Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

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chikenwing's simply twists evidence to his philosophy.

Thus his comments are immaterial.

He wants to control female bits and pieces.

Nope but nice fall back on the same old talking points,that pop up when you have nothing.

The only person that matters is the one that looses his or hers life.

Its about saving the most innocent,but your love of self,blinds you,you can't address the question,I understand that,your head might blow up.
All this is, is someone trying very hard to sway others to their way of thinking and it will never happen. Ever. So it's an excuse to troll.
Nice try,what kind of parent would kill their own children for their convenience??

Respond to that question in a rational logical way and you might have some credibility otherwise,its just......................................................

So Cancer is Gods will and just let it do what it do?

If you say so,I sure don't,but then you do like to pull shit out of your ass. Injecting cncer into the equation is irrelevant.

What kind of person would sacrifice one of their own children for their convenience,its a simple as hell question.

What kind of person would seek to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty?

It's a simple question.
chikenwing's simply twists evidence to his philosophy.

Thus his comments are immaterial.

He wants to control female bits and pieces.

Nope but nice fall back on the same old talking points,that pop up when you have nothing.

The only person that matters is the one that looses his or hers life.

Its about saving the most innocent,but your love of self,blinds you,you can't address the question,I understand that,your head might blow up.

stfu. When you get to be host to something you don't want growing in you, then you might have a say since you ARE the host. Until then...fuck off.
The following is a question immaterial to this discussion: "Nice try,what kind of parent would kill their own children for their convenience?"

Answer: not your business

The 'question' also fails as a straw man fallacy.

So how many time have you used that justt today,don't you have more than the fall back straw man fail?

What kind of person would sacrifice one of their own for any reason,particularity convenience.
btw...how many children that were not wanted but carried to term did you adopt? Hmm? Do tell.
The following is a question immaterial to this discussion: "Nice try,what kind of parent would kill their own children for their convenience?"

Answer: not your business

The 'question' also fails as a straw man fallacy.

So how many time have you used that justt today,don't you have more than the fall back straw man fail?

What kind of person would sacrifice one of their own for any reason,particularity convenience.


Next question or is it just another lame troll attack?
Nice try,what kind of parent would kill their own children for their convenience??

Respond to that question in a rational logical way and you might have some credibility otherwise,its just......................................................

So Cancer is Gods will and just let it do what it do?

If you say so,I sure don't,but then you do like to pull shit out of your ass. Injecting cncer into the equation is irrelevant.

What I say goes. Thats awesome.
All this is, is someone trying very hard to sway others to their way of thinking and it will never happen. Ever. So it's an excuse to troll.

So you aslo can't respond without a defection,got it,make you uncomfortable??

Its a simple feaking question,about a very black and white subject,a person will or will not die.

Lets put it in very simple terms, you are trapped in a fire,you have only one choice,you or one of your kids,what would you choose?
All this is, is someone trying very hard to sway others to their way of thinking and it will never happen. Ever. So it's an excuse to troll.

So you aslo can't respond without a defection,got it,make you uncomfortable??

Its a simple feaking question,about a very black and white subject,a person will or will not die.

Lets put it in very simple terms, you are trapped in a fire,you have only one choice,you or one of your kids,what would you choose?

You are an idiot.

Have you ever put a pet down? Murderer!
The following is a question immaterial to this discussion: "Nice try,what kind of parent would kill their own children for their convenience?"

Answer: not your business

Its very material,as shown by your response.

Now address the question,what kind of person would sacrifice their own child for their conveniences.

How would you know if it is a convenience or not?
Absent a threat to the life of the mother or a case of incest/rape, all that's left is convenience.

Not sure why more people aren't shaken to the core at the idea of having the right to end a human life for nothing more convenience.
Its very material,as shown by your response.

Now address the question,what kind of person would sacrifice their own child for their conveniences.

How would you know if it is a convenience or not?
Absent a threat to the life of the mother or a case of incest/rape, all that's left is convenience.

Not sure why more people aren't shaken to the core at the idea of having the right to end a human life for nothing more convenience.

You a male? If so, stfu.
How would you know if it is a convenience or not?
Absent a threat to the life of the mother or a case of incest/rape, all that's left is convenience.

Not sure why more people aren't shaken to the core at the idea of having the right to end a human life for nothing more convenience.
You a male? If so, stfu.
The fact that I am a male in no way invalidates my point of view, especially given that point of view.

Two questions:
Why does does the idea of someone having a right to end a human life for nothing more convenience not bother you?
How is your convenience more valuable than a human life?
I am a Christian and I find abortion repugnant.

Problem is, I can't support another woman's child. I can't afford to. I do well to support my family. All these people who are pro-life, I am all for them, but, they need to put their money where their mouth is.

Adopt children, how many orphans are in America right now?

I can comfort expectant mothers, and counsel them, but I can't raise the child for them, I can't say to a mother "put it up for adoption, because you can't afford to raise it" Why should I? So the child can grow up in a children's home as an orphan?

Instead of arguing about Pro-life and pro-choice, we should be using our intelligence to figure out a way to get those children who are orphans adopted and into a better life.

As far as women goes who use abortion as birth control, they need to be neutered, a simple condom will work most times for birth control, there are one a day pills, and there is always abstinence, but they would rather get pregnant, and have another abortion, like I say, neuter them.
Absent a threat to the life of the mother or a case of incest/rape, all that's left is convenience.

Not sure why more people aren't shaken to the core at the idea of having the right to end a human life for nothing more convenience.
You a male? If so, stfu.
The fact that I am a male in no way invalidates my point of view, especially given that point of view.

Two questions:
Why does does the idea of someone having a right to end a human life for nothing more convenience not bother you?
How is your convenience more valuable than a human life?

It does not bother me one iota because it is MY body. I CHOOSE what grows in it or does not grow in it.

It comes down to others wanting control of the only thing anyone has left. Control of their OWN BODY.

And there are many..MANY like me.
Yer a moron and you have proved you are just a fucking troll.

Continue on with your strawman tactics. Someone will play with ya.
You a male? If so, stfu.
The fact that I am a male in no way invalidates my point of view, especially given that point of view.

Two questions:
Why does does the idea of someone having a right to end a human life for nothing more convenience not bother you?
How is your convenience more valuable than a human life?

It does not bother me one iota because it is MY body. I CHOOSE what grows in it or does not grow in it.

It comes down to others wanting control of the only thing anyone has left. Control of their OWN BODY.

And there are many..MANY like me.

You have never met cancer have you?

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