Which race started racism? Where did it come from?

Which race started racism? My guess would be Black people, because they were the first humans. I think racism comes from indifference. They ran into groups that were different from them, and racism was born.

You could not have invented racism if you did not invent race. As we have seen, the concept of race did not exist until the 15-1600's and it was a European construct. Treatment of those different is not racism. Various groups within races treat each other differently and that's based in ethnic differences. Racism is the belief that you are superior based on race. Whites have made up so may different definitions of racism to suit them and none of those are the definition of racism.

Well I think Whites have been masterful in their manipulation of racism. Their racial performance has been simply stunning; I have seen nothing else like it.

Which makes me think God has been involved at some level; for some reason. Its just been too well done.

True, but I think Satan has more to do with that than God. However to look at it in the manner you have is also right when we have been warned about false prophets and deception.

Well I do have my reasons for thinking as such. Consider this; Romans 13:1 " Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power " But of God!" the powers that be are ordained of God!" Okay, in my view, as far as I understand this, satan is " A Power that be"; no doubt about it. This verse reveals that " The Powers that be are " Ordained" by God!" Meaning also that it is God who " Invest Authority in these powers", and controls these powers, be they demons or humans! God has " Arranged things to be as they are!"

This has stunning implications.

Not really. Because the passages you cite are talking about our duty to the government. Besides we need to pay more attention to the words of Jesus than to Pauls
Racism came from a race
It was people in this case
Racism was a cake that people baked
They cut it open and it bled race.
As Not2b Said, for 99+% of human history, indeed 100% of Primate/mammal/all animal species and their subspecies/races, we've lived/survived in small and/or concentric groups and fought with those of different klan. "Racism"/tribalism/etc.

The problem with that argument is that "race" has not been shown to be a basis for those community groups. It may have been geographically coincident but no one has demonstrated it as a causation. In other words village A skirmishes with village B because it's a different village --- not because it's a different race.

By the way "clan" is spelled with a C unless you mean the Ku Klux version, which was a silly alliteration appended by one of its founders whose name was Kennedy.

Race only had to be coincident for racism to work as it did. Look at how easily tribalism expresses itself in groups of sports team fans, or political parties, or fans of one type of music vs fans of another. In-group preference is a powerful motivator in general, and all it takes to aim it is any incidental emphasizing of demographical differences between one's self and a member of some other category of human.

The point is, saying that Europeans "invented" racism is like saying that the first European explorer that turned his musket on an indigenous person "invented" shooting natives. On some level, you could technically make that claim, but there's nothing particularly inventive about turning an existing weapon on a new target, just as there's nothing particularly inventive about encouraging tribal hostilities based on a new set of criteria, particularly one that coincides with the general geographical distribution of world populations, and therefore already exists in all but name.
As Not2b Said, for 99+% of human history, indeed 100% of Primate/mammal/all animal species and their subspecies/races, we've lived/survived in small and/or concentric groups and fought with those of different klan. "Racism"/tribalism/etc.

The problem with that argument is that "race" has not been shown to be a basis for those community groups. It may have been geographically coincident but no one has demonstrated it as a causation. In other words village A skirmishes with village B because it's a different village --- not because it's a different race.

By the way "clan" is spelled with a C unless you mean the Ku Klux version, which was a silly alliteration appended by one of its founders whose name was Kennedy.

Race only had to be coincident for racism to work as it did. Look at how easily tribalism expresses itself in groups of sports team fans, or political parties, or fans of one type of music vs fans of another. In-group preference is a powerful motivator in general, and all it takes to aim it is any incidental emphasizing of demographical differences between one's self and a member of some other category of human.

The point is, saying that Europeans "invented" racism is like saying that the first European explorer that turned his musket on an indigenous person "invented" shooting natives. On some level, you could technically make that claim, but there's nothing particularly inventive about turning an existing weapon on a new target, just as there's nothing particularly inventive about encouraging tribal hostilities based on a new set of criteria, particularly one that coincides with the general geographical distribution of world populations, and therefore already exists in all but name.

Point about tribalism well taken. But that doesn't address the artificial basis of race. Indeed in your example of a sports team the opposite happens.

Variant race may be coincident with variant tribes. But I haven't seen anyone establish it as a causation in and of itself --- without an incentive such as greed. And there's your European invention.
Point about tribalism well taken. But that doesn't address the artificial basis of race. Indeed in your example of a sports team the opposite happens.

Variant race may be coincident with variant tribes. But I haven't seen anyone establish it as a causation in and of itself --- without an incentive such as greed. And there's your European invention.
That's, of course, ridiculous with even a basic knowlege of history.
ie/just one example, The word 'abd', Arabic for both 'slave', and to refer to the black race since Mohammed, comes to mind.

A paler shade of black
Arabs like to imagine that their countries are comparatively free from racism. But it exists, nonetheless
Nesrine Malik - Mar 2008 - Guardian
A paler shade of black

The word 'abd - Arabic for "slave" - was often used in our household when I was a child. In fact, it was so common that I had no awareness of its negative connotations until well into my teenage years. My father's family, a proud northern Sudanese clan, used it to refer to anyone who had darker skin than themselves - from southern Sudanese house servants to migrants from Darfur. Sometimes there was a clear intent to demean, but at other times it was used almost affectionately - for example, when addressing a particularly dark-skinned or thick-lipped child.

This was a kind of racism that no one ever challenged or addressed, and it was, through a child's eyes, very straightforward: on a scale of colour, lighter was good, darker was bad. The word 'abd, although strictly meaning "slave" or "servant", became synonymous with negritude. Even my Islamic heritage reinforced this with quotes from the Prophet Muhammad such as "You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian [ie black] slave whose head looks like a raisin" (Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 89, Number 256).

