Which state is the most fucked up politically?

Yea, other New Yorker's asses, how often do you get your's kicked per day? A word of advice, straight men don't like to have gay blades proposition them...... if you would stop doing that, you might stop your daily ass kicking........ maybe........ then again, judging from your posts, you obviously like getting your ass kicked....... faggot.

By the way, basements are very rare in Texas, that's a East Coast thing.

You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.

Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Cool. Personally, I've never had to pick up anything to win a fight..but again..not a threat.

Nope..never needed a gun..or a knife..or a stick.

But I guess when you are fat, dumpy and a fag..you sorta do.
Yea, other New Yorker's asses, how often do you get your's kicked per day? A word of advice, straight men don't like to have gay blades proposition them...... if you would stop doing that, you might stop your daily ass kicking........ maybe........ then again, judging from your posts, you obviously like getting your ass kicked....... faggot.

By the way, basements are very rare in Texas, that's a East Coast thing.

You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.

Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Why the hell not? Sallow is a worthless pseudo-intellect with the knowledge base of an illiterate baboon. I think he is wasting too much of my time and needs to go on iggy.
You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.

Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Cool. Personally, I've never had to pick up anything to win a fight..but again..not a threat.

Nope..never needed a gun..or a knife..or a stick.

But I guess when you are fat, dumpy and a fag..you sorta do.

:lol::lol::lol: Personally I have never needed to be in a fight, don't find myself in those situations,being civilized and having a brain. I do know that a sharp toed, shit kicker boot to the inside of the knee will bring even the biggest bad ass to their knees........ you might watch out for that.
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You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.

Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Why the hell not? Sallow is a worthless pseudo-intellect with the knowledge base of an illiterate baboon. I think he is wasting too much of my time and needs to go on iggy.


I am big dumb goon that can kick butt.


(oh..and that's not a threat)
Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Cool. Personally, I've never had to pick up anything to win a fight..but again..not a threat.

Nope..never needed a gun..or a knife..or a stick.

But I guess when you are fat, dumpy and a fag..you sorta do.


Well there's hope.

You can laugh at yourself.
You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.

Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Why the hell not? Sallow is a worthless pseudo-intellect with the knowledge base of an illiterate baboon. I think he is wasting too much of my time and needs to go on iggy.

You have a point, ignore does save us a lot of trudging through all of the bull shit that you know will be there.
Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

Cool. Personally, I've never had to pick up anything to win a fight..but again..not a threat.

Nope..never needed a gun..or a knife..or a stick.

But I guess when you are fat, dumpy and a fag..you sorta do.

:lol::lol::lol: Personally I have never needed to be in a fight, don't find myself in those situations,being civilized and having a brain. I do know that a sharp toed, shit kicker boot to the inside of the knee will bring even the biggest bad ass to their knees........ you might watch out for that.

Never been in a real fight.

That's rich.:lol:

And you're talking about "technique"...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thanks..that was hilarious!
Cool. Personally, I've never had to pick up anything to win a fight..but again..not a threat.

Nope..never needed a gun..or a knife..or a stick.

But I guess when you are fat, dumpy and a fag..you sorta do.

:lol::lol::lol: Personally I have never needed to be in a fight, don't find myself in those situations,being civilized and having a brain. I do know that a sharp toed, shit kicker boot to the inside of the knee will bring even the biggest bad ass to their knees........ you might watch out for that.

Never been in a real fight.

That's rich.:lol:

And you're talking about "technique"...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thanks..that was hilarious!

No, not as an adult. If you have a brain and live in a civilized society and aren't an alcoholic that hangs out at bars...... you can probably go through most of your life without having to get in a fight. I find it very funny that you, an idiot liberal, advocates fighting, must be the New Yorker in you........ I guess I can't blame you, I would probably feel the need to get in fights too if I lived in that cesspool of human waste. Fortunately, I live in Texas where there is plenty of space to stay away from imbeciles. I don't frequent low life bars, don't get drunk, don't look for confrontation and am perfectly secure in my manhood to not need to prove it with something as neanderthal as fist fights........ besides, it's not exactly the brightest thing to do...... even if you think you've won, the guy you just cut your knuckles on and shared bodily fluids with, might be carrying AIDS.... you lose after all. Or even more likely, there is the sore loser that goes to his car, grabs his gun and blows half your face off....... but you won...... at least you bleed out knowing what a complete bad ass you are.
But, when it comes down to it, I won't hesitate to defend myself, my very concealable Glock 30 does my fighting for me at that time with 10 shots to make sure I don't have to deal with the threat again...... all without bruising a knuckle.
:lol::lol::lol: Personally I have never needed to be in a fight, don't find myself in those situations,being civilized and having a brain. I do know that a sharp toed, shit kicker boot to the inside of the knee will bring even the biggest bad ass to their knees........ you might watch out for that.

