Which Republican is giving up Medicare & SS on retirement?

I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?
/——/ My wife and I are 67 and paid in since 1968. Our SS is a combined $40,000 a year. Assuming we live another 20 years you’re suggesting we forgo $800,000 of our retirement. All because some anonymous guy on a message board said we should with no practical reason or alternative, ditto on Medicaid.

Like I posted earlier, if you buy a house, it's mandated by the bank you have insurance on the house. If you drive, most if not all states require you to carry liability insurance at the least.

If your house catches fire and is totally destroyed, do you forfeit your coverage because the only reason you had insurance was because you were forced to? Of course not. Nobody would. You paid into that policy for such a tragedy whether you agreed with it or not.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?
/——/ My wife and I are 67 and paid in since 1968. Our SS is a combined $40,000 a year. Assuming we live another 20 years you’re suggesting we forgo $800,000 of our retirement. All because some anonymous guy on a message board said we should with no practical reason or alternative, ditto on Medicaid.
So why the hell aren't you a Democrat? What about health care Day Care Living wage infrastructure ID card taxing the rich their fair share cheap college and training? I think you're brainwashed.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?
/——/ My wife and I are 67 and paid in since 1968. Our SS is a combined $40,000 a year. Assuming we live another 20 years you’re suggesting we forgo $800,000 of our retirement. All because some anonymous guy on a message board said we should with no practical reason or alternative, ditto on Medicaid.
So why the hell aren't you a Democrat? What about health care Day Care Living wage infrastructure ID card taxing the rich their fair share cheap college and training? I think you're brainwashed.
/—-/ I was a democRAT until I voted for Reagan. Thank Jimmy Carter and Slick Willie.
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.
So why are we the only rich country without a healthcare system, or for that matter good day care paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, an ID card that would end illegal immigration and work, or taxes on the rich that are higher than the middle class? Answer the scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you... Great job.
/——/ Asked and answered 1,000 times since the 2000 elections. Grow a brain and come up with something new.
So what was the answer again, you incredibly full of s*** idiot? Yeah I answered it, the scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes and ignoramuses like you...
/—-/ Nope. Tired of reposting and reposting and reposting only to have you libtards ask the same question a week later.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?
/——/ My wife and I are 67 and paid in since 1968. Our SS is a combined $40,000 a year. Assuming we live another 20 years you’re suggesting we forgo $800,000 of our retirement. All because some anonymous guy on a message board said we should with no practical reason or alternative, ditto on Medicaid.

Like I posted earlier, if you buy a house, it's mandated by the bank you have insurance on the house. If you drive, most if not all states require you to carry liability insurance at the least.

If your house catches fire and is totally destroyed, do you forfeit your coverage because the only reason you had insurance was because you were forced to? Of course not. Nobody would. You paid into that policy for such a tragedy whether you agreed with it or not.
/——/ Actually you only need liability insurance to protect others you might hurt. If your house is paid for you don’t need home owners insurance. And no one forces to to buy a house or car.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirement?

Social Security has a poor return and a huge up coming deficit.

I have to give up my benefits if I point out the shortfalls?
You see without government help, these people just might lose weight, might have never had children, be living in lower income areas and strive to work up to the suburbs. But no. Government just puts them here like a chess piece with no effort on their part.

yeah, i get to see a lot of 'em

If people help themselves, that's even better.

'teach a man to fish'......?

I'm more Polish minded than you & Bear.

dare i ask?

Think most are not being honest, only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt. what do we do with the other 80% when they cant work any more? I have family members that Think that if they did not have to pay into SS they would be saving it, funny though that there in there late 40s and early 50s & haven't saved a dime on there own. some people are savers, some people spend every penny they get, some spend every penny & charge even more. thanks in part to SS I did not have to care for my ageing parents,& could focus on my own retirement. how would these family members have been able with no savings to care for there parents if SS was gone? its a safety net, we need it.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?
Why would they? They paid into it their entire working life. It’s their money. Liberals are dumbasses. Seriously.
Think most are not being honest, only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt. what do we do with the other 80% when they cant work any more? I have family members that Think that if they did not have to pay into SS they would be saving it, funny though that there in there late 40s and early 50s & haven't saved a dime on there own. some people are savers, some people spend every penny they get, some spend every penny & charge even more. thanks in part to SS I did not have to care for my ageing parents,& could focus on my own retirement. how would these family members have been able with no savings to care for there parents if SS was gone? its a safety net, we need it.

only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt

When the government takes 15.3% of your lifetime earnings, it does
make it harder to save outside of Social Security, don't you agree?
I haven't done the math yet, but guessing if we left Afghanistan it would just about make up the money Congress wants to take from Social Security.
Think most are not being honest, only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt. what do we do with the other 80% when they cant work any more? I have family members that Think that if they did not have to pay into SS they would be saving it, funny though that there in there late 40s and early 50s & haven't saved a dime on there own. some people are savers, some people spend every penny they get, some spend every penny & charge even more. thanks in part to SS I did not have to care for my ageing parents,& could focus on my own retirement. how would these family members have been able with no savings to care for there parents if SS was gone? its a safety net, we need it.

only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt

When the government takes 15.3% of your lifetime earnings, it does
make it harder to save outside of Social Security, don't you agree?

