Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

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omg, anti-choice activist are majority men

it couldn't be they might WANT a say on the baby they HELPED CREATE now could it

good grief you oh so independent women want to control everything...you want to make the baby with the help from a MAN, then you also get to play g-d over the man and the child you HELP CREATE

sick individuals
Harry Reid wailed how men had a say on Hobby lobby

but notice all the men who feels they have a right to jump on abortion, for women?

That is really easy to fix.

If women don't want a man to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.


nice try. but child support isn't for mom. it's for the child. and knowing what I know about the rates of deadbeat-dadism, every man would say "well, I wanted her to abort" if he had to ante up.

the reality is that someone has to have the last say. it isn't your body so you lose that battle. but I do love the constant effort by men on the right to control women, whether it be by making it harder to obtain birth control or get equal pay....

there is a reason that 80% of anti-choice activisits are men.... it's about control and punishing the harlots. it's a battle that's gone on forever, but particularly the 60's when women became financially independent and took charge of their bodies.

I think it was best expressed by the imbeciles on your side of the aisle who think men are superior to women.

As I said, if women don't want men to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.

There are some men who would rather have a woman have an abortion than have a child. There are some women who have kids just to make the dad 'pay up'.

Bad people run on both sides of gender. I have never said men are superior to women. If anything I believe women to be superior to men, because men cannot grow a human being inside of them, and the pain of childbirth would probably kill many men. :lol:

If women are so in charge of their own bodies, then don't get pregnant! Yes, it takes 2 to do the deed, but women need to realize one thing that is paramount above all. 'All men are dogs, and dogs act better'. Do whatever it takes not to get pregnant if you do not want to have a child. If that means abstinence, then abstain. Take control of your bodies and make abortion a "non-issue".

I do not stand at abortion clinics, trying to talk women out of abortions. I counsel women who have had abortions, and far to many times, the regret of that decision eats away at them. So, I hate the fact that abortion exists. I also hate the fact that so many children are orphans. There has to be a middle ground somewhere, instead of far right and far left, why can't we work it out, on a person by person level, and make the best decision for each person?
That is really easy to fix.

If women don't want a man to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.


nice try. but child support isn't for mom. it's for the child. and knowing what I know about the rates of deadbeat-dadism, every man would say "well, I wanted her to abort" if he had to ante up.

the reality is that someone has to have the last say. it isn't your body so you lose that battle. but I do love the constant effort by men on the right to control women, whether it be by making it harder to obtain birth control or get equal pay....

there is a reason that 80% of anti-choice activisits are men.... it's about control and punishing the harlots. it's a battle that's gone on forever, but particularly the 60's when women became financially independent and took charge of their bodies.

I think it was best expressed by the imbeciles on your side of the aisle who think men are superior to women.

As I said, if women don't want men to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.

There are some men who would rather have a woman have an abortion than have a child. There are some women who have kids just to make the dad 'pay up'.

Bad people run on both sides of gender. I have never said men are superior to women. If anything I believe women to be superior to men, because men cannot grow a human being inside of them, and the pain of childbirth would probably kill many men. :lol:

If women are so in charge of their own bodies, then don't get pregnant! Yes, it takes 2 to do the deed, but women need to realize one thing that is paramount above all. 'All men are dogs, and dogs act better'. Do whatever it takes not to get pregnant if you do not want to have a child. If that means abstinence, then abstain. Take control of your bodies and make abortion a "non-issue".

I do not stand at abortion clinics, trying to talk women out of abortions. I counsel women who have had abortions, and far to many times, the regret of that decision eats away at them. So, I hate the fact that abortion exists. I also hate the fact that so many children are orphans. There has to be a middle ground somewhere, instead of far right and far left, why can't we work it out, on a person by person level, and make the best decision for each person?

The best decision for each person is to let them choose for themselves what they want to do.
Harry Reid wailed how men had a say on Hobby lobby

but notice all the men who feels they have a right to jump on abortion, for women?

That is really easy to fix.

If women don't want a man to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.


nice try. but child support isn't for mom. it's for the child. and knowing what I know about the rates of deadbeat-dadism, every man would say "well, I wanted her to abort" if he had to ante up.

the reality is that someone has to have the last say. it isn't your body so you lose that battle. but I do love the constant effort by men on the right to control women, whether it be by making it harder to obtain birth control or get equal pay....

there is a reason that 80% of anti-choice activisits are men.... it's about control and punishing the harlots. it's a battle that's gone on forever, but particularly the 60's when women became financially independent and took charge of their bodies.

I think it was best expressed by the imbeciles on your side of the aisle who think men are superior to women.
Get a load of this one: 'Legitimate Rape' Akin is Back! Might Consider Exception For Tubal Pregnancies

Oh brother!

