Which state is the most fucked up politically?

I would tell you to suck dick but from your garbled speech it's obvious you have one stuffed down you dainty New Yorker throat.......... what kind of dildo thinks New York City is an acceptable place to live......... I guess a fag like you, a target rich environment for giving blow jobs ehhh swallow?

Oh lookie. Another little faggnoid wants Sallow's dick. No dice. I ain't a gay boy like yourself.

Besides..mom's basement and a diet of hoo-hoo has probably left you obese..like most of Texas. You probably couldn't climb the stairs.:lol:

New Yorkers are overwhelmingly liberal twats, fags are overwhelmingly liberal twats, you are a liberal twat and live in New York City therefore you are no doubt a dick sucking faggot...... it's all about logic. That and your avatar is easily the gayest crap on this board...... suck another dick faggot, there are plenty for you in New York City, why else would you live in that bath house toilet?:razz::lol:

New Yorkers kick ass.

Basement boy.

Texans like yourself..lick ass.
Dude, you did o such thing. You quoted something you have no idea what it means, and out of context at that.
Does the 10th Amendment mean anything to you?

Sure does.

It means anything not covered by the Constitution..is left up to the states.

And if you read the Constitution..in it's entirety..the Federal government has some very board powers.

Like regulating commerce and collecting taxes.

Or did you miss that?:lol:

No, it doesn't.

Yeah it does.

It's in English..that's the only language I speak.

Let me know if you need it translated to your native tongue.
Well..point it out.

It's all in english..and easy to cut and paste.

Go on son..find the "limited government" parts. Because, yep, they are there..and yep..it's not what you think it is.

This is what you think is an argument? Guess again.

Dude..I eviserated the post about "control" with clear text clauses from the Constitution..and handily.

You should be able to do the same.:eusa_whistle:
Incremental law and order liberalism...
Now, you as a far left progressive lib are going to tell me that concept does not exist.
Should you do so, I have some oceanfront real estate for sale..just outside Phoenix.
The Left is all about control. Liberals use their money and political power to create as much dependency on government by as many individuals as possible.
The Left touts government hand outs such as welfare and other social safety nets. Now the Left is giving us allegedly free medical insurance that the Left has assured us "only the rich will pay".
The Left has given us radical environmental regulations which have in effect given government the authority to take property without due process or just compensation.
The Left has given us nanny state behavior laws such as outdoor smoking bans.
The Left has commissioned scientists to conclude there is a thing called global warming. When the conclusion was published but could not be sustained due to the release of studies and facts the Left changed the moniker to "Climate Change". Based on the this the Left has proposed "Cap and Trade". This mockery of common sense would set up a system where one company could pollute more by simply buying "credits" from another company. Meanwhile the sale and purchase of these credits is mandatory. The government collects the money and then in the C&P legislation is used for transfer payments to low income people. Now the price of the purchase of these credits is expensive by design. It is a plan by the Left to have energy companies pas along the increased cost to consumers thus driving up their energy bills. The Left thinks they can ration energy by pricing it out of reach of most people....
So now we come to the Left's grand plan. This plan is to force as many people to become dependent on government as possible while leaving wealthy elitist liberals in charge. The great ruling class...Conspiracy? Maybe. I cite every socialist/totalitarian nation in the world.
Such as Venezuela. That country is swimming in oil money. The president kicked out all foreign companies which developed and modernized that nation's energy production, then Chavez nationalized energy production. He lied to the people when he said once elected he would make sure they got a share of the nation's wealth. Today nearly 70% of Venezuela's population lives in abject poverty.
And Chavez has appointed himself president for life.
Oh lookie. Another little faggnoid wants Sallow's dick. No dice. I ain't a gay boy like yourself.

Besides..mom's basement and a diet of hoo-hoo has probably left you obese..like most of Texas. You probably couldn't climb the stairs.:lol:

New Yorkers are overwhelmingly liberal twats, fags are overwhelmingly liberal twats, you are a liberal twat and live in New York City therefore you are no doubt a dick sucking faggot...... it's all about logic. That and your avatar is easily the gayest crap on this board...... suck another dick faggot, there are plenty for you in New York City, why else would you live in that bath house toilet?:razz::lol:

New Yorkers kick ass.

Basement boy.

Texans like yourself..lick ass.

Yea, other New Yorker's asses, how often do you get your's kicked per day? A word of advice, straight men don't like to have gay blades proposition them...... if you would stop doing that, you might stop your daily ass kicking........ maybe........ then again, judging from your posts, you obviously like getting your ass kicked....... faggot.

