Which political party gets credit for more job creation?

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

By 2050, not by the end of his term. :cuckoo:

And I'm still waiting for you to show how the last 3 GOP presidents created 3.5 million jobs when it was actually just 1 million. It's your claim -- can't you back it up??
He never SAID by 2050! That's a lie!
Where did he say all fossil fuels be gone by 2050?

How can you GUARANTEE for example 2 billion tires that are built every year out of 333 million barrels of oil!
FACT: According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it takes “approximately seven gallons” of oil to produce a single tire.
There are 42 gallons in a barrel of oil. 2 billion tires times 7 gallons per tire is 14 billion gallons (a barrel is 42 gallons) 333 million barrels.
And that is just one of 6,000 products made from oil and Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels!
Biden is a liar!

For the second time in the last three weeks, the Biden administration has moved forward on plans to drill for oil in federally owned lands. This week, it auctioned off a massive stretch of the Gulf of Mexico 73 million acres, roughly the size of Arizona.

Earlier, the administration approved the controversial Willow project in Alaska, an $8 billion oil drilling venture. As a candidate, Biden promised to move the United States away from fossil fuels.

Ben Lefebvre covers the energy industry for politico. Ben, as a candidate in 2020, he said, Mr. Biden said no more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. So what happened? What's going on?

He never SAID by 2050! That's a lie!
Where did he say all fossil fuels be gone by 2050?

How can you GUARANTEE for example 2 billion tires that are built every year out of 333 million barrels of oil!
FACT: According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it takes “approximately seven gallons” of oil to produce a single tire.
There are 42 gallons in a barrel of oil. 2 billion tires times 7 gallons per tire is 14 billion gallons (a barrel is 42 gallons) 333 million barrels.
And that is just one of 6,000 products made from oil and Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels!
Biden is a liar!

For the second time in the last three weeks, the Biden administration has moved forward on plans to drill for oil in federally owned lands. This week, it auctioned off a massive stretch of the Gulf of Mexico 73 million acres, roughly the size of Arizona.

Earlier, the administration approved the controversial Willow project in Alaska, an $8 billion oil drilling venture. As a candidate, Biden promised to move the United States away from fossil fuels.

Ben Lefebvre covers the energy industry for politico. Ben, as a candidate in 2020, he said, Mr. Biden said no more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. So what happened? What's going on?

He never SAID by 2050! That's a lie!
Where did he say all fossil fuels be gone by 2050?


Your ignorance knows no boundaries, eh, putz? Of course he said it. In fact he said it at the event in the video YOU posted. You'd know that had you not been relying on edited videos which intentionally cut out context...
Rebecca Beaulieu: "Thank you. Um, so my question is ... How can we trust that you're going to act on climate, on the climate crisis if you're still attending fundraisers that fossil fuel executives like Andy Goldman are at?"
Biden: ...... "But kiddo, I want you to just take a look, ok? You don't have to agree, but I want to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels and I'm not going to cooperate, ok? No, it can't be done by 2030. Before 2050, G-d willing. No, there's not one single person who's argued it could be done by then. But it can be done by 2050. It may be 2045, but as the science increases, we may be able to move more quickly. But we have to. We can fundamentally change things in the next 10 years though so that we set a path. I promise you. I promise you. Ok?


AGAIN -- where's your math showing the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs??? You're either an idiot or a liar. That's why you're flat out refusing to address that. Though in all honesty, it's both.
He never SAID by 2050! That's a lie!
Where did he say all fossil fuels be gone by 2050?


Your ignorance knows no boundaries, eh, putz? Of course he said it. In fact he said it at the event in the video YOU posted. You'd know that had you not been relying on edited videos which intentionally cut out context...
Rebecca Beaulieu: "Thank you. Um, so my question is ... How can we trust that you're going to act on climate, on the climate crisis if you're still attending fundraisers that fossil fuel executives like Andy Goldman are at?"
Biden: ...... "But kiddo, I want you to just take a look, ok? You don't have to agree, but I want to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels and I'm not going to cooperate, ok? No, it can't be done by 2030. Before 2050, G-d willing. No, there's not one single person who's argued it could be done by then. But it can be done by 2050. It may be 2045, but as the science increases, we may be able to move more quickly. But we have to. We can fundamentally change things in the next 10 years though so that we set a path. I promise you. I promise you. Ok?


AGAIN -- where's your math showing the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs??? You're either an idiot or a liar. That's why you're flat out refusing to address that. Though in all honesty, it's both.
I've done a search of all the comments and Prove to me where I said the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs?
You can't prove it because I never wrote it! Prove me wrong. Find the comment where I showed 35.5 million jobs.

Why am I still waiting for you to show where Bush41, Bush43 & Donald Trump added 35.5 million jobs?
Giving a party credit for creating jobs is like giving the fans of a sports team credit for the team winning.
So if the fans decide to chip in and pay the salary of a GOAT like Tom Brady and his leadership wins a superbowl, fans still didn't have anything to do with it?
Giving a party credit for creating jobs is like giving the fans of a sports team credit for the team winning.
Oddly though… job creation under Democrats is SO much greater. I mean SO MUCH. Greater

Just coincidence huh
Just asking... But if a billionaire doesn't have to pay more taxes because the government reduces the tax rate, what does the billionaire do with the extra $$?
A) Hide it under the mattress?
B) Bury it in the backyard?
C) Buy a yacht, new mansion, airplane,
D) Buy a business hire more people?
E) Start a business hiring people?
F) Buys stock?
G)Puts into savings accounts?