'Legitimate Rape' Akin Says He Might Consider Exception For Tubal Pregnancies | Crooks and Liars

Todd "legitimate rape" Akin was back out there, hoping for some more book sales on Chuck Todd's show this Thursday, and to Chuck Todd's credit, he did push Akin on his statements about "legitimate rape" and for trying to pretend he was taken out of context for his remarks.

Akin pulled the same stunt we saw during other interviews where he tried to portray his previous statements as just a "poor choice of words" and then turn the conversation to one where he's pretending that the Democrats are actually the ones waging a "war on women" ...<snip>

If Republicans would like to run on the platform Akin just laid out here, by all means, please proceed, wingnuts:
TODD: Do you believe there's ever an instance that abortion should be legal?

AKIN: I think that what doctors should do is to try to save life, okay? And as I earlier in that interview, I made it clear, there's a thing that's I believe called a tubal pregnancy, where the child has no chance to live and the child will kill the mother if the child grows there.

Now I believe that what you do is optimize life, you save the mother's life. Your objective is not to kill the child. Your objective is to save the mother's life.

I think that's the... if you'd call that an exception, then that would be an exception. but the points is you try to optimize life, because I believe that little children are special.
Gee, isn't that nice of him to consider that exception.

<shaking my head>
BOTTOMLINE=WHY WOULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN BABY??? BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GO OUT AND PARTY?? Because your new boyfriend does not want you if you have a child?? Because you just don't want the "bother"?? YOUR mother could have thought the same about you!
THINK!!! THINK!!! WHO AND WHAT WERE YOU THE DAY OR WEEK BEFORE YOU WERE BORN?? WERE you a baby human or a blob of cells? IF you were not wanted by your mother should she have had you killed??? what about the week after you were born???
That is really easy to fix.

If women don't want a man to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.


nice try. but child support isn't for mom. it's for the child. and knowing what I know about the rates of deadbeat-dadism, every man would say "well, I wanted her to abort" if he had to ante up.

the reality is that someone has to have the last say. it isn't your body so you lose that battle. but I do love the constant effort by men on the right to control women, whether it be by making it harder to obtain birth control or get equal pay....

there is a reason that 80% of anti-choice activisits are men.... it's about control and punishing the harlots. it's a battle that's gone on forever, but particularly the 60's when women became financially independent and took charge of their bodies.

I think it was best expressed by the imbeciles on your side of the aisle who think men are superior to women.
Get a load of this one: 'Legitimate Rape' Akin is Back! Might Consider Exception For Tubal Pregnancies

Oh brother!

'Legitimate Rape' Akin Says He Might Consider Exception For Tubal Pregnancies | Crooks and Liars

Todd "legitimate rape" Akin was back out there, hoping for some more book sales on Chuck Todd's show this Thursday, and to Chuck Todd's credit, he did push Akin on his statements about "legitimate rape" and for trying to pretend he was taken out of context for his remarks.

Akin pulled the same stunt we saw during other interviews where he tried to portray his previous statements as just a "poor choice of words" and then turn the conversation to one where he's pretending that the Democrats are actually the ones waging a "war on women" ...<snip>

If Republicans would like to run on the platform Akin just laid out here, by all means, please proceed, wingnuts:
TODD: Do you believe there's ever an instance that abortion should be legal?

AKIN: I think that what doctors should do is to try to save life, okay? And as I earlier in that interview, I made it clear, there's a thing that's I believe called a tubal pregnancy, where the child has no chance to live and the child will kill the mother if the child grows there.

Now I believe that what you do is optimize life, you save the mother's life. Your objective is not to kill the child. Your objective is to save the mother's life.

I think that's the... if you'd call that an exception, then that would be an exception. but the points is you try to optimize life, because I believe that little children are special.
Gee, isn't that nice of him to consider that exception.

<shaking my head>

So you single out one guys comments out of millions,and its supposed to be significant?
It is quite an amazing, that everyone who supports abortion, has already been born! Oh! The irony!

so what the HELL DO THEY CARE
And then we get threads like so they JUSTIFY the killing of ones offspring and be able to stand themselves
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nice try. but child support isn't for mom. it's for the child. and knowing what I know about the rates of deadbeat-dadism, every man would say "well, I wanted her to abort" if he had to ante up.

the reality is that someone has to have the last say. it isn't your body so you lose that battle. but I do love the constant effort by men on the right to control women, whether it be by making it harder to obtain birth control or get equal pay....

there is a reason that 80% of anti-choice activisits are men.... it's about control and punishing the harlots. it's a battle that's gone on forever, but particularly the 60's when women became financially independent and took charge of their bodies.

I think it was best expressed by the imbeciles on your side of the aisle who think men are superior to women.

