Which political party gets credit for more job creation?


Trump couldn't do it then. You're nuts to think he could do it now.
Just released yesterday... the people in the US have the lowest trust for their government than every other G7 nation....
Confidence in the US economy and the US dollar is shrinking across the world.....

Trump couldn't do it then. You're nuts to think he could do it now.
Trump had us coming back then Biden shut down half of our fossil fuel industry and sent us into a recession with record inflation....
Just released yesterday... the people in the US have the lowest trust for their government than every other G7 nation....
Confidence in the US economy and the US dollar is shrinking across the world.....

And still, the fastest job growth in U.S. history. You indicated that yourself after crying it was too slow.
And still, the fastest job growth in U.S. history. You indicated that yourself after crying it was too slow.
But not fast enough... not what it should be... there are still millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and becoming homeless.... I know you don't care... but you should... you or someone you know could be next....
In reality, Trump's last full month in office LOST 268,000 jobs.
Covid Blue state shutdowns out of Trump's control.... you are lying by omission again... do you know what that means?.... lying by omission?... because its what the US media does....
But not fast enough... not what it should be... there are still millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and becoming homeless.... I know you don't care... but you should... you or someone you know could be next....


To the brain-dead, the fastest ever isn't fast enough. That's as dumb as saying Usain Bolt doesn't run fast enough.
And still, the fastest job growth in U.S. history. You indicated that yourself after crying it was too slow.
ADP Economist Nela Richardson poured cold water over the Biden Administration’s claims of historic job creation noting that President Biden hasn’t in fact created new jobs.
“The economy – and this is an important point – hasn’t added one single job from the 2019 high watermark. Not one. All the jobs that we have seen gained are recovered jobs that were lost. We are not yet producing new jobs.”

“In fact, we’re still about nearly four million jobs short.
So these wage gains are coming on top of a shrinking workforce, and it’s not being fueled by productivity enhancements.”
For simpletons like "Fauxnie" DUE TO COVID....FACTS!!!

COVID-19 ends longest employment recovery and expansion in CES history, causing unprecedented job losses in 2020​

By the end of 2019, payroll employment in the United States had been growing steadily for over 9 years, marking the longest recovery and expansion in CES history.
This growth continued into the start of 2020, with January and February adding a combined 604,000 jobs!
But something idiots like Fauxnie caused:
In March, nonfarm employment fell by 1.7 million, a loss only surpassed by a 1945 employment decline that came as the country demobilized after World War II.
Unsurprisingly, February was designated as the month in which overall economic activity peaked, marking the beginning of an economic recession.
In April, employment plummeted, dropping by 20.7 million—
the largest decline in the history of the CES employment series, which originated in 1939
FAUXNIE!!!! These are the FACTS.
NOT caused by Trump BUT IN my Personal opinion undocumented unproven opinion: lies at the feet of dummies like YOU!
All because YOU and the MSM hate America and people like Trump, me and millions like me that like America.
YOU and the biased MSM blew Covid so out of proportion!
Since 4/1/2020 I've tracked this site:https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
And one glaring totally fault assumption that you and the BIASED MSM never have admitted to and that is defined by one word:
COMORBIDITY! Here because you are so lazy is the definition:
the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
As a result according to these FACTS:
Age and diseases caused byHypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes were the most common comorbidity in patients death due to COVID-19. More than half of the patients had two or more comorbidities.
Now for an even more startling fact:
Since I've tracked and based on this source:
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
of the over 72 MILLION kids under age 18 in the USA... just 1,847 have died as of today! Of 72 million!
Why haven't you heard that from the over 17,600,000 results in the Top news category of Google?
25,400 results for "COVID-19 deaths under age 18"
Because the biased MSM and idiots like Fauxnie continued because of their stupid hatred of a man! An American!
Covid Blue state shutdowns out of Trump's control.... you are lying by omission again... do you know what that means?.... lying by omission?... because its what the US media does....

So you lied when you said Trump had us coming back. Now you're reduced to making excuses for why you lied.

