Which race started racism? Where did it come from?

saying that Europeans "invented" racism is like saying that the first European explorer that turned his musket on an indigenous person "invented" shooting natives.

Sure, you could say that, for what it's worth. But it's not worth much as it says nothing about why-shoot-the-indigenous in particular, as opposed to why-shoot-anybody.

On some level, you could technically make that claim, but there's nothing particularly inventive about turning an existing weapon on a new target, just as there's nothing particularly inventive about encouraging tribal hostilities based on a new set of criteria,

Again, true. But the fact that it's a "new" versus "old" target is, again, not the point. The point is causation --- why is that new target selected? And in this case that selection has nothing to do with shooting; rather it's the value judgment that race X, Y or Z is "inferior" to one's own. That's what racism means. It can then be expressed in myriad ways, including criteria for shooting. It may be simply internalized and not expressed at all. But I'm saying that value judgment is invented --- meaning put there where it didn't exist previously --- to rationalize the transAtlantic slave trade. Because without that rationalization, said traders would have to admit that human trafficking is immoral. And that, in turn, would have meant losing money.

Racism is not shooting or subjugating or enslaving. It's a value judgment.

particularly one that coincides with the general geographical distribution of world populations, and therefore already exists in all but name.

All this section says is that diverse races exist in diverse areas. We already know that.
Leave them in Africa; so your suggesting that we send the races to their historical homes?
If I may impose my thoughts onto this exchange my suggestion would be; some -- not all.

In my 81 years of observing and experiencing the human condition I have known some Black people who are better in every way than a lot of Whites I've had the misfortune to know. To summarize my feelings I will borrow from the wisdom of Chris Rock in saying I have no problem with decent, respectable Black people -- but I can't stand n!ggers!
saying that Europeans "invented" racism is like saying that the first European explorer that turned his musket on an indigenous person "invented" shooting natives.

Sure, you could say that, for what it's worth. But it's not worth much as it says nothing about why-shoot-the-indigenous in particular, as opposed to why-shoot-anybody.

On some level, you could technically make that claim, but there's nothing particularly inventive about turning an existing weapon on a new target, just as there's nothing particularly inventive about encouraging tribal hostilities based on a new set of criteria,

Again, true. But the fact that it's a "new" versus "old" target is, again, not the point. The point is causation --- why is that new target selected? And in this case that selection has nothing to do with shooting; rather it's the value judgment that race X, Y or Z is "inferior" to one's own. That's what racism means. It can then be expressed in myriad ways, including criteria for shooting. It may be simply internalized and not expressed at all. But I'm saying that value judgment is invented --- meaning put there where it didn't exist previously --- to rationalize the transAtlantic slave trade. Because without that rationalization, said traders would have to admit that human trafficking is immoral. And that, in turn, would have meant losing money.

Racism is not shooting or subjugating or enslaving. It's a value judgment.

particularly one that coincides with the general geographical distribution of world populations, and therefore already exists in all but name.

All this section says is that diverse races exist in diverse areas. We already know that.

You keep mentioning that it's not about shooting, so I'll start by clearing this up. When I likened the link between racism and tribalism to aiming a gun at a new target, I wasn't trying to imply that racism is about shooting people. I grew up with the traditional view of racism which is, as you said, the belief that one's own race is superior to another race, and also the belief that race is a reliable indicator of the end sum of an individual's traits.

Since, in those days, people of different races looked vastly different, came from geographical locations far away and separate from one another, spoke strange and foreign languages, and practiced customs and religions that were alien to each other, the triggers for tribalism already existed. Race just lumped together existing ethnicities and put a name on it. The musket was tribalism, it was already aimed at all the qualities comprising race, and the concept of racism was nothing more than adjusting the aim SLIGHTLY and confirming existing in-group biases. In terms of what the race concept was used to justify, it was the straw that broke the camel's back, if ever that metaphor applied to anything.

Thus, in my opinion, the point is indeed causality, but it is not WHY the new target was selected, as intent does not define causality. The point, rather, is how pivotal the race concept was in enabling the slave trade compared to the other factors potentially at fault. Personally, I'm of the belief that the history of mankind leading up to that point suggests that enslaving people of other ethnicities was well within the wheelhouse of civilizations, European and otherwise, who had never so much as been exposed to the concept of race as a pseudoscience, let alone been "brainwashed" by it. I fail to see how any ol' explanation wouldn't have worked out just fine. They're not really human, they're savages, they don't worship the right god. How about, our monarch is ordained by God himself to rule, and therefore any that would serve a foreign nation are enemies of heaven itself? When you consider that the Atlantic slave trade predated modern democracy by about 200 years, you really only had to convince the monarchies of the nations involved that enslaving people from foreign lands was A-OK. Convincing people who believe themselves to be ruler by God's divine will that peasants from across the sea can reasonably be treated as property to enhance the wealth of the kingdom doesn't exactly require brainwashing.

