Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

  • Real Estate Broker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neurosurgeon

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Rocket Scientist

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Successful TV star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CEO of a top Corporation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Community Organizer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno, I've never had a job, jobs are for suckers

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
"Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?"

You can't be serious.

This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant.

Indeed, the issue is ignorance, not intelligence.

There are extremely intelligent individuals who are ignorant about all manner of things, such as Carson.

Carson has exhibited ignorance of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy, woefully lacking in fundamental political acumen – explaining his poor handling of reports concerning his past and his bizarre statements and positions on the issues.
No one disparage a black man, a DOCTOR, until your racist ass showed up.

thanks for shitting your hate into a fun thread.
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
Hey, she's has a point. Have you ever stayed at home and did all that needs done while juggling kids?
yes, it requires patience and organisation skills.

I've met some really dumb women do w/o a single ounce of effort

seriously, claiming all mothers are the smartest is ingnorant
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE

you laugh------could YOU manage a thanksgiving dinner for in laws who despise you,
a resentful husband watching foot ball all day and getting chicken wing sauce on the sofa, and seven kids and 12 cousins running around and getting the grubby little hands in the fancy dishes of nuts and cookies etc etc etc ???? -----then a shortage dinner plates and no one willing to go out for paper plates-----and all
the ice melted
Any answer given will be strictly opinion.

To your point, however, My opinion is that Barack Obama is more intelligent than Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

There.....now you can have your fun.

How is that to his point? Is Barack Obama running for president in 2016?
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
Hey, she's has a point. Have you ever stayed at home and did all that needs done while juggling kids?
yes, it requires patience and organisation skills.

I've met some really dumb women do w/o a single ounce of effort

seriously, claiming all mothers are the smartest is ingnorant

I did not say everyone could DO it------I said the job REQUIRES
you make a very good point -------I have "personally" known lots of neurosurgeons that I would not trust to have the intellect and mental stability to be an office
Bullshit. You only say that to slam on Carson because he has an R after his name instead of a D, you freaking loon.

oh----you never knew any neurosurgeons.
I know about a dozen people engaged in various medical professions, and none of them are anything but highly intelligent.

Again, it is plain that you are merely playing the political whore again, by slamming Carson's intelligence despite his accomplishments that took him to the pinacle of the neurosurgeon profession.

Such a shame that shit-for-brains like you cant pull your head out long enough to be honest on such a simple issue.
Any answer given will be strictly opinion.

To your point, however, My opinion is that Barack Obama is more intelligent than Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

There.....now you can have your fun.
I didn't

How is that to his point? Is Barack Obama running for president in 2016?

Oh look.....Jeeebus freak showed up. Is this about the 2016 election? Maybe you should ask the OP if that's the topic of this fun thread.
you make a very good point -------I have "personally" known lots of neurosurgeons that I would not trust to have the intellect and mental stability to be an office
Bullshit. You only say that to slam on Carson because he has an R after his name instead of a D, you freaking loon.

oh----you never knew any neurosurgeons.
I know about a dozen people engaged in various medical professions, and none of them are anything but highly intelligent.

Again, it is plain that you are merely playing the political whore again, by slamming Carson's intelligence despite his accomplishments that took him to the pinacle of the neurosurgeon profession.

Such a shame that shit-for-brains like you cant pull your head out long enough to be honest on such a simple issue.

Carson is an intelligent man. Is that all you want to say?
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE

you laugh------could YOU manage a thanksgiving dinner for in laws who despise you,
a resentful husband watching foot ball all day and getting chicken wing sauce on the sofa, and seven kids and 12 cousins running around and getting the grubby little hands in the fancy dishes of nuts and cookies etc etc etc ???? -----then a shortage dinner plates and no one willing to go out for paper plates-----and all
the ice melted
I'll repeat for the dimwitted.

nothing you listed requires a high level of intelligence.

it's all timing and patients and apparently is sucks to be you and you think that's a great achievement.
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
Hey, she's has a point. Have you ever stayed at home and did all that needs done while juggling kids?
yes, it requires patience and organisation skills.

I've met some really dumb women do w/o a single ounce of effort

seriously, claiming all mothers are the smartest is ingnorant

I did not say everyone could DO it------I said the job REQUIRES
you're wrong on both accounts.
you make a very good point -------I have "personally" known lots of neurosurgeons that I would not trust to have the intellect and mental stability to be an office
Bullshit. You only say that to slam on Carson because he has an R after his name instead of a D, you freaking loon.

oh----you never knew any neurosurgeons.
I know about a dozen people engaged in various medical professions, and none of them are anything but highly intelligent.

Again, it is plain that you are merely playing the political whore again, by slamming Carson's intelligence despite his accomplishments that took him to the pinacle of the neurosurgeon profession.

Such a shame that shit-for-brains like you cant pull your head out long enough to be honest on such a simple issue.

Carson is an intelligent man. Is that all you want to say?

------sorry-----but I have a secret------neurologists laugh at neurosurgeons---don't tell anyone
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE

you laugh------could YOU manage a thanksgiving dinner for in laws who despise you,
a resentful husband watching foot ball all day and getting chicken wing sauce on the sofa, and seven kids and 12 cousins running around and getting the grubby little hands in the fancy dishes of nuts and cookies etc etc etc ???? -----then a shortage dinner plates and no one willing to go out for paper plates-----and all
the ice melted
I'll repeat for the dimwitted.

nothing you listed requires a high level of intelligence.

it's all timing and patients and apparently is sucks to be you and you think that's a great achievement.

I woulda been a doctor but I didn't have any patience.

Bada Bing!
To be fair Constitutional Law professor should be on the list.

Even still that ranks below most of those occupations. And let's face it, how many sleazy doctors do you know compared to lawyers?

57 states.
Corpse men.
"The police acted stupidly"
"my Muslim faith"
"We built the intercontinental railroad"
"UPS and Fedx are doing fine, right? It is the US post office that always having the problems"
No, no I have been practicing....I bowled a 129. It's like--it was like Special Olympics, or something.
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes - and I see many of them in the audience here today - our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."
"It's here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future."
"My firends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hoep you'll join with me as we try and change it."
This is a fun thread?

Damn! There goes that sense of humor thing again.

you make a very good point -------I have "personally" known lots of neurosurgeons that I would not trust to have the intellect and mental stability to be an office
Bullshit. You only say that to slam on Carson because he has an R after his name instead of a D, you freaking loon.

oh----you never knew any neurosurgeons.

I have and she is probably one of the most brilliant people I've ever met in my life. She is also a Christian and quite humble.
yes, it requires patience and organisation skills.

I've met some really dumb women do w/o a single ounce of effort

seriously, claiming all mothers are the smartest is ingnorant

Not talking about those that get by on a lot of help and modern machinery.

Talking about those who excel at it and go beyond the minimum.

I know a woman who is a highly paid government analyst who took time off to spend time with the kids.

She was glad as hell to get back to her day job. Being a stay at home mom was driving her crazy due to all the various tedious tasks and things she had to do.

While I have been home with my back problem, I have been trying to pursue various tasks in addition to handling the 'domestic' chores, and no kids at home any more. Doing this 'job' well requires a great memory, attention to detail (the organizational skills you mentioned) but also I have to learn to navigate various different businesses on a daily basis, learn new skills to save money on repairs (do you know how to do basic maintanence on a clothes drier?). This all requires intelligence, patience, and yes, organizational skill galore.

You really shouldnt poopoo the challenges of being a home maker. It has enver been easy and given the complexities of life today the requirement to be intelligent in order to meet all the challenges is even higher than before the computer age.

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