Besides, Trump recommended it...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
ADP Economist Nela Richardson poured cold water over the Biden Administration’s claims of historic job creation noting that President Biden hasn’t in fact created new jobs.
“The economy – and this is an important point – hasn’t added one single job from the 2019 high watermark. Not one. All the jobs that we have seen gained are recovered jobs that were lost. We are not yet producing new jobs.”

“In fact, we’re still about nearly four million jobs short.
So these wage gains are coming on top of a shrinking workforce, and it’s not being fueled by productivity enhancements.”
For simpletons like "Fauxnie" DUE TO COVID....FACTS!!!

COVID-19 ends longest employment recovery and expansion in CES history, causing unprecedented job losses in 2020​

By the end of 2019, payroll employment in the United States had been growing steadily for over 9 years, marking the longest recovery and expansion in CES history.
This growth continued into the start of 2020, with January and February adding a combined 604,000 jobs!
But something idiots like Fauxnie caused:
In March, nonfarm employment fell by 1.7 million, a loss only surpassed by a 1945 employment decline that came as the country demobilized after World War II.
Unsurprisingly, February was designated as the month in which overall economic activity peaked, marking the beginning of an economic recession.
In April, employment plummeted, dropping by 20.7 million—
the largest decline in the history of the CES employment series, which originated in 1939
FAUXNIE!!!! These are the FACTS.
NOT caused by Trump BUT IN my Personal opinion undocumented unproven opinion: lies at the feet of dummies like YOU!
All because YOU and the MSM hate America and people like Trump, me and millions like me that like America.
YOU and the biased MSM blew Covid so out of proportion!
Since 4/1/2020 I've tracked this site:https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
And one glaring totally fault assumption that you and the BIASED MSM never have admitted to and that is defined by one word:
COMORBIDITY! Here because you are so lazy is the definition:
the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
As a result according to these FACTS:
Age and diseases caused byHypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes were the most common comorbidity in patients death due to COVID-19. More than half of the patients had two or more comorbidities.
Now for an even more startling fact:
Since I've tracked and based on this source:
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
of the over 72 MILLION kids under age 18 in the USA... just 1,847 have died as of today! Of 72 million!
Why haven't you heard that from the over 17,600,000 results in the Top news category of Google?
25,400 results for "COVID-19 deaths under age 18"
Because the biased MSM and idiots like Fauxnie continued because of their stupid hatred of a man! An American!

You schmuck, your link is a year and a half old. Since then, we have created millions of jobs.

Of course, I'm saying that to the abject moron who literally said July 21, 2010 is NOT in July, 2010.


To the brain-dead, the fastest ever isn't fast enough. That's as dumb as saying Usain Bolt doesn't run fast enough.
Your game has been exposed... we are all onto Faun's dishonesty by omission.... we talk about you and your way of lying about facts on our private board.... the jig is up tard....
You schmuck, your link is a year and a half old. Since then, we have created millions of jobs.

Of course, I'm saying that to the abject moron who literally said July 21, 2010 is NOT in July, 2010.

healthmyths is kicking your ass faunny... this is great to watch.... but I'm headed to the park for a burger and some bluegrass....
You schmuck, your link is a year and a half old. Since then, we have created millions of jobs.

Of course, I'm saying that to the abject moron who literally said July 21, 2010 is NOT in July, 2010.

Reduced savings leading to recession and inflation fears... it gonna be a rough year for Little Old Joe....
And that's a mistake. We need a wall of separation between state power and economic power. Combining them (socialism) is a bad idea.
We the People created a Government
Every nation on earth has elements of Capitalism and Socialism

Some things are best done in the private sector, some are best done in the public sector
Trump drove us into a ditch

Biden got us out in record time
Trump would never destroy an industry as Biden is attempting to do.