When we moved to post-colonial East Africa in the 1980s, 'abd was seamlessly transferred to the locals with whom we interacted only in their capacity as domestic staff or grounds-keepers at international schools. While I myself was "black" of North African descent, my family believed its Arab roots were somehow genetically dominant, giving us smaller features and a marginally lighter skin tone - thus deeming ourselves to be an entirely a different race from the "pure" Africans.

Our next move was to Saudi Arabia, where the Arab ethnicity with which I identified so strongly was suddenly cast into doubt: now it was my turn to be the "slave". My belief that I was an Arab, racially superior to non-Arab Africans, became laughable in the heartland of Arabia - a place where "Arabness" was not only determined by skin colour but by whether you could uninterruptedly trace your lineage back to the founding father of your clan. In fact, ancestry is so important in Saudi Arabia that courts have the power to annul a marriage if gaps are later discovered in a person's lineage, opening up the possibility of blood line pollution.

Beneath the unforgiving scrutiny of such standards, my proud North African Arabic identity crumbled. Somehow, however, it still made some sense and fell into place in a racial spectrum where, at least, I was not on the bottom rung. I could scarcely complain, since among Saudi women themselves there was a brutal selection process where lighter-skinned women were preferred as wives, who in turn were trumped by the blonde blue-eyed babes from Lebanon who dominated satellite TV and the second-wife market.

Eventually, back in Sudan, I was introduced to another logic that negated all that had gone before. In some inverse double bluff, a new word was added to our lexicon: halabi, a pejorative term for Sudanese who are much lighter-skinned than the rest.
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I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?
Your question occurs as, "Which race started - - - - - -?"

What exactly is "racism?"
I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?
Your question occurs as, "Which race started - - - - - -?"

What exactly is "racism?"

The first racism was " Individual jealousy racism." The racism of envy. Which led to murder. That racism led to " Working class racism", where envy and jealousy were given much more strength and power because of what one man could do, verses what another man could do; which led to the " Comparrison of talents", where what one man does, may be considered more important than what another man does.
The first racism was " Individual jealousy racism." The racism of envy. Which led to murder. That racism led to " Working class racism", where envy and jealousy were given much more strength and power because of what one man could do, verses what another man could do; which led to the " Comparrison of talents", where what one man does, may be considered more important than what another man does.
I once heard a young Black girl on a radio call-in program say her father is "racist against cats." That casual statement grabbed and held me for a few minutes because of its meaningful ambiguity. This girl was saying something extremely specific -- but what?

She didn't say, "My father doesn't like cats." She said, "My father is racist against cats." What do you think she meant?

I've been called a racist several times. Whether or not it's true depends on what each individual accuser meant by that grossly over-used, often mis-used word.
One day Ronan the Accuser will visit this earth, but until then, we all get to contribute to the confusion.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Just leave them in Africa.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Just leave them in Africa.

Leave them in Africa; so your suggesting that we send the races to their historical homes?

So where are we to send your race? Where is the historical home of Whites?

I mean I'm just asking.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Just leave them in Africa.

Leave them in Africa; so your suggesting that we send the races to their historical homes?

So where are we to send your race? Where is the historical home of Whites?

I mean I'm just asking.
Not my suggestion to send anyone anywhere. You made that up because you couldn't think of anything on point to say. Inferior indeed!
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors?

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Pulling Weeds Up by Their "Roots"

They should have no rights and be forced to contribute. If they commit any felony, they should be executed immediately.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Just leave them in Africa.
Intellectual Property

There are a lot of resources there, which Africans are mentally incapable of developing and therefore should not own the rights to. The same could be said about American Indians, but justice was done to their incompetence and unearned claims to the land.
As we can see , racism even exist in debate.

Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Just leave them in Africa.

Leave them in Africa; so your suggesting that we send the races to their historical homes?

So where are we to send your race? Where is the historical home of Whites?

I mean I'm just asking.
The Original of the "Abominable Snowman" Legend

You're asking an unrelated question. It has nothing to do with "back where they belong." And the useless savages who occupied America first belong back in Siberia. Putin will know what to do about them.
Racism remains a stain on humanity, one that I cannot see man removing it from man. In my personal conscious thought, I think only a greater power than man can totally remove the scourge of racism.
Do these powers then have anything to do with racism, and other things of the like that damage us so much? Does the mystery powers that be factor into the existence of these horrors?

I think that has to be considered.

The Unfit Can No Longer Be Allowed to Survive

Inferior people have a desperate need to force people to believe in fantasies about racial equality.

What shall we do with the inferiors? Eat them like soylent green. Gather them and kill them? Enslave them.

Or help them. Or maybe let people like you decide.
Just leave them in Africa.

Leave them in Africa; so your suggesting that we send the races to their historical homes?

So where are we to send your race? Where is the historical home of Whites?

I mean I'm just asking.
The Original of the "Abominable Snowman" Legend

You're asking an unrelated question. It has nothing to do with "back where they belong." And the useless savages who occupied America first belong back in Siberia. Putin will know what to do about them.

What have you invented or accomplished in life? No doubt you are just another low life underachieving white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of "whites". Its kind of like welfare really. Smart whites achieve something good and since you are white you receive the intellectual transfer benefit....through trickle down intellectualism.....while personally not having accomplished jack slit that is noteworthy, plagued by a lazy or inferior deadbeat brain.

However, I need to be careful because I do not want to upset with your personal failures enough that you leave your parents basement and take your assault rifle and do a mass shooting because your life is so Sh!ty.
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