Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

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Cancer is not a human telling another human what can be done or not with his or her body.

False equivalency.
You a male? If so, stfu.
The fact that I am a male in no way invalidates my point of view, especially given that point of view.

Two questions:
Why does does the idea of someone having a right to end a human life for nothing more convenience not bother you?
How is your convenience more valuable than a human life?
It does not bother me one iota because it is MY body.
The human life that you kill for convenience is -not- your body.

I CHOOSE what grows in it or does not grow in it.
And you're willing to kill a human life for your convenience.

It comes down to others wanting control...
Aaaahhh.... control. There we go.
You're willing to end a human life so you can maintain some feeling of control.

How is your need to feel in control more valuable than a human life?
The fact that I am a male in no way invalidates my point of view, especially given that point of view.

Two questions:
Why does does the idea of someone having a right to end a human life for nothing more convenience not bother you?
How is your convenience more valuable than a human life?
It does not bother me one iota because it is MY body.
The human life that you kill for convenience is -not- your body.

I CHOOSE what grows in it or does not grow in it.
And you're willing to kill a human life for your convenience.

It comes down to others wanting control...
Aaaahhh.... control. There we go.
You're willing to end a human life so you can maintain some feeling of control.

How is your need to feel in control more valuable than a human life?

It is growing IN my body. Without my body, it would not come to fruitition.



Because..again...pay attention McFly...its MY BODY.
I give priority for a job to the woman. The egg won't accomplish anything and the fetus would just kick everyone.
All this is, is someone trying very hard to sway others to their way of thinking and it will never happen. Ever. So it's an excuse to troll.

So you aslo can't respond without a defection,got it,make you uncomfortable??

Its a simple feaking question,about a very black and white subject,a person will or will not die.

Lets put it in very simple terms, you are trapped in a fire,you have only one choice,you or one of your kids,what would you choose?

What? Save myself or one of my kids? Well if I saved one of the kids I would also be saving myself, douche.
He is an idiot.

Of course one would save the child they WANTED and gave birth to and raised because they WANTED that child. Duh. Its a strawman argument and only was asked to troll for the answer he wants. Ain't gonna happen.
He is an idiot.

Of course one would save the child they WANTED and gave birth to and raised because they WANTED that child. Duh. Its a strawman argument and only was asked to troll for the answer he wants. Ain't gonna happen.

Ask him the same question. A live baby and a jar of frozen embryos. Which does he save? He won't answer because he can't admit that a live person is worth more than an embryo.
To the far left the fetus is a cancer that must be prevented and must be removed all costs like cancer..
Cancer is not a human telling another human what can be done or not with his or her body.

False equivalency.

You are right, cancer is God telling a human what will grow in their body.

Were you born with your cognitive disability or were you injured later on?

Your statement is non-factual, unprovable, and offensive to true Christians.

Like you would know what a Christian is Jake...:rofl: You bribed your own son to quit church, so you could watch football on Sunday...:lol:
He is an idiot.

Of course one would save the child they WANTED and gave birth to and raised because they WANTED that child. Duh. Its a strawman argument and only was asked to troll for the answer he wants. Ain't gonna happen.

Ask him the same question. A live baby and a jar of frozen embryos. Which does he save? He won't answer because he can't admit that a live person is worth more than an embryo.

I can't admit that live person is worth more than frozen embryo's? You can't admitt that the unborn are worth anything.

So unwanted people are worthless got it,thats the base you people work off of,the unwanted are to be disposed of.
The Constitution affords everyone the right to express his opinion concerning abortion, and to act accordingly with regard to his personal beliefs and in good conscience.

For those who believe an embryo/fetus is a 'person,' they are at liberty to not have an abortion, and to counsel against having an abortion to others in an appropriate manner and venue.

The Constitution also prohibits the state from dictating to citizens whether they may have a child or not; where those opposed to abortion may not seek to use the authority of the state to compel conformity to their personal beliefs concerning the matter. (See: Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972), Roe v. Wade (1973}, Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).
All this is, is someone trying very hard to sway others to their way of thinking and it will never happen. Ever. So it's an excuse to troll.

So you aslo can't respond without a defection,got it,make you uncomfortable??

Its a simple feaking question,about a very black and white subject,a person will or will not die.

Lets put it in very simple terms, you are trapped in a fire,you have only one choice,you or one of your kids,what would you choose?

What? Save myself or one of my kids? Well if I saved one of the kids I would also be saving myself, douche.

Hard time with reading don't you,you had one choice you or the child,you don't get both,now try again.
Harry Reid wailed how men had a say on Hobby lobby

but notice all the men who feels they have a right to jump on abortion, for women?
Harry Reid wailed how men had a say on Hobby lobby

but notice all the men who feels they have a right to jump on abortion, for women?

That is really easy to fix.

If women don't want a man to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.
Life begins at conception. If it begins it was God's will...and so the fertilized egg has first priority. If woman does not want the child...put it up for adoption.

God's will????

What happened to the will of the People in your equation?
Harry Reid wailed how men had a say on Hobby lobby

but notice all the men who feels they have a right to jump on abortion, for women?

That is really easy to fix.

If women don't want a man to have a say in abortion, then make child support totally voluntary.


nice try. but child support isn't for mom. it's for the child. and knowing what I know about the rates of deadbeat-dadism, every man would say "well, I wanted her to abort" if he had to ante up.

the reality is that someone has to have the last say. it isn't your body so you lose that battle. but I do love the constant effort by men on the right to control women, whether it be by making it harder to obtain birth control or get equal pay....

there is a reason that 80% of anti-choice activisits are men.... it's about control and punishing the harlots. it's a battle that's gone on forever, but particularly the 60's when women became financially independent and took charge of their bodies.

I think it was best expressed by the imbeciles on your side of the aisle who think men are superior to women.
Only people with a high enough IQ should be allowed to have children.

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