Biden destruction of America:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So Biden wants to also destroy the electricity power plants...
FACT: 4,165,030,000,000 kWh is the total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants of which 4,116,000,000,000 kWh
come from FOSSIL FUELS...that Biden GUARANTEES to get rid of. YUP!
Of the 11,070 total power plants in USA, 6,752 are fossil fueled and Biden GUARANTEES to get rid of! YUP
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

FACT substantiated: To replace the 6,752 power plants it cost $1,661 per kWh to build new power plant

Biden wants 26.8 million cars(EPA rules: A dramatic new EPA rule will force up to 60% of new US car sales to be EVs in just 7 years
to be EVs in 7 years that average 4,000 kWh/year/car or an additional 107,200,000,000 kWh just for cars! Trucks ...use 4.32 kWh/mile.. you figure!

So a combined total kWh of 4,223,200,000,000 kWh will be needed!
  • 4,116,000,000,000 kWh to replace as Biden guarantees to rid fossil fuel power plants and
  • 107,200,000,000 kWh for EV cars (not counting trucks)
  • 4,223,200,000,000 kWh will be needed at a cost of $1,661 to build a new power plant or
  • $7,014,735,200,000,000 (For you that can't go beyond 1 trillion, $7.014 quadrillion)
So where will that $7.014 quadrillion come from?
Last edited:
Trump would never destroy an industry as Biden is attempting to do.

Biden destruction of America:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So Biden wants to also destroy the electricity power plants...
FACT: 4,165,030,000,000 kWh is the total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants of which 4,116,000,000,000 kWh
come from FOSSIL FUELS...that Biden GUARANTEES to get rid of. YUP!

Of the 11,070 total power plants in USA, 6,752 are fossil fueled and Biden GUARANTEES to get rid of! YUP
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

FACT substantiated: To replace the 6,752 power plants it cost $1,661 per kWh to build new power plant

Biden wants 26.8 million cars(EPA rules: A dramatic new EPA rule will force up to 60% of new US car sales to be EVs in just 7 years
to be EVs in 7 years that average 4,000 kWh/year or 107,200,000,000 kWh/year.

So a combined total kWh of 4,223,200,000,000 kWh will be needed!
  • 4,116,000,000,000 kWh to replace via Biden's guarantee to rid fossil fuel power plants and
  • 107,200,000,000 for EV cars (not counting trucks)
  • A total of 4,223,200,000,000 kWh will be needed at a cost of $1,551 to build a new power plant or
  • $7,014,735,200,000,000 (For you that can't go beyond 1 trillion, $7.014 quadrillion)
So where will that $7.014 quadrillion come from?

Biden is merely stating the inevitable
Trump would never destroy an industry as Biden is attempting to do.

Biden destruction of America:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So Biden wants to also destroy the electricity power plants...
FACT: 4,165,030,000,000 kWh is the total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants of which 4,116,000,000,000 kWh
come from FOSSIL FUELS...that Biden GUARANTEES to get rid of. YUP!

Of the 11,070 total power plants in USA, 6,752 are fossil fueled and Biden GUARANTEES to get rid of! YUP
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

FACT substantiated: To replace the 6,752 power plants it cost $1,661 per kWh to build new power plant

Biden wants 26.8 million cars(EPA rules: A dramatic new EPA rule will force up to 60% of new US car sales to be EVs in just 7 years
to be EVs in 7 years that average 4,000 kWh/year or 107,200,000,000 kWh/year.

So a combined total kWh of 4,223,200,000,000 kWh will be needed!
  • 4,116,000,000,000 kWh to replace via Biden's guarantee to rid fossil fuel power plants and
  • 107,200,000,000 for EV cars (not counting trucks)
  • A total of 4,223,200,000,000 kWh will be needed at a cost of $1,551 to build a new power plant or
  • $7,014,735,200,000,000 (For you that can't go beyond 1 trillion, $7.014 quadrillion)
So where will that $7.014 quadrillion come from?

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

By 2050, not by the end of his term. :cuckoo:

And I'm still waiting for you to show how the last 3 GOP presidents created 3.5 million jobs when it was actually just 1 million. It's your claim -- can't you back it up??

YOU are so stupid: The 3 GOP created: 35,508,000

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