Which of those do you really expect a billionaire to do with his tax cuts?

I'm just asking...
Oddly though… job creation under Democrats is SO much greater. I mean SO MUCH. Greater

Just coincidence huh

According to the OP that is because it takes a few years for those policies to really kick in.
He never SAID by 2050! That's a lie!
Where did he say all fossil fuels be gone by 2050?


Your ignorance knows no boundaries, eh, putz? Of course he said it. In fact he said it at the event in the video YOU posted. You'd know that had you not been relying on edited videos which intentionally cut out context...
Rebecca Beaulieu: "Thank you. Um, so my question is ... How can we trust that you're going to act on climate, on the climate crisis if you're still attending fundraisers that fossil fuel executives like Andy Goldman are at?"
Biden: ...... "But kiddo, I want you to just take a look, ok? You don't have to agree, but I want to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels and I'm not going to cooperate, ok? No, it can't be done by 2030. Before 2050, G-d willing. No, there's not one single person who's argued it could be done by then. But it can be done by 2050. It may be 2045, but as the science increases, we may be able to move more quickly. But we have to. We can fundamentally change things in the next 10 years though so that we set a path. I promise you. I promise you. Ok?


AGAIN -- where's your math showing the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs??? You're either an idiot or a liar. That's why you're flat out refusing to address that. Though in all honesty, it's both.
Hey fauxnie... where's the comments that I said 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs? WHERE did I say that? Come on... you kept asking, now
PROVE I wrote that! Where's the links?
Just asking... But if a billionaire doesn't have to pay more taxes because the government reduces the tax rate, what does the billionaire do with the extra $$?
A) Hide it under the mattress?
B) Bury it in the backyard?
C) Buy a yacht, new mansion, airplane,
D) Buy a business hire more people?
E) Start a business hiring people?
F) Buys stock?
G)Puts into savings accounts?

Which of those do you really expect a billionaire to do with his tax cuts?

I'm just asking...

Most likely C or F

I do wonder if tax rates really mean anything to a billionaire. If they have to pay 10 million more than the previous year, do they even notice?
According to the OP that is because it takes a few years for those policies to really kick in.
But you think the minute a tax cut bill get's signed, tax cuts are immediate. The same day. Right. And those billionaires all of sudden that day have their
tax bills lowered, immediately. Right?
Most likely C or F

I do wonder if tax rates really mean anything to a billionaire. If they have to pay 10 million more than the previous year, do they even notice?
Actually my point was what do they do with the extra 10 million? Does it get buried in the back yard or under the mattress?
Where does that 10 million go? My simple point is it is either spent or invested. Either way it is better than going to the government for projects like these:
Oversight reports from nonprofits and lawmakers like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., claim billions more are being wasted every year —
from spending $1.7 billion maintaining empty government buildings
to accidentally investing $28 million on forest camouflage uniforms to be used in the deserts of Afghanistan.
Consider this finding -- a watchdog review found that at least 6.5 million active Social Security numbers belonging to people who are at least 112 years old and likely deceased.Only 35 living individuals worldwide had reached that age as of October 2013
  • In layman’s terms, this is $25 billion that was spent by someone, somewhere on something, but auditors do not know who spent it, where it was spent or on what.
  • Unused flight tickets totaling $100 million
So which do you think is the best use of the tax savings by the billionaire???
I've done a search of all the comments and Prove to me where I said the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs?
You can't prove it because I never wrote it! Prove me wrong. Find the comment where I showed 35.5 million jobs.
Come on Fauxnie.... prove to me where I showed 35.5 million jobs! I am waiting!!!
I've done a search of all the comments and Prove to me where I said the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs?
You can't prove it because I never wrote it! Prove me wrong. Find the comment where I showed 35.5 million jobs.

I fucking linked your post, ya flamin' liar. Here it is again...

Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump were given solid economies that they proceeded to destroy.

The result?
Those three Republican Presidents created a total of 200,000 jobs
The three Democrats created 48 million jobs
You stupidly wrote:
Those three Republican Presidents created a total of 200,000 jobs
The three Democrats created 48 million jobs

YOU are so stupid: The 3 GOP created: 35,508,000

[emphasis mine to highlight your lie]
Hey fauxnie... where's the comments that I said 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs? WHERE did I say that? Come on... you kept asking, now
PROVE I wrote that! Where's the links?

The post above this one, ya lyin' idiot.
Come on Fauxnie.... prove to me where I showed 35.5 million jobs! I am waiting!!!


Holyfuckingshit, are you ever a glutton for punishment...

I've done a search of all the comments and Prove to me where I said the last 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs?
You can't prove it because I never wrote it! Prove me wrong. Find the comment where I showed 35.5 million jobs.
Hey fauxnie... where's the comments that I said 3 GOP presidents created 35.5 million jobs? WHERE did I say that? Come on... you kept asking, now
PROVE I wrote that! Where's the links?
Come on Fauxnie.... prove to me where I showed 35.5 million jobs! I am waiting!!!

You stupidly wrote:
Those three Republican Presidents created a total of 200,000 jobs
The three Democrats created 48 million jobs

YOU are so stupid: The 3 GOP created: 35,508,000
[emphasis mine to make fun of you]
But you think the minute a tax cut bill get's signed, tax cuts are immediate. The same day. Right. And those billionaires all of sudden that day have their
tax bills lowered, immediately. Right?

The Trump Tax cut was signed in Dec of 2017 and went into effect in Jan 2018 with most people seeing their withholding going down by Feb or March.

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