Which Republican is giving up Medicare & SS on retirement?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person.

Can't compare.


Sweden: 9.95 million
USA: 335 million

What works for one won't necessarily work for both. It's safe to say that the cost of insuring 335 million would be greater than 9.95 million.
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person.

Can't compare.


Sweden: 9.95 million
USA: 335 million

What works for one won't necessarily work for both.

What about Japan, Germany, Russia & China each pays less for their national healthcare than we do & are much bigger than Sweden.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

Ive yet to meet a democrat that volunteered to pay higher taxes.

The premises of this thread is to combat this one.

Has any hypocrite on the left voluntarily paid more taxes, since they claim they want to?

You can't tell the fucking difference???

The democrats want me to pay more taxes... No they can donate their own money.

Social security and medicare we are forced into paying it...of course we want our money back.


Republicans they complain if someone is poor, and also complain about government helping them not be poor & about businesses helping them not be poor by paying them more?

But remember this philosophy of idiocy comes from Southerners who benefit the most from anti poor measures.

But Southerners have always been conflicted retards like supporting bringing in Blacks but hating them anyways.

Southerners are what we call the dregs of European society.

...making the polack jokes sound more reasonable.
It's not up to me or the Republicans to "help" people become middle-class. That's left to the individual.

How can you settle for any less than being on some government program? If you can't support yourself and need your neighbors to do so, then you are the one that hit rock bottom.

Before you make judgements on what Republicans believe, maybe you should try listening to them first. Try Rush Limbaugh sometime. He's constantly telling people to better themselves. He always tells people that government is a hurdle, not a catapult. He always said everybody can accomplish whatever their goals are. I never heard him say people should just settle for less.

In my industry, we need over 30,000 new drivers we can't find. It's gotten so bad that industry is now turning to foreigners to do the job. And let me tell you, you can make a decent living being a truck driver; much more than 30K a year. In fact, some companies will train and get you licensed if you sign a year contract with them.

My father did very well being a bricklayer. He's 87 years old and still getting his pension checks. But you can't find younger people willing to join the trade. The ones that do try can't pass the drug test because smoking pot is more important than securing a career which is in demand right now!

It was the same thing with my former tenants. They were both in their later 20's when they left, and both worked fast food jobs. Why? Because better paying jobs required them to take drug tests. So they opted to keep smoking pot and work lower wage jobs. The problem is a lot of younger people are doing the same. So it's not a surprise that many in our country are making 30K or less a year.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Republicans don't even understand Capitalism much, apparently.

If 100% had PhD degrees the market would still demand burger flippers, toilet scrubbers, ditch diggers, lawn mowers, Walmart greeters.

So its actually the markets fault.

Capitalism creates winners & losers economically.

Natural selection creates winners & losers genetically.

Republicans don't seem understand either concept very well.

Not at all.

Let's say that instead of Obama's stimulus, he decided to give half of all adults in the country a million dollars each. They picked people at random.

So I got lucky and now I have a million dollars. But my toilet starts acting up, so I call my plumber. He's out of business because he got a million dollars too. So I call the next one in the phone book with the same result.

I finally locate a plumber that didn't get a million dollars and is still open for business, He says he can come over and repair my toilet next week, and the minimum charge will be $200.00. What choice do I have but to pay him or fix it myself?

Even though I got lucky and got picked, those who did not benefited from my fortune as well. That's the way capitalism works; that;'s the way supply and demand works. So toilet scrubbers and burger flippers would benefit just like my plumber. Businesses would have to offer more money to get labor.

Capitalism doesn't create winners and losers, people make that choice for themselves. If you want to become a winner, choose the path of a winner. If you want to be a loser, choose the path of a loser. Most people are satisfied with something in between, but that was still their choice.

I don't know you or much about your personal life, but I would be willing to bet that outside of your house, or perhaps an IRA at work, you never risked your money to make more. You live paycheck to paycheck and save what you can. You depend on your job for income instead of yourself. You want to work 40 hours a week and take three or four weeks of vacation every year. And that's fine.

But for those who went one, two, or several steps further, capitalism didn't "make" them do it. They did it on their own to be more successful than you or I.
It's not up to me or the Republicans to "help" people become middle-class. That's left to the individual.

