“Do the Biden!”

Unfortunately that $0.40 didn't stick. It's nice that he put 40 billion in the treasury but he also lost the full value of the strategic oil reserve which is at least 10 times that amount. Are you familiar with the term algebraic sum?
What? None of that is accurate
Unfortunately that $0.40 didn't stick. It's nice that he put 40 billion in the treasury but he also lost the full value of the strategic oil reserve which is at least 10 times that amount. Are you familiar with the term algebraic sum?
Nothing better than Booleans algebraic expressions fo digital programming
Biden knocked 40cents per gallon off the price of gas and made a half billion for the Treasury doing it

Petty good for an old man

He didn't make any money because he still hasn't refilled the SPR, moron.

Photoshopped..... Yup

Pictures of Michele with a bulge......Photoshopped....Yup
But those are funny, right?
I'm not sure which is worse.

The fact that people are so disrespectful of a president and the country that they publicly do stuff like this, and a lot more about a sitting president.


That our countries government would let someone be president that would be like this, or make so many bad anti American decisions that the public would behave the way do towards that president.

When the government and it's president pushed for strong a strong America with American morals, values, standards and pride then the worst mockery we had were caricatures in a newspaper or magazine cover, or potentially a Saturday night live skit.

When a government doesn't care about Americans and is disrespectful of them, then the American people will be disrespectful of the government.
Which shows that YOU are not paying attention to trump.

Both are too old and fragile.
The guy is an triggered old man that can't keep his lies straight.

You next question should be...."Which old man are you talking about"
And I'd answer.......Both.

But sure, please keep trying to convince me that trump is sane.
Butbutbutbut Trump doesn’t work for this one. Sorry.
Biden knocked 40cents per gallon off the price of gas and made a half billion for the Treasury doing it

Petty good for an old man

Thanks for the "link".

In 2022, when he released 180m barrels of crude—or one-third of America’s stockpile—he sold at an average of $95 a barrel. In July last year, when the West Texas Intermediate (wti) benchmark was at $67 a barrel, he began to refill the reserve. The president has replaced about one-fifth of what he sold, posting a profit of $582m, and has managed to time the market to perfection.

He took the SPR from 588 million barrels in Jan 2022 to 372 million barrels in Dec 2022.
A 216-million-barrel reduction, not 180 million. The level on May 31 2024, 370 million barrels, is still below the Dec 2022 level of 372 million barrels. He never replaced "about one-fifth of what he sold".

Pretty bad for an old man.

It Turns Out President Biden Is A Genius Oil Trader

It turns out NewsHound Ellen is full of shit.
Yeah, it's kind of funny on one hand. On the other hand, it's sad this is where we are as a nation. It's a pathetic reflection of our country that this is how the President of the United States is viewed. The Democratic Party needs to replace this man on the ticket. He's too old to serve another term.

Nothing says I’m a MAGA moron like being fooled by a doctored video. I love that they’ll show how stupid they are. #magagoals
Nothing says I’m a MAGA moron like being fooled by a doctored video. I love that they’ll show how stupid they are. #magagoals

Even if he was setting down a folder, he was probably busy pooping too.
See? I rest my case.

Causes of the mental decline observable in most BDS sufferers (just look at this thread) include:

1. Substance abuse
2. Lead poisoning
3. Senility
4. Head injury
5. Untreated syphilis
6. Mini strokes
7. Brain tumors
8. Lobotomization-by-propaganda
Your rest your case? The only case you have is stage 4 TDS.

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