By the way, basements are very rare in Texas, that's a East Coast thing.
New Yorkers are overwhelmingly liberal twats, fags are overwhelmingly liberal twats, you are a liberal twat and live in New York City therefore you are no doubt a dick sucking faggot...... it's all about logic. That and your avatar is easily the gayest crap on this board...... suck another dick faggot, there are plenty for you in New York City, why else would you live in that bath house toilet?:razz::lol:

New Yorkers kick ass.

Basement boy.

Texans like yourself..lick ass.

Yea, other New Yorker's asses, how often do you get your's kicked per day? A word of advice, straight men don't like to have gay blades proposition them...... if you would stop doing that, you might stop your daily ass kicking........ maybe........ then again, judging from your posts, you obviously like getting your ass kicked....... faggot.

By the way, basements are very rare in Texas, that's a East Coast thing.

You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.
Sure does.

It means anything not covered by the Constitution..is left up to the states.

And if you read the Constitution..in it's entirety..the Federal government has some very board powers.

Like regulating commerce and collecting taxes.

Or did you miss that?:lol:

No, it doesn't.

Yeah it does.

It's in English..that's the only language I speak.

Let me know if you need it translated to your native tongue.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
If you look in the annotations, you'll see that the the federal government never had broad taxing authority to tax states until a decision in New York v United States.
CRS/LII Annotated Constitution Tenth Amendment

You people on the Left seem to think the federal government has or at least should have unfettered or even unlimited taxing authority.
Tell me, why is it you Libs have such a strong desire to see all or as much wealth as possible under the control of politicians on Capitol Hill?
What in your mind would this accomplish?
Here's a song about Texas..for Sitarro.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPVC8Y4aJdc&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Beers, Steers, and Queers‬‏[/ame]

And the queer part is for Sitarro! Because..dude is pretty queer.
Wow, top 2 cities growing jobs in the nation are in Texas. Their job growth is double and triple the national average......... can any of you liberals tell us why?

Dallas-Fort Worth again leads nation in job growth | Business | Dallas Business, Texas B...

Dallas-Fort Worth again leads nation in job growth
Posted Tuesday, May. 31, 2011

April job growth
Compared with April 2010:
Dallas-Fort Worth

National average
Washington, D.C.
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

[email protected]

Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston continue to lead the nation's largest metro areas in new jobs and the rate of job growth compared with a year earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday.

Total nonfarm employment in the 12-county North Texas area stood at 2,929,700 in April, up 83,100 over April 2010, said the bureau's regional commissioner, Stanley Suchman.

Job growth was up 2.9 percent, compared with 1.1 percent for the U.S.

D-FW and Houston also led the nation's largest metro areas in both categories in March.

North Texas has long been a leader in both job and population growth, and the trend has continued even in the economic downturn. That has helped keep unemployment below national and state averages.

In April, the Fort Worth-Arlington jobless rate dropped to 7.6 percent from 8 percent in March and also a year ago. U.S. unemployment stands at 9 percent.

Employment grew faster in Dallas-Plano-Irving in April, rising 62,900 jobs, or 3.1 percent. Fort Worth-Arlington added 20,200 jobs, up 2.4 percent.

Professional and business services, which were particularly strong in Dallas-Plano-Irving, added 24,700 jobs, up 5.9 percent. That was nearly double the U.S. increase of 3.2 percent.

Read more: Dallas-Fort Worth again leads nation in job growth | Business | Dallas Business, Texas B...
No, it doesn't.

Yeah it does.

It's in English..that's the only language I speak.

Let me know if you need it translated to your native tongue.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
If you look in the annotations, you'll see that the the federal government never had broad taxing authority to tax states until a decision in New York v United States.
CRS/LII Annotated Constitution Tenth Amendment

You people on the Left seem to think the federal government has or at least should have unfettered or even unlimited taxing authority.
Tell me, why is it you Libs have such a strong desire to see all or as much wealth as possible under the control of politicians on Capitol Hill?
What in your mind would this accomplish?

What part of representative government don't you get? Congress is a body made up of representatives from each state. They set tax code.
Wow, top 2 cities growing jobs in the nation are in Texas. Their job growth is double and triple the national average......... can any of you liberals tell us why?

Dallas-Fort Worth again leads nation in job growth | Business | Dallas Business, Texas B...

Dallas-Fort Worth again leads nation in job growth
Posted Tuesday, May. 31, 2011

April job growth
Compared with April 2010:
Dallas-Fort Worth

National average
Washington, D.C.
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

[email protected]

Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston continue to lead the nation's largest metro areas in new jobs and the rate of job growth compared with a year earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday.