How can you settle for any less than being on some government program? If you can't support yourself and need your neighbors to do so, then you are the one that hit rock bottom.

Before you make judgements on what Republicans believe, maybe you should try listening to them first. Try Rush Limbaugh sometime. He's constantly telling people to better themselves. He always tells people that government is a hurdle, not a catapult. He always said everybody can accomplish whatever their goals are. I never heard him say people should just settle for less.

In my industry, we need over 30,000 new drivers we can't find. It's gotten so bad that industry is now turning to foreigners to do the job. And let me tell you, you can make a decent living being a truck driver; much more than 30K a year. In fact, some companies will train and get you licensed if you sign a year contract with them.

My father did very well being a bricklayer. He's 87 years old and still getting his pension checks. But you can't find younger people willing to join the trade. The ones that do try can't pass the drug test because smoking pot is more important than securing a career which is in demand right now!

It was the same thing with my former tenants. They were both in their later 20's when they left, and both worked fast food jobs. Why? Because better paying jobs required them to take drug tests. So they opted to keep smoking pot and work lower wage jobs. The problem is a lot of younger people are doing the same. So it's not a surprise that many in our country are making 30K or less a year.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Republicans don't even understand Capitalism much, apparently.

If 100% had PhD degrees the market would still demand burger flippers, toilet scrubbers, ditch diggers, lawn mowers, Walmart greeters.

So its actually the markets fault.

Capitalism creates winners & losers economically.

Natural selection creates winners & losers genetically.

Republicans don't seem understand either concept very well.

Not at all.

Let's say that instead of Obama's stimulus, he decided to give half of all adults in the country a million dollars each. They picked people at random.

So I got lucky and now I have a million dollars. But my toilet starts acting up, so I call my plumber. He's out of business because he got a million dollars too. So I call the next one in the phone book with the same result.

I finally locate a plumber that didn't get a million dollars and is still open for business, He says he can come over and repair my toilet next week, and the minimum charge will be $200.00. What choice do I have but to pay him or fix it myself?

Even though I got lucky and got picked, those who did not benefited from my fortune as well. That's the way capitalism works; that;'s the way supply and demand works. So toilet scrubbers and burger flippers would benefit just like my plumber. Businesses would have to offer more money to get labor.

Capitalism doesn't create winners and losers, people make that choice for themselves. If you want to become a winner, choose the path of a winner. If you want to be a loser, choose the path of a loser. Most people are satisfied with something in between, but that was still their choice.

I don't know you or much about your personal life, but I would be willing to bet that outside of your house, or perhaps an IRA at work, you never risked your money to make more. You live paycheck to paycheck and save what you can. You depend on your job for income instead of yourself. You want to work 40 hours a week and take three or four weeks of vacation every year. And that's fine.

But for those who went one, two, or several steps further, capitalism didn't "make" them do it. They did it on their own to be more successful than you or I.

Democrats are dumb & Republicans are dumber.
Or maybe Democrats are Beavis & Republicans are Butthead.

Both parties are dumb jokes but ultimately Democrats are slightly more aware.

Saying people chose to be poor in a Capitalist society is not just dumb it's mega- retarded.

If you believe the market drives wages.
Government should do nothing about the poor
Government should allow outsourced jobs.

It then becomes obvious that most poor people are poor not fron choices but from RayFromCleveland's philosophy.AKA Republicanism.

Republicans wouldn't make it in any other civilized White, or Asian country who'd right away out Republicans to the trash bin as anti- civilization.

The bottomline is Capitalism creates winners & losers.

If everybody had a 150 IQ or higher & PhD degrees they would still have people working at McDonalds with a 150 IQ & a PhD because a society only requires so many PhD degrees as jobs & way more low paying menial jobs.

Thats the reality.

The other reality is that there are only so many people who would get PhD's so you philosophy is moot.

Yes, people do choose to be poor, I've witnessed it repeatedly. No, not everybody has the intelligence to get out of poverty, but most do thanks to capitalism. As for the people who choose poverty, it's due to several reasons: One, they want things in life they reasonably can't afford. Two, they are lazy or otherwise unmotivated. Three, they have no desire to obtain wealth. It's much easier to sit back and complain about those who do have it. Fourth, is insecurity; not wanting to take risks or spend time to learn about investments, or they conducted their life irresponsibly.

