Which State Is Going Full Retard By Re-Electing Horrible Incumbent?

South Carolina.

"We've already got a raghead in the White House, we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

The married Republican governor abandoning his post, telling his staff to tell people he was hiking the Appalachian Trail when he was really down in Argentina banging his "soul mate".

That same governor using the Holy Bible to justify his not resigning once he was caught.

That same governor running for Congress after his term as governor was up, and winning!

And then there was the mysterious case of Alvin Green...holy smokes!

Yeah. South Carolina. I've heard of it, all right. :D
Kind of depends on who you hold responsible for the website failure - Oracle or the Oregon IT project management, Also, the Republican candidate for OR Governor is sort of an ultra-conservative. That might go great with rural Oregonians and the nutters on this board, but not so much with the majority of folks who live here.
That is kind of my point. It should have been a cake walk to boot an executive who bungled so badly, but the GOP decided to put up the political equivalent of one-eyed hunchback to run against him.

This is what I mean when I say the retards on the Right help get people like Obama elected. Or in this case, they help a criminally negligent governor of Oregon get re-elected.

Yeah, it is kind of puzzling why the Repug candidate for OR Governor is so weak this year. They probably would have been better off dusting off Chris Dudley again. At least he was likable.

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