Total nonfarm employment in the 12-county North Texas area stood at 2,929,700 in April, up 83,100 over April 2010, said the bureau's regional commissioner, Stanley Suchman.

Job growth was up 2.9 percent, compared with 1.1 percent for the U.S.

D-FW and Houston also led the nation's largest metro areas in both categories in March.

North Texas has long been a leader in both job and population growth, and the trend has continued even in the economic downturn. That has helped keep unemployment below national and state averages.

In April, the Fort Worth-Arlington jobless rate dropped to 7.6 percent from 8 percent in March and also a year ago. U.S. unemployment stands at 9 percent.

Employment grew faster in Dallas-Plano-Irving in April, rising 62,900 jobs, or 3.1 percent. Fort Worth-Arlington added 20,200 jobs, up 2.4 percent.

Professional and business services, which were particularly strong in Dallas-Plano-Irving, added 24,700 jobs, up 5.9 percent. That was nearly double the U.S. increase of 3.2 percent.

Read more: Dallas-Fort Worth again leads nation in job growth | Business | Dallas Business, Texas B...

That still doesn't answer the question of why you like to lick men's butts and swallow their cum..


And it started with the Constitution..a very Liberal document.

Don't like it?


Yes, they want to control ALL aspects, unlike the Constitution, which limits what gov't can do.
Thanks for making this clear to everyone.
Don't like the idea of limited govt? Move to North KOrea.

Well..point it out.

It's all in english..and easy to cut and paste.

Go on son..find the "limited government" parts. Because, yep, they are there..and yep..it's not what you think it is.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pretty simple actually.
The Framers wrote the Constitution with the express purpose of limiting the power of government. It was not a political move. They sought to provide notice to government that the rights of the people were always there. That those rights were there form birth given by God.
Government does not grant us rights. We grant government power via legislation and the voting process. When we do not like what government is doing ,we make our way to the election place and affect change via the vote.
You Lefties have it backwards. You all believe government has absolute power and authority. In this you find comfort. For at anytime when you have a problem, you can look to government for assistance. It is your side that has created generations of those in the entitled underclass. The takers. Those who exist on the backs of the producers. Out of some sort of unusual definition of compassion ,you see nothing wrong with this. And you become angry and lash out at those who object to the welfare state.
I cannot fathom a guess as to why a faction of people such as yourself would want a system where central planning by a large and all powerful government would be a good thing. What is the value your side sees in the value of central control?
Last edited:
Yes, they want to control ALL aspects, unlike the Constitution, which limits what gov't can do.
Thanks for making this clear to everyone.
Don't like the idea of limited govt? Move to North KOrea.

Well..point it out.

It's all in english..and easy to cut and paste.

Go on son..find the "limited government" parts. Because, yep, they are there..and yep..it's not what you think it is.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pretty simple actually.
The Framers wrote the Constitution with the express purpose of limiting the power of government. It was not a political move. They sought to provide notice to government that the rights of the people were always there. That those rights were there form birth given by God.Government does not grant us rights. We grant government power via legislation and the voting process. When we do not like what government is doing ,we make our way to the election place and affect change via the vote.
You Lefties have it backwards. You all believe government has absolute power and authority. In this you find comfort. For at anytime when you have a problem, you can look to government for assistance. It is your side that has created generations of those in the entitled underclass. The takers. Those who exist on the backs of the producers. Out of some sort of unusual definition of compassion ,you see nothing wrong with this. And you become angry and lash out at those who object to the welfare state.
I cannot fathom a guess as to why a faction of people such as yourself would want a system where central planning by a large and all powerful government would be a good thing. What is the value your side sees in the value of central control?

There's no god in the Constitution. None. Not even a mention.

It's the collectively body that is government that determines rights. And the Constitution is very clever about this. It makes it clear that the government hasn't the right to do many things to it's citizens. THATS what you conservatives COMPLETELY miss. And actually? You guys are trying to destroy that. We saw this with the Bush administration and the edicts that allowed torture and spying on American citizens.

You guys HATE the constitution. Abhor it. You hate the ability to tax, the regulate commerce, to provide safety nets and much more that the Constitution gives the government. You hate the fact that people born in this country are granted citizenship. You hate the fact that people have the right to vote, have free speech and can challenge injustice in court.

Just admit it and be done with this.
Well..point it out.

It's all in english..and easy to cut and paste.

