Which of these looks more like the other?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1st Confederate flag


1956 Georgia state flag


New state of Georgia flag after the politically correct dweebs got a vote on it.


Now, does the Georgia state flag look more or less like the old Confederate flag today?
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Looks like the Chilean flag...

At the end of the day, whether Jim Bob likes it or not, the second flag is the one most find associated with slavery and the South. Is that a good thing? Who knows, but perception is what it is....
I can see the pics, what I can't see is the point. :dunno:

I can see it now. I get the point now. At first I was confused.

The second state flag was protested because of it being associated with the civil war. But for much of the civil war the first flag was used and in fact captured by the Union soldiers. But looks just like the flag associated with the civil war.
CaféAuLait;8748772 said:
I can see the pics, what I can't see is the point. :dunno:

I can see it now. I get the point now. At first I was confused.

The second state flag was protested because of it being associated with the civil war. But for much of the civil war the first flag was used and in fact captured by the Union soldiers. But looks just like the flag associated with the civil war.

And the OP lives in Virginia, so why should he care anyway. Some wags here seem obsessed with micromanaging what everybody else is doing.
Barnes changed our flag,We changed governors. :) Stupid thing is the US flag ya know the one you people all swear allegiance to flew over slave ships. The confederate battle flag never did.
Barnes changed our flag,We changed governors. :) Stupid thing is the US flag ya know the one you people all swear allegiance to flew over slave ships. The confederate battle flag never did.


BUt the Confederate Battle Flag did fly over groups of dumb poor crackers who fought for the right of a few rich people to keep owning slaves..

Come to think of it, that's kind of like the GOP today, where dumb poor crackers fight for the right of rich people to abuse them. So there's that.
Oh good grief.

Jim Bowie - try putting your head between your knees and taking slow deep breaths.

why in this day and age anyone would want to be associated with that EVIL is beyond me.

Only a racist would WANT to preserve racist symbols.

I would vote to make it completely different if it were my state
any of these scums states that get all flustered that they have to change their symbols because of racism proves they liked slavery
I think the former CSA states flags all ought to be forced to have a signia that remind us that they once BETRAYED THEIR NATION.
I can see the pics, what I can't see is the point. :dunno:

I think Bowie is upset that flying the Confederate Battle Flag is becoming more and more uncool.

he was probably wearing his Klan sheets the other day and people just gave him the ugliest stares.
Keep dreaming. Its more popular now because its a symbol of rebellion. Even soccer fans in Europe use it.

why in this day and age anyone would want to be associated with that EVIL is beyond me.

Only a racist would WANT to preserve racist symbols.

I would vote to make it completely different if it were my state
So you agree we should ban the US flag since it flew over slave ships? Moron. We don't give a shit about some uppity yankees opinion of how we do things oh and we never got to vote on it moron. It was changed without our approval exactly why we kicked Barnes out of office.
I think the former CSA states flags all ought to be forced to have a signia that remind us that they once BETRAYED THEIR NATION.
They never betrayed the Confederate States of America. That IS and WILL ALWAYS BE my country. Its just occupied right now.
Barnes changed our flag,We changed governors. :) Stupid thing is the US flag ya know the one you people all swear allegiance to flew over slave ships. The confederate battle flag never did.

It would have been in fact impossible, since the slave trade was abolished half a century before the CSA ever existed... :rolleyes:

Actually the vast majority of that slave trade sailed not under the Stars and Stripes, but under several colonial powers of those centuries, mainly the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and of course the Union Jack. That went on for two hundred years in North America alone, and longer than that in the Caribbean and South America.

Again, not sure what the significance of this is either...
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CaféAuLait;8748772 said:
I can see the pics, what I can't see is the point. :dunno:

I can see it now. I get the point now. At first I was confused.

The second state flag was protested because of it being associated with the civil war. But for much of the civil war the first flag was used and in fact captured by the Union soldiers. But looks just like the flag associated with the civil war.

And the OP lives in Virginia, so why should he care anyway. Some wags here seem obsessed with micromanaging what everybody else is doing.

So you admit it is not the NAACP's business nor that of the black race baitors? And unless you live in the State, none of yours either, right?
CaféAuLait;8748772 said:
I can see it now. I get the point now. At first I was confused.

The second state flag was protested because of it being associated with the civil war. But for much of the civil war the first flag was used and in fact captured by the Union soldiers. But looks just like the flag associated with the civil war.

And the OP lives in Virginia, so why should he care anyway. Some wags here seem obsessed with micromanaging what everybody else is doing.

So you admit it is not the NAACP's business nor that of the black race baitors? And unless you live in the State, none of yours either, right?

Where the fuck do you see me whining about the flags of states I don't even live in?
And where the fuck do you see me posting about the NAACP?

"Admit", my ass. Go learn how to read. Address your gripe to the OP as I already did.
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