Capitalism doesn't create winners and losers. If anything creates winners and losers, government does.

I come from a regular middle-class family. I followed in my fathers footsteps by getting a job and going to work. Capitalism wasn't responsible for that. I stayed out of trouble with the law, didn't get involved in drugs, invested my money on several occasions. Capitalism didn't do that, I did. At this point, the only successful investments I have are my IRA at work and my real estate investments which should yield a very comfortable retirement when the day arrives. Capitalism didn't do that, I did. I have several cousins who are worth a million dollars or much more. Again, we are all from the same environment, middle-class working families. Capitalism didn't choose that for them. They earned their wealth through education, risky investments, or a combination of both. But in all cases, because of motivation.

If everybody was high IQ, highly motivated & had a PhD there would still be about the same amount of minimum wage jobs that fill in poor people.

My area has low poverty & a lot of those in poverty are illegal Hispanics who work hard & White contractors who work hard & White casheers who work.

Now Blacks & Puerto Ricans & Domincans do often gouge & do little.

The government should only give working abled people jobs if they're working.

It's like my father taught me as a kid. He said "Son, money is easy to make; an idiot can make money. But money is hard to keep. Finding ways to keep your money will make you more successful than finding ways to earn more."

Everybody wants something different in life. Sure, very few would decline wealth if offered, but very few chase after wealth as well. I don't have a problem with that until those who never pursued wealth complain about others who have.

For the most part, people are quite happy just having a job, starting a family, and buying a home. Live the American life and die someday. Again, that's fine with me. If you are having difficulty achieving that goal, then you need to do something on your own. You need to invest in a career or join a trade of some kind. It's never been easier to do than today. But if you want to spend the rest of your life spinning nuts onto bolts all day long, you'll never meet your dream, especially if you bitch about somebody else not paying you more money to do a meaningless job that practically anybody can do.
Social security and Medicare are two very successful programs instituted by two of most hated Democratic presidents of all time.

So naturally, the republicans would love nothing more than eliminate them.

But since they are so fucking lame at doing anything other than giving tax cuts to the billionaires, they’ll never come up with replacements.

That's the problem. I call this the Ray from Cleveland's Raccoon Theory.

You see a raccoon digging through your garbage can. So you go inside the house and fetch that half a ham you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyway. The animal eats in delight. Now give it a couple of seconds and try to take that ham away and see what happens.

My raccoon theory is not something new. Politicians knew of this theory all along--especially on the left.

Once you give people something, they automatically claim it as their own. Like the raccoon, it's virtually impossible to take it away--unless you want to get your hand chewed up.

And this is why when Republicans are in power, they cannot take social goodies away. It's also the reason we need to stop creating more social programs.

Only thing is that these are not Racoons but rather People we're helping.

Beyond helping people these social programs seem to help the economy.
Probably by freeing up money from rich horders & putting it into the hands of people who'd hardly be consumers & make them better consumers.

Face the facts the 3 biggest economic growth in the 20th century USA were FDR, Harding & LBJ each implemented social programs.

Fuck "social programs". It is not my responsibility to pay your bills. It is your responsibility.
Social security and Medicare are two very successful programs instituted by two of most hated Democratic presidents of all time.

So naturally, the republicans would love nothing more than eliminate them.

But since they are so fucking lame at doing anything other than giving tax cuts to the billionaires, they’ll never come up with replacements.

That's the problem. I call this the Ray from Cleveland's Raccoon Theory.

You see a raccoon digging through your garbage can. So you go inside the house and fetch that half a ham you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyway. The animal eats in delight. Now give it a couple of seconds and try to take that ham away and see what happens.

My raccoon theory is not something new. Politicians knew of this theory all along--especially on the left.

Once you give people something, they automatically claim it as their own. Like the raccoon, it's virtually impossible to take it away--unless you want to get your hand chewed up.

And this is why when Republicans are in power, they cannot take social goodies away. It's also the reason we need to stop creating more social programs.

