“Do the Biden!”

Biden knocked 40cents per gallon off the price of gas and made a half billion for the Treasury doing it

Petty good for an old man
Gas under Biden is about 45% higher, Stupid.
Gas under Biden is about 45% higher, Stupid.

It really is mind boggling.

I mean, don't get me wrong - Biden's senility is a massive issue.

It shows how stupid the Democrats think we are, and what contempt the media class has for us that they thought they could wheelbarrow him over the finish line, Weekend at Bernie's style, without COVID lockdowns as an excuse to keep him out of sight.

However, if you could magically replace him right now - the Dems' problems wouldn't simply dissipate into thin air.

On every mainstream issue, they have become a radically left of center party.

And now that people no longer obsess over Trump's personality, they can see his policies are vastly superior. (Which is in no small part thanks to our newly fragmented media environment, and the Legacy Networks'/Publications' devastating loss of trust. But that's a story for another day.)

Unless the Dems overhaul their entire policy portfolio AND their entire Presidential ticket, their loss is now virtually inevitable.

And that's America's gain.
Sure, if that were a real picture, but since it's a photoshop, what's your point?

Trump provides ample opportunities for ridicule. Why do you need make shit up (no pun intended?)
I liked it more when Chevy Chase would do the Gerald Ford.
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Congress is just as bad or worse. They wheel them in drooling in wheelchairs to mark an X for a vote to raid the Treasury further. Diane Crimescene, The Lion, fetterwoman etc,
See? I rest my case.

Causes of the mental decline observable in most BDS sufferers (just look at this thread) include:

1. Substance abuse
2. Lead poisoning
3. Senility
4. Head injury
5. Untreated syphilis
6. Mini strokes
7. Brain tumors
8. Lobotomization-by-propaganda
You need not respond so vehemently unless of course your feelings are personally hurt which they obviously are.
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If you don't think Biden shits himself on stage, you're in a cult.

No democrat here will admit the shit. They're a cult. A really nasty one.
Biden knocked 40cents per gallon off the price of gas and made a half billion for the Treasury doing it

Petty good for an old man
Unfortunately that $0.40 didn't stick. It's nice that he put 40 billion in the treasury but he also lost the full value of the strategic oil reserve which is at least 10 times that amount. Are you familiar with the term algebraic sum?
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Oh what fun we can ALL have.


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