Never been in a real fight.

That's rich.:lol:

And you're talking about "technique"...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thanks..that was hilarious!

No, not as an adult. If you have a brain and live in a civilized society and aren't an alcoholic that hangs out at bars...... you can probably go through most of your life without having to get in a fight. I find it very funny that you, an idiot liberal, advocates fighting, must be the New Yorker in you........ I guess I can't blame you, I would probably feel the need to get in fights too if I lived in that cesspool of human waste. Fortunately, I live in Texas where there is plenty of space to stay away from imbeciles. I don't frequent low life bars, don't get drunk, don't look for confrontation and am perfectly secure in my manhood to not need to prove it with something as neanderthal as fist fights........ besides, it's not exactly the brightest thing to do...... even if you think you've won, the guy you just cut your knuckles on and shared bodily fluids with, might be carrying AIDS.... you lose after all. Or even more likely, there is the sore loser that goes to his car, grabs his gun and blows half your face off....... but you won...... at least you bleed out knowing what a complete bad ass you are.
But, when it comes down to it, I won't hesitate to defend myself, my very concealable Glock 30 does my fighting for me at that time with 10 shots to make sure I don't have to deal with the threat again...... all without bruising a knuckle.

Well you should not go around asking straight men for a swallow..if you don't want a fight. It's as simple as that.

Stick with your own kind.

Man, Sallow and sitarro are going to have some wicked make-up sex. :lol:

The commie fag speaks! :clap2:

Say, are you ever going to get around to outlining the logic (snerk) that leads you to conclude that I'm a Communist, or are you just mindlessly lashing out yet again?

Rhetorical question. We both know it's the latter. Carry on, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. :lol:
Man, Sallow and sitarro are going to have some wicked make-up sex. :lol:

The commie fag speaks! :clap2:

Say, are you ever going to get around to outlining the logic (snerk) that leads you to conclude that I'm a Communist, or are you just mindlessly lashing out yet again?

Rhetorical question. We both know it's the latter. Carry on, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. :lol:

You get mad about the Commie thing and not the fag thing.

I would think it would be between New York, Illinois, and California, any other candidates? My birth state of Michigan was up there too, but it looks like they're making some changes and moving in the right direction. Tough call, still gotta go with CA tho.

Came into this thread way late, but it has to be my home state of california for sure. The whole state is pretty much red, except the metropolis of SF and LA and outlying areas, hippies and minorites can definately turn a state blue that way. We have a large amount of Military here in my town san diego, and alot of farming, agriculture, and livestock throughout the rest of the state. We have an unfixable budget that is so gigantic it will eventually sink us into the ocean. We love illegal immigrants, and we will pay for their schooling, healthcare, and anything else they would like paid for. Here in san diego we can't drink or smoke on public beaches or parks. Everything is taxed 10 times, and local tax can be 10% in some cities on top of that. the list could go on and on and on but cali is by far the worst.
Sure does.

It means anything not covered by the Constitution..is left up to the states.

And if you read the Constitution..in it's entirety..the Federal government has some very board powers.

Like regulating commerce and collecting taxes.

Or did you miss that?:lol:

No, it doesn't.

Yeah it does.

It's in English..that's the only language I speak.

Let me know if you need it translated to your native tongue.

You're out of your mind Swallow. You have NO concept of the Constitution, Enumerated powers or even the meaning of the Bill Of Rights.

Government (National one) was supposed to operate as small as possible with Liberty left to the States and thier own devices. The national government was not to interfere except in certain instances spelled out in the document.

They crossed that line shorly after the Civil War, and with real vim and vigor around 1913 with the 16th and 17th Amendments.

You need to go back to school boy.
The commie fag speaks! :clap2:

Say, are you ever going to get around to outlining the logic (snerk) that leads you to conclude that I'm a Communist, or are you just mindlessly lashing out yet again?

Rhetorical question. We both know it's the latter. Carry on, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. :lol:

You get mad about the Commie thing and not the fag thing.

Not really. The fag thing is just the usual leftist homophobia. It's automatic with you, and comes out when you don't have anything rational to say...so it comes out a LOT. :lol:

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