Only thing is that these are not Racoons but rather People we're helping.

Beyond helping people these social programs seem to help the economy.
Probably by freeing up money from rich horders & putting it into the hands of people who'd hardly be consumers & make them better consumers.

Face the facts the 3 biggest economic growth in the 20th century USA were FDR, Harding & LBJ each implemented social programs.

Fuck "social programs". It is not my responsibility to pay your bills. It is your responsibility.

A.) Just because someone supports social programs doesn't necessarily make them in need.

I know it's a foreign concept for Individualists to see a collective society & not just me, mine & now.

But some of us don't like suffering poor.

B.) The majority of Americans are on social programs so I dont think you're going to make a heck of a lot of friends & voters by getting rid of Social Security & Medicare.

Majority of Americans have received government aid

C.) Contrary to Republican theories. Presidents who implemented social programs had more economic growth than presidents who cut taxes.

Not by a small margin but rather by a huge margin.

If you don't like the suffering poor then give them your money.

It is morally wrong to use the government to steal money from those that earn it and give it away to those that didn't earn it. Not only is it thievery but as we have seen all around the world it wrecks economies. Bad economics. The Left never understands economics, do they?

I am not a Republican because they are almost as Progressive as the filthy ass Democrats.
So you want us to give up on things we paid for our entire life's?

He acts like SS is something we’re gifted to by the government

I don't think he ever had a job, if he did he never read his pay stub.


I worked for years on a mainline job & paid into SS.

I am for that & therefor won't be a hypocrite if i collect someday.

Personally i think I'll see a Chinese, or Russian USA vassal in my lifetime.

USA is not OKAY.

You don't even no what the definition of hypocrite is you dumb polack


A hypocrite says one thing & does another.

Like you know hating Social Security but getting it anyways.

We paid into it ya fuken moron!!!
I really dont need SS in my retirement but I'll be damned if I'm going to forego it.

Obama's stimulis package was BS & Trump's tax cuts were BS.

Both added on a ton of debt & did nothing to help the real wages grow much.

Trumps tax cuts made me close to a million bucks.
He acts like SS is something we’re gifted to by the government

I don't think he ever had a job, if he did he never read his pay stub.


I worked for years on a mainline job & paid into SS.

I am for that & therefor won't be a hypocrite if i collect someday.

Personally i think I'll see a Chinese, or Russian USA vassal in my lifetime.

USA is not OKAY.

You don't even no what the definition of hypocrite is you dumb polack


A hypocrite says one thing & does another.

Like you know hating Social Security but getting it anyways.

We paid into it ya fuken moron!!!
I really dont need SS in my retirement but I'll be damned if I'm going to forego it.

And he wonders why he is a poor dumb polack, he pays for something but doesn't want it?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person.

Can't compare.


Sweden: 9.95 million
USA: 335 million

What works for one won't necessarily work for both.

What about Japan, Germany, Russia & China each pays less for their national healthcare than we do & are much bigger than Sweden.

Japan has far fewer people than we do. We pay doctors enormous amounts of money.

If you think China has better health care, MOVE THERE. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Funny liberals bitch about our health care system and quote all these other countries but when you say "ok, move there." they go oh well nevermind.

Obama's stimulis package was BS & Trump's tax cuts were BS.

Both added on a ton of debt & did nothing to help the real wages grow much.

Wages in the US grew at their fastest pace for nine years last month, the latest official figures show.

The US Labor Department said wages grew at an annual rate of 3.1% in October, accelerating from a rate of 2.8% the month before.

The economy also added 250,000 jobs last month, beating expectations, while the jobless rate remained at 3.7%.

US wage growth hits nine-year high

Inflation is going up quicker than wages are, opps.

Inflation hurts our oldest members the most.

Thats why Social security & medicare are so important

Not my income.
So where did you fuck up?
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

Ive yet to meet a democrat that volunteered to pay higher taxes.

The premises of this thread is to combat this one.

Has any hypocrite on the left voluntarily paid more taxes, since they claim they want to?

You can't tell the fucking difference???

The democrats want me to pay more taxes... No they can donate their own money.

Social security and medicare we are forced into paying it...of course we want our money back.


