“Do the Biden!”

So you're saying, along with some rather awful people, that having arthritis makes Biden mentally unfit.

What does that say about your ability to think?

It's a pattern. Those saying Biden is senile are always the ones who look more senile.
The DOJ said he was senile, hence why they didn’t recommend charges for willfully stealing and disclosing classified material….
The DOJ said he was senile, hence why they didn’t recommend charges for willfully stealing and disclosing classified material….

And yet he's perfectly qualified to be President.

Funny how that works, huh?
See? I rest my case.

Causes of the mental decline observable in most BDS sufferers (just look at this thread) include:

1. Substance abuse
2. Lead poisoning
3. Senility
4. Head injury
5. Untreated syphilis
6. Mini strokes
7. Brain tumors
8. Lobotomization-by-propaganda
So he says his boy Bo died in uniform overseas, and his uncle was eaten by Cannibals. Neither is true but he can’t stop saying it, but he ain’t handicapped mentally
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So he says his boy Bo died in uniform overseas, and his father was eaten by Cannibals. Neither is true but he can’t stop saying it, but he ain’t handicapped mentally
I believe he claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals

But he’s repeatedly lied about his son, wife and daughter’s death.

It’s no wonder everyone else in his family is a crackhead
So much BDS-inspired dementia on display. The BDSers are so senile, they don't even understand they should hide their senility.

The question. Does BDS cause senility, or does senility cause BDS? Proably both, each quality reinforces the other.

Only Trump wears diapers, by the way. His supporters praise poopypants Trump for that. Like attracts like. If you shit yourself regularly, you'll vote for the guy who does the same.

If you observe BDS, you know the BDSer shits themself daily. And then sits in it. And wallows, enjoying the smell of it.
So much BDS-inspired dementia on display. The BDSers are so senile, they don't even understand they should hide their senility.

The question. Does BDS cause senility, or does senility cause BDS? Proably both, each quality reinforces the other.

Only Trump wears diapers, by the way. His supporters praise poopypants Trump for that. Like attracts like. If you shit yourself regularly, you'll vote for the guy who does the same.

If you observe BDS, you know the BDSer shits themself daily. And then sits in it. And wallows, enjoying the smell of it.
Never any originality
I think his defecation incontinence problems are symbolic of what's happening in america. We're now spiraling the bottom of the outhouse.
It's not necessarily his age, but his infirmity and mental decline. Lots of 80-year-old people can function mentally and physically but the president is in obvious decline. You have to wonder how many prescription drugs he has to take daily. Of course, the media isn't curious.
Didn't DIck Van Dyke just celebrate his 98th birthday in a TV special? He was a contestant on Masked Singer this year or last year. He's still dancing! Clint Eastwood is older than Biden and he's still directing. It has nothing to do with age. Biden is unfit for anything other than enjoying a pudding day at home. While the democrat Party of lying and hoaxes make photoshops of The Outlaw President and enjoying stories from anonymous sources, Biden is exhibiting his failures on the nightly news all over the world. He shit himself at the Memorial Day ceremony and had to be guided away. He was supposed to shake hands with the American military but he had to leave for a diaper change. Macron graciously filled in.

There is no question that Biden is unfit. The only question is how long will Democrats keep lying about it? I don't even mind their lies as much as I mind their ridiculous notion that I should believe them.
Yeah, it's kind of funny on one hand. On the other hand, it's sad this is where we are as a nation. It's a pathetic reflection of our country that this is how the President of the United States is viewed. The Democratic Party needs to replace this man on the ticket. He's too old to serve another term.

We get it. Both Biden and Trump are old. Both show their age. So, I can either vote for the candidate who is at least stable, coherent and adheres to the norms of the presidency, or the whack job who rants and raves, speaks of revenge and has disdain for this nation’s election process and our allies.

The choice is a no brainer for those whose IQ is over 40.
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So you're saying, along with some rather awful people, that having arthritis makes Biden mentally unfit.

What does that say about your ability to think?

It's a pattern. Those saying Biden is senile are always the ones who look more senile.
Where did he mention arthritis?
We get it. Both Biden and Trump are old. Both show their age. So, I can either vote for the candidate who is at least stable, coherent and adheres to the norms of the presidency, or the whack job who rants and raves, speaks of revenge and has disdain for this nation’s election process and our allies.

The choice is a no brainer for those whose IQ is over 40.

Correct. Anyone with an IQ over 40 would stop playing the game and choose neither.
Correct. Anyone with an IQ over 40 would stop playing the game and choose neither.

Anyone with an IQ over 100 stopped trusting the mainstream media the moment they were caught flat out lying to us about a President being a Russian asset.

When their own investigation, and wasted tax payer millions, couldn't find him guilty.

Hell, after witnessing the endless onslaught of mainstream media perpetual hair on fire reports they would have at least stepped back and questioned the third rate shoddy version of distorted reality permeating their TV sets and mainstream internet websites.

And if not?

Then COVID lockdowns and violent Left wing riots happened, both cheered on by that very same media.

And now we can see the track record of both Presidents.

Anyone who will choose neither, in most cases, is fortunately on the Left - but think of themselves as "centrist" because enough MSM media, say the WSJ for example, - are now allowing them an out to admit Biden sucks.

Which will help Trump win. ;)
Where did he mention arthritis?
I know you pretend to be stupid, but put limits on it. When you Trump cultists go that far, you give the game away. No one can possibly be as stupid as you all pretend to be.

Imitating a feeble old man toddling around is imitating arthritis, if I have to spell it out. Though I don't, because all the Trump cult shit humans here know that.
Didn't DIck Van Dyke just celebrate his 98th birthday in a TV special? He was a contestant on Masked Singer this year or last year. He's still dancing! Clint Eastwood is older than Biden and he's still directing. It has nothing to do with age. Biden is unfit for anything other than enjoying a pudding day at home. While the democrat Party of lying and hoaxes make photoshops of The Outlaw President and enjoying stories from anonymous sources, Biden is exhibiting his failures on the nightly news all over the world. He shit himself at the Memorial Day ceremony and had to be guided away. He was supposed to shake hands with the American military but he had to leave for a diaper change. Macron graciously filled in.

There is no question that Biden is unfit. The only question is how long will Democrats keep lying about it? I don't even mind their lies as much as I mind their ridiculous notion that I should believe them.
Did either of them say they had uncles eaten by cannibals? Hahaha. That’s the guy you’re kissing ass to

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