It's like, what plays a larger role in illuminating your home? Is it electrons pushing through the resistance of a tungsten filament in a lightbulb and giving off electromagnetic energy? Or is the real key to being able to see at night Bill down at the factory who works the conveyor belt and separates all the lightbulbs into packages? Yes, Bill's a part of the process, but you would hardly call him the light bringer.

Lastly, "diverse races exist in diverse areas" kinda bleeds the entire emphasis out of what I said and is far more ambiguous in its meaning. The point is that, back then, they DIDN'T exist in the SAME places. And I wasn't saying it because I thought that explaining that different people live in different places is a fact of which anyone was unaware, I was pointing it out to emphasize that, during the time frame in question, your average human being, due to lack of experience interacting with people of far removed ethnicities, was working with a level of novelty that you or I likely couldn't even fathom. My point was that, even without race, people that long ago would naturally attribute far more other'ness to foreigners than anyone today, regardless of the existence of the race narrative.
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I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?
I think what causes racism, is when one person "THINKS" they are much better than another person. As an example, when the British were in their days of colonization and conquest, every place they went all the people they "Conquered" were subjugated to the king or queen. Then those Brits who moved to the other countries with their superior "attitudes" towards the subjects, also were very racist towards those who worked for the elites. Even in America, where people left the security of the King or Queen for an opportunity to make a life of their own, soon the king and queen wanted more from those who left for greener pastures. The rest is history, but the insidious Democrats(I call them new liberals) started subjugating those indentured servants who originally came here knowing that they served for 5 -7 years then were set free, but one disgusting individual said his property was his and should never be free. This is what History doesn't tell US and why racism still happens.

View attachment 174976
Looks like you were fooled by an internet meme. Not only is that not Anthony Johnson but the first slave owner in the US was Hugh Gwyn a white dude. They guy in alt right meme is Lewis Hayden. Its amazing how easy it is to fool low intellect individuals such as yourself.

Hoax Alert: First Slave Owner in America WAS NOT a Black Man | Lead Stories
I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?
Well youre wrong about a couple of things. Two dark skin Black people can absolutely produce a lighter skin or even "white" child. Also MTDNA is not the only determining factor on appearance.

Racism is nothing but a system based on race. Racist views were first exhibited by whites when they decided to proclaim whites were the most beautiful of all humans. You need to do some research.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Wikipedia
Racism was started by the first snowflake black who had his feelings hurt.

Racism was started by the first snowflake black who had his feelings hurt.

View attachment 177653
You white boys started racism to sooth your inferiority complex. It must suck smelling like a wet dog and knowing the sun is out to get you. It has caused you to act out.
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
Racism was started by the first snowflake black who had his feelings hurt.

View attachment 177653
You white boys started racism to sooth your inferiority complex. It must suck smelling like a wet dog and knowing the sun is out to get you. It has caused you to act out.
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
Racism was started by the first snowflake black who had his feelings hurt.

View attachment 177653
You white boys started racism to sooth your inferiority complex. It must suck smelling like a wet dog and knowing the sun is out to get you. It has caused you to act out.
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
You’re boring.
Racism was started by the first snowflake black who had his feelings hurt.

View attachment 177653
You white boys started racism to sooth your inferiority complex. It must suck smelling like a wet dog and knowing the sun is out to get you. It has caused you to act out.
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
You’re boring.
Youre illiterate.
  • Thanks
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Racism was started by the first snowflake black who had his feelings hurt.

View attachment 177653
You white boys started racism to sooth your inferiority complex. It must suck smelling like a wet dog and knowing the sun is out to get you. It has caused you to act out.
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
You’re boring.
Youre illiterate.
Says the guy who writes "Youre". :lmao:
You white boys started racism to sooth your inferiority complex. It must suck smelling like a wet dog and knowing the sun is out to get you. It has caused you to act out.
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
You’re boring.
Youre illiterate.
Says the guy who writes "Youre". :lmao:
Says the guy that thinks the contraction of "you are" should be written as "your".
Asc, you need a new schtick, this one is tired, old and worn out. Please liven up your posts in the future and try again soon.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
You’re boring.
Youre illiterate.
Says the guy who writes "Youre". :lmao:
Says the guy that thinks the contraction of "you are" should be written as "your".
I like to help you poor ol' black boys, it's "You're". Now you know.
My intent isn't to liven up the post. Its to articulate the facts. If you dont like the facts and need pictures then dont read my post monkey. :laugh:
You’re boring.
Youre illiterate.
Says the guy who writes "Youre". :lmao:
Says the guy that thinks the contraction of "you are" should be written as "your".
I like to help you poor ol' black boys, it's "You're". Now you know.
Yeah after I showed you how to spell it.
I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?

The Human Race started it.
I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?

The Human Race started it.

Fair enough.

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