If you include what your employer matches, SS is the largest deduction out of your paycheck every week. Putting that into a conservative growth fund would net you a lot more than SS will give you back in a normal lifetime.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

We were forced to pay into Social Security idiot, shocker we want OUR money back.
Think most are not being honest, only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt. what do we do with the other 80% when they cant work any more? I have family members that Think that if they did not have to pay into SS they would be saving it, funny though that there in there late 40s and early 50s & haven't saved a dime on there own. some people are savers, some people spend every penny they get, some spend every penny & charge even more. thanks in part to SS I did not have to care for my ageing parents,& could focus on my own retirement. how would these family members have been able with no savings to care for there parents if SS was gone? its a safety net, we need it.

only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt

When the government takes 15.3% of your lifetime earnings, it does
make it harder to save outside of Social Security, don't you agree?

If you include what your employer matches, SS is the largest deduction out of your paycheck every week. Putting that into a conservative growth fund would net you a lot more than SS will give you back in a normal lifetime.

Bush tried to talk Dem's into investing some of OUR SS money and Democrats threw a conniption fit. Fact is Democrats used OUR SS money as a piggy bank, they "borrowed" OUR money, $2 trillion dollars of it and spent every last dime. They gave us worthless IOU's they can't pay back. If that happened in any private pension fund they would all be in prison.
Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.
So why are we the only rich country without a healthcare system, or for that matter good day care paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, an ID card that would end illegal immigration and work, or taxes on the rich that are higher than the middle class? Answer the scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you... Great job.
/——/ Asked and answered 1,000 times since the 2000 elections. Grow a brain and come up with something new.
So what was the answer again, you incredibly full of s*** idiot? Yeah I answered it, the scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes and ignoramuses like you...
/—-/ Nope. Tired of reposting and reposting and reposting only to have you libtards ask the same question a week later.
Mine is the only answer the damn Republicans and their propaganda machine. Reagan ism has ruined the middle class and the country.
Think most are not being honest, only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt. what do we do with the other 80% when they cant work any more? I have family members that Think that if they did not have to pay into SS they would be saving it, funny though that there in there late 40s and early 50s & haven't saved a dime on there own. some people are savers, some people spend every penny they get, some spend every penny & charge even more. thanks in part to SS I did not have to care for my ageing parents,& could focus on my own retirement. how would these family members have been able with no savings to care for there parents if SS was gone? its a safety net, we need it.

only 20 % of the country have retirement savings & little debt

When the government takes 15.3% of your lifetime earnings, it does
make it harder to save outside of Social Security, don't you agree?

If you include what your employer matches, SS is the largest deduction out of your paycheck every week. Putting that into a conservative growth fund would net you a lot more than SS will give you back in a normal lifetime.

Bush tried to talk Dem's into investing some of OUR SS money and Democrats threw a conniption fit. Fact is Democrats used OUR SS money as a piggy bank, they "borrowed" OUR money, $2 trillion dollars of it and spent every last dime. They gave us worthless IOU's they can't pay back. If that happened in any private pension fund they would all be in prison.

One of the reasons Democrats never tried to increase contributions is because they know America will turn against SS and Medicare. These federal programs give them the power of control. Dependency has always been the Democrat strategy, and losing control over the two largest entities would strip them of nearly all power.

If I pass away before retirement, my nephew and niece get everything I worked for. They get my IRA, my bank accounts, my home and rental property, my big screen television, my valuable musical instruments. What they won't see is one red cent of what I put into Social Security. That fund dies with me, and all that money I contributed will go to strangers I've never met before instead of my family.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such program s none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?


It takes no brains to realize that SS is a ponzi scheme that is certain to cause great harm to this nation.

Yet, the reality is that at the same time you are trying to save and invest for retirement, that you are being forced at the point of a gun to contribute to the shady system.

After a lifetime of being forced to "invest"in the system, taking the money back out, is not hypocritical.

It is dealing with the reality that your participation is forced.

Who pointed a gun at you?

I've been paying into medicare and SS since 1976. In those 42 years no one has pointed a gun at me to deduct those funds from my pay or when I owned my business no one had to point a gun at me to send in the payments to the government.

If you hate those programs so much then don't take the money or health coverage when you're old enough to qualify.

It's as easy at that.

Saying someone pointed a gun at you is just and out and out LIE.

But then if you conservatives couldn't lie thought your teeth 24-7 you wouldn't have anything to say.
You're adorable.

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