Republicans they complain if someone is poor, and also complain about government helping them not be poor & about businesses helping them not be poor by paying them more?

But remember this philosophy of idiocy comes from Southerners who benefit the most from anti poor measures.

But Southerners have always been conflicted retards like supporting bringing in Blacks but hating them anyways.

Southerners are what we call the dregs of European society.

...making the polack jokes sound more reasonable.

Probably 90% of Whites are pro social programs when you consider the entire White race.

Basically just Southerner Whites AKA Barbarians are anti social programs.

You are outliers of Human civilization.

To make matters worse Southerners do take a lot of programs themselves.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

None of them.
And I've never seen one turn it back, either.

Why the fuck would we turn our back on it? Get rid of it already and give us our money now ...
Ive yet to meet a democrat that volunteered to pay higher taxes.

The premises of this thread is to combat this one.

Has any hypocrite on the left voluntarily paid more taxes, since they claim they want to?

You can't tell the fucking difference???

The democrats want me to pay more taxes... No they can donate their own money.

Social security and medicare we are forced into paying it...of course we want our money back.


Republicans they complain if someone is poor, and also complain about government helping them not be poor & about businesses helping them not be poor by paying them more?

But remember this philosophy of idiocy comes from Southerners who benefit the most from anti poor measures.

But Southerners have always been conflicted retards like supporting bringing in Blacks but hating them anyways.

Southerners are what we call the dregs of European society.

...making the polack jokes sound more reasonable.

Probably 90% of Whites are pro social programs when you consider tge entire Whiye race.

Basically just Southerner Whites AKA Barbarians are anti social programs.

You are outliers of Human civilization.

To make matters worse Southerners do take a lot of programs themselves.

Funny....I'm a southerner who has done exceedly well considering I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and yet managed to retire at 46.
So whats your major malfunction polack?
Inflation is going up quicker than wages are, opps.

Liberal lie number 5,874

According to a researcher with Stanford Universities Hoover institution:

Opinion | Wages Are Growing Faster Than You Think

With baby boomers retiring by the thousands daily and being replaced by inexperienced younger employees, of course wages will fall because someone with 40 years of experience will typically get paid more than someone with a year. That doesn't mean wages are falling it means the people with the high wages are retiring and being replaced with smaller waged employees who are younger and whose wages can go up tremendously during their lives.

It's called change in labor force, fucking liberal. But even WITH all these factors considered, real wages still rose 1.4%. Faster than real inflation during the same time period.
Last edited:

Obama's stimulis package was BS & Trump's tax cuts were BS.

Both added on a ton of debt & did nothing to help the real wages grow much.

Wages in the US grew at their fastest pace for nine years last month, the latest official figures show.

The US Labor Department said wages grew at an annual rate of 3.1% in October, accelerating from a rate of 2.8% the month before.

The economy also added 250,000 jobs last month, beating expectations, while the jobless rate remained at 3.7%.

US wage growth hits nine-year high

Inflation is going up quicker than wages are, opps.

Inflation hurts our oldest members the most.

Thats why Social security & medicare are so important

Not my income.
So where did you fuck up?

Typical Individualist logic.

I support greater society & civilzation which is called Collectivist you are an Individualist which means you think the society is just YOU.

I'm convinced that Individualists are hardly Human & therefor can't think, or feel what true Humans do.

Obama's stimulis package was BS & Trump's tax cuts were BS.

Both added on a ton of debt & did nothing to help the real wages grow much.

Wages in the US grew at their fastest pace for nine years last month, the latest official figures show.

The US Labor Department said wages grew at an annual rate of 3.1% in October, accelerating from a rate of 2.8% the month before.

The economy also added 250,000 jobs last month, beating expectations, while the jobless rate remained at 3.7%.

US wage growth hits nine-year high

Inflation is going up quicker than wages are, opps.

Inflation hurts our oldest members the most.

Thats why Social security & medicare are so important

Not my income.
So where did you fuck up?

Typical Individualist logic.

I support greater society & civilzation which is called Collectivist you are an Individualist which means you think the society is just YOU.

I'm convinced that Individualists are hardly Human & therefor can't think, or feel what true Humans do.

I make my money and you make yours.

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