To your point, however, My opinion is that Barack Obama is more intelligent than Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

There.....now you can have your fun.

Like a typical libtard, you have to have the ideologically required conclusion first, then discuss the evidence afterwards.

We can dismiss anyone who uses the term "libtard" as not in the running, that's for certain.

The human brain can fit in a coffee can, the Universe is vast and its borders boggle the mind. Time and space require a much more adroit mind capable of thinking - literally - outside of the box.

Brains can be practiced upon and examined after the death of its owner; while we may not know all about the brain, we can be sure we understand more of it than we do of how high is up and what is out there.

String Theory, anti matter, dark matter, black holes, solar flares and the mathematics necessary to hit put a man made vehicle on Mars, and even beyond our solar system suggests physical science trumps biology in every way.

Maybe if life can be created from hydrogen alone in a lab I could change my opinion, but short of that a brain surgeon is simply a technician following a mapped course.
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?
You have to be smart to be a neursurgeon , but mostly you need a good memory , pulse and iron nerves.
I voted for rocket scientist, but neurosurgeon is clearly a more demanding job.
none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
True, I just didnt think it fair to confuse the libtards any more than necessary, but you are correct. Anyone that has ever tried to do that role knows this, though I was a stay at home FATHER, not a housewife.

similar intellectual requirement. I am going to tell you a secret------
neurosurgery? not really
Modern IQ ranges for various occupations


Note Medical professions are at the very top end, dumbass.

Not every medical student is capable of becoming a neurosurgeon. Aside from that fact, Dr. Ben Carson is not just a retired neurosurgeon. He is a retired neurosurgeon with the reputation of being the best neurosurgeon in the country and quite possible the world. While the poll is about opinions, the fact remains that Dr. Ben Carson is the most intelligent man running in this presidential race. Trump is also a very intelligent man but not on the same level Carson is - imo.

You are stating your opinion as fact. That's what you do when you talk about Jeebus too. It's a pattern.

I am not giving you an opinion about Jesus Christ. I am giving you the truth. Truth is not an opinion. It does not rely on your acceptance or rejection of it. The truth does not change according to who agrees with it. The truth is sovereign and as such it changes not!
:badgrin::badgrin: Pretty much describes Carson in my opinion.
Lol, the point of this thread is that no matter what a person does as a career, libtards like you will demean that person if they are opposed to your ideology and shower praise on the intelligence of any person who shares your ideology.

Thus you libtards praise Obama as being soooo intelligent, a community organizer, while slamming on a man who is one of the top brain surgeons in the world.

You morons have basically exposed yourselves for being the closed minded, biased ideologues that I knew you were.

Thank you for proving my point.
Any answer given will be strictly opinion.

That is the whole point to an OPINION poll, jack ass.

To your point, however, My opinion is that Barack Obama is more intelligent than Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

There.....now you can have your fun.

Like a typical libtard, you have to have the ideologically required conclusion first, then discuss the evidence afterwards.

We can dismiss anyone who uses the term "libtard" as not in the running, that's for certain.

The human brain can fit in a coffee can, the Universe is vast and its borders boggle the mind. Time and space require a much more adroit mind capable of thinking - literally - outside of the box.

Brains can be practiced upon and examined after the death of its owner; while we may not know all about the brain, we can be sure we understand more of it than we do of how high is up and what is out there.

String Theory, anti matter, dark matter, black holes, solar flares and the mathematics necessary to hit put a man made vehicle on Mars, and even beyond our solar system suggests physical science trumps biology in every way.

Maybe if life can be created from hydrogen alone in a lab I could change my opinion, but short of that a brain surgeon is simply a technician following a mapped course.

LOL that's ^^^^ what neurologists say about neurosurgeons-----well anesthesiologists say the same thing-----as do the neuropathologists----
now now is there a bit of professional competition up there ^^^?
Few would argue that Reagan was far from the most intelligent man to hold office. Fewer would argue that he was one of the better Presidents of our lifetimes.

To argue that one is a prelude to the other indicates that the ability to start a thread is down below pond scum.
That has to be one of the most idiotic posts in a long time, or you are just lying and you know it, clap your paws, dear.
Rocket Scientists.
I know physicians who can't figure out anything non-medical.

I know engineers who cannot figure out anything 'biological' I can do biology and
and math but "economic theory" makes me itch and I can follow any electrical circuit
diagram------but would never consider twisting two copper wires together and then
Any answer given will be strictly opinion.

To your point, however, My opinion is that Barack Obama is more intelligent than Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

There.....now you can have your fun.

^ LOL!!!


Obama, barley 3 digit IQ came out of law school and somehow never even heard of judicial review



The assumption that there's only one kind of intelligence is not very intelligent.
Only a pop-culture educated idiot would use the trite vacant phrase "more intelligence" for life choices and try to turn it into a poll. What does "more intelligence" mean? Does it indicate the potential to learn or the focus you need or the determination you have or pure freaking luck to be the best you can be in your chosen field? Does it mean a kid who can't get into med school doesn't have as much intelligence as a kid who can pull the right strings? The world is falling apart and the idiotic pop culture video game generation wants to judge "intelligence" in a freaking poll. It's interesting that left wingers fall for it every time.

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