Which of these is the greatest threat to the United States?

Among these, which is the greatest threat to the United States

  • The Democratic Party

  • President Trump

  • Russia

  • Islamic Terrorism

  • Internet trolls

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I wanted to mark Islam, but the Democrats are part of what makes them such a threat. I had to mark Democrats.
Well shortly before the POTUS election, it would have been Hillary who was the greatest threat.

So I voted for DEM's.

But that threat is now pretty much over.

Pay To Play is over. The Clinton Foundation Inc is doomed. I am surprised that the FBI is not investigating it.

Hillary's threat to ban all assault carbines is over.

Hillary's chance to appoint an activist judge to replace Scalia is over.

The Senate is safely in GOP hands.

So at the moment life is good.

I would say the greatest threat is from N.Korea.

And if Trump takes Kim Jung-Eel's bait there could start a huge shooting war across the DMZ there with long range arty.

That would turn Pyongyang and Seoul into rubble like Beirut or Aleppo.

Could not happen to a nicer bunch of guys though -- N.Korea has been azzholes for decades and S.Korea has been sending us cell phones that catch fire and are probably the reason several planes have mysteriously crashed.

But we will see.
i see 'islam' as being the biggest threat to the USA and Western world .
"Liberals" should have been in there to mean ANY breed of liberal Dimshit Reproblemcan, or Furrin immigrints. HAHA.

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