As I said, if women don't want men to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.

There are some men who would rather have a woman have an abortion than have a child. There are some women who have kids just to make the dad 'pay up'.

Bad people run on both sides of gender. I have never said men are superior to women. If anything I believe women to be superior to men, because men cannot grow a human being inside of them, and the pain of childbirth would probably kill many men. :lol:

If women are so in charge of their own bodies, then don't get pregnant! Yes, it takes 2 to do the deed, but women need to realize one thing that is paramount above all. 'All men are dogs, and dogs act better'. Do whatever it takes not to get pregnant if you do not want to have a child. If that means abstinence, then abstain. Take control of your bodies and make abortion a "non-issue".

I do not stand at abortion clinics, trying to talk women out of abortions. I counsel women who have had abortions, and far to many times, the regret of that decision eats away at them. So, I hate the fact that abortion exists. I also hate the fact that so many children are orphans. There has to be a middle ground somewhere, instead of far right and far left, why can't we work it out, on a person by person level, and make the best decision for each person?

The best decision for each person is to let them choose for themselves what they want to do.

What about the one that's doing the dying? So you agree they should have a choice also?
There are no difference between them,all are alive and genetically coded and unique.

What parent would sacrifice the child over self??

Doesn't each woman have a unique set of circumstances - such as mental, physical, and financial health? There is also the condition of a fetus to consider.

Yes both parents and the child but that still doesn't discount the other living beings .

What parent would sacrifice their child over self?? that is the base of your arguments that a parent is and would be willing to sacrifice one of their own children for their self interest?

What kind of person that would do that really be?
A mother that has other children that would be left without a mother, would be one situation where the mother would choose to live over her child in womb, especially if the child in womb is going to kill her.

Mother's life takes priority over a fertilized egg and over a fetus, unless the mother and father decide on their own, to let the Mother die.

during Katrina, a Clinic with Frozen embryos was being flooded and all workers were going to drown if the fire dept had not gotten there to save them....the firemen saved the already birthed and living employees FIRST and then once all of the employees were rescued and saved, the firemen went back in, to remove and save as many canisters as they could, with frozen embryos in them....

If these firemen had chosen to save the frozen embryos first and was unable to save the lives of all of the employees, it would have been NEGLIGENT of them.....

they did not disregard the frozen embryos as non life, they saved them because they were living, but they knew a birthed human being has greater value, than a frozen embryo, and they saved the employees first.
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

Our responsibility is to the woman. The fertilized egg and the fetus is her responsibility. We should support her decisions. It's her body.
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

Our responsibility is to the woman. The fertilized egg and the fetus is her responsibility. We should support her decisions. It's her body.

So you have absolutely no responsibility for your children? Really?

You no longer have any right to complain about people wanting to eliminate entitlement programs. You've just said we have no responsibility for our children. Why exactly would we have any for our neighbors?
I've got good news. In most cases of pregnancy, both the woman and her offspring can live, so there is no need for one to have priority over the other. That being said, if only one may live , either mother or the unborn, due to medical reasons then the mother should make the choice.
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Doesn't each woman have a unique set of circumstances - such as mental, physical, and financial health? There is also the condition of a fetus to consider.

Yes both parents and the child but that still doesn't discount the other living beings .

What parent would sacrifice their child over self?? that is the base of your arguments that a parent is and would be willing to sacrifice one of their own children for their self interest?

What kind of person that would do that really be?
A mother that has other children that would be left without a mother, would be one situation where the mother would choose to live over her child in womb, especially if the child in womb is going to kill her.

Mother's life takes priority over a fertilized egg and over a fetus, unless the mother and father decide on their own, to let the Mother die.

during Katrina, a Clinic with Frozen embryos was being flooded and all workers were going to drown if the fire dept had not gotten there to save them....the firemen saved the already birthed and living employees FIRST and then once all of the employees were rescued and saved, the firemen went back in, to remove and save as many canisters as they could, with frozen embryos in them....

If these firemen had chosen to save the frozen embryos first and was unable to save the lives of all of the employees, it would have been NEGLIGENT of them.....

they did not disregard the frozen embryos as non life, they saved them because they were living, but they knew a birthed human being has greater value, than a frozen embryo, and they saved the employees first.

So basically they would be better off dead??!! a frozen embryo,and a live person that just hasn't been born yet are two different things but good try.

The argument that they wouldn't be loved,or not enough money is chilling at least,supoer sefish at best.

When we start killing people over money we are doomed.That small unique person has just as many rights as all you freaking animals that are willing to kill the most innocent put together.
So basically they would be better off dead??!! a frozen embryo,and a live person that just hasn't been born yet are two different things but good try.

You say they are not the same thing, yet why do you want each to be treated equally?

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