Which Side Are You On? Republicans and Donald or America?

Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.

Stupid false choice....but hey you're a troll we can't anything more from you.
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.

All true...it’s time to pick your side. Choose wisely.
A model citizen for the Right would be one who gets up at 5:30am rolling over to give his WIFE a good morning kiss, he goes to work, is self funded, he takes great pride in never imposing himself on others. He exhausts all effort leading his family and raising his children. He teaches morality, family values and the paramount importance of responsibility and accountability. He goes to Church on Sundays and spends his life becoming and doing better. He expects and appreciates law and order, he's patriotic and respects American heritage. He prefers a likeminded society where normalcy and conformity isn't demonized.

A model citizen for the Left would be an illegal or barely legal Mexican who gets up at noon rolling over to give his boyfriend a good morning kiss, he would put on his dress and lipstick and rush off by 1:30pm to make his appointment at the welfare office where he would take his 'morning' dump next to a 14 year old girl in the ladies room. He's shameless and brags about the EBT card that taxpayers send him every month. He takes great pride in counting on others to survive. He fathers many children with multiple baby mamas. He would never be around to teach his children anything as he's way too busy smoking weed and drinking 40's. He would have an arrest record and this guy feels he's way too smart to believe in God or go to Church.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums here...you'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.
You almost gotta laugh, the same hypocrites who say "America never was that great" and demonstrated against their own Country and used the Flag for toilet paper (still do) and spit on Veterans are now supporting traitors like Adm. McRavin who disrespects the President and Mueller because he served in Vietnam.
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Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.

Are you that stupid to think that because Mueller was a Vietnam War Marine Veteran he is such a "Hero"?
Well if you do, let me remind you that there are 10's of MILLION of us Vietnam War Marine Veterans who completely 100 percent Support President Trum, and would never in a hundred years have voted for that Crooked, Creep Hillary Clinton.
So to answer your Dumb Ass question... I'm on the Trump Team!
You are delusional if you think you are among 10's of millions of Vietnam Marine Corps Veterans. Only about 500,000 brave Marines served during the entire war, a small group of special Americans. Each and every one is a hero to many Americans. Thank you for your service and thank you for voicing your opinion on this thread.

Comrade Traitor, was Benedict Arnold a hero?

Yes, or no?
Not so much Republicans, but definitely on Trump and America's side
You can not be on both sides. Being on Trump's side is anti -American.

No it isn’t. Stop being stupid

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. You ain't gonna get through. Nice try though. :)

I suspect that if anyone was going to reach camp, they would have done it years ago

The Stalinist democrats can't be reached, only neutralized.

The goal is to contain the amount of damage camp and his fellow traitors do. The goal of Camp is to end America. Our goal is to stop him and those like him.
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.
Anyone who thinks trump is on the GOP's side is a fool. He's only out for one...himself.
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.
Anyone who thinks trump is on the GOP's side is a fool. He's only out for one...himself.

Anyone who thinks trump is on the GOP's side is a fool. He's only out for one...himself.

same could be said for Hillary, Biden, Obama. etc...

they just had better press agents
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.

Another victim of mind altering substances.
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.

I love America as a place to live in liberty. You love it like a parasite you want to suck dry and move on to the next host
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.
Anyone who thinks trump is on the GOP's side is a fool. He's only out for one...himself.

True, but if you think Obama was different then you're truly an idiot
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.
Anyone who thinks trump is on the GOP's side is a fool. He's only out for one...himself.

True, but if you think Obama was different then you're truly an idiot
I know Former President Obama was different.
Sides. Will you side with Trump and Republicans and support rhe New Aristocratic Class ruling America and supported by dupes and suckers, or will you support America and old-time American values and traditions.

Select your team. Will you be on the side of war heroes like Vietnam War Marine Veteran Mueller and 37 year Navy Seal Veteran Adm. McRaven or will you blindly follow Liar in Chief President Bone-spurs as he continues to drag America through the sewage of deplorable behavior that defines him and his selfish immature narcissism and a drunken-like desire for dictatorial power.
When you're on the losing side of a failed coup d'etat the only time you should open your fucking mouth is to beg for forgiveness
I'm of the opinion that most progressive liberals wouldn't know an old fashioned American value if it bit them on the ass.
I'm of the opinion that most progressive liberals wouldn't know an old fashioned American value if it bit them on the ass.

If we had a time machine and could take today's younger liberals back to the 1950's I don't think most of them could have survived.

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