Go on son..find the "limited government" parts. Because, yep, they are there..and yep..it's not what you think it is.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pretty simple actually.
The Framers wrote the Constitution with the express purpose of limiting the power of government. It was not a political move. They sought to provide notice to government that the rights of the people were always there. That those rights were there form birth given by God.Government does not grant us rights. We grant government power via legislation and the voting process. When we do not like what government is doing ,we make our way to the election place and affect change via the vote.
You Lefties have it backwards. You all believe government has absolute power and authority. In this you find comfort. For at anytime when you have a problem, you can look to government for assistance. It is your side that has created generations of those in the entitled underclass. The takers. Those who exist on the backs of the producers. Out of some sort of unusual definition of compassion ,you see nothing wrong with this. And you become angry and lash out at those who object to the welfare state.
I cannot fathom a guess as to why a faction of people such as yourself would want a system where central planning by a large and all powerful government would be a good thing. What is the value your side sees in the value of central control?

There's no god in the Constitution. None. Not even a mention.

It's the collectively body that is government that determines rights. And the Constitution is very clever about this. It makes it clear that the government hasn't the right to do many things to it's citizens. THATS what you conservatives COMPLETELY miss. And actually? You guys are trying to destroy that. We saw this with the Bush administration and the edicts that allowed torture and spying on American citizens.

You guys HATE the constitution. Abhor it. You hate the ability to tax, the regulate commerce, to provide safety nets and much more that the Constitution gives the government. You hate the fact that people born in this country are granted citizenship. You hate the fact that people have the right to vote, have free speech and can challenge injustice in court.

Just admit it and be done with this.

there's no "democracy" in the constitution either.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pretty simple actually.
The Framers wrote the Constitution with the express purpose of limiting the power of government. It was not a political move. They sought to provide notice to government that the rights of the people were always there. That those rights were there form birth given by God.Government does not grant us rights. We grant government power via legislation and the voting process. When we do not like what government is doing ,we make our way to the election place and affect change via the vote.
You Lefties have it backwards. You all believe government has absolute power and authority. In this you find comfort. For at anytime when you have a problem, you can look to government for assistance. It is your side that has created generations of those in the entitled underclass. The takers. Those who exist on the backs of the producers. Out of some sort of unusual definition of compassion ,you see nothing wrong with this. And you become angry and lash out at those who object to the welfare state.
I cannot fathom a guess as to why a faction of people such as yourself would want a system where central planning by a large and all powerful government would be a good thing. What is the value your side sees in the value of central control?

There's no god in the Constitution. None. Not even a mention.

It's the collectively body that is government that determines rights. And the Constitution is very clever about this. It makes it clear that the government hasn't the right to do many things to it's citizens. THATS what you conservatives COMPLETELY miss. And actually? You guys are trying to destroy that. We saw this with the Bush administration and the edicts that allowed torture and spying on American citizens.

You guys HATE the constitution. Abhor it. You hate the ability to tax, the regulate commerce, to provide safety nets and much more that the Constitution gives the government. You hate the fact that people born in this country are granted citizenship. You hate the fact that people have the right to vote, have free speech and can challenge injustice in court.

Just admit it and be done with this.

there's no "democracy" in the constitution either.

^^^ Case in point.
Sure does.

It means anything not covered by the Constitution..is left up to the states.

And if you read the Constitution..in it's entirety..the Federal government has some very board powers.

Like regulating commerce and collecting taxes.

Or did you miss that?:lol:
That's why they had to pass the 16th Amendment, right?
The gov't has "board" powers but they are enumerated. If it isn't enumerated, it isn't a power. The libfucktards have stretched things like the commerce clause so far there seemingly isn't anything gov't can't do. That is turning the idea of limited gov't on its head.

And it's regulating "interstate" commerce, dildo.

The 16th had to be passed because literalists like you don't get the powers of Congress.


logic fail, epic too....you just never ever stop....tsk tsk...:lol:
There's no god in the Constitution. None. Not even a mention.

It's the collectively body that is government that determines rights. And the Constitution is very clever about this. It makes it clear that the government hasn't the right to do many things to it's citizens. THATS what you conservatives COMPLETELY miss. And actually? You guys are trying to destroy that. We saw this with the Bush administration and the edicts that allowed torture and spying on American citizens.

You guys HATE the constitution. Abhor it. You hate the ability to tax, the regulate commerce, to provide safety nets and much more that the Constitution gives the government. You hate the fact that people born in this country are granted citizenship. You hate the fact that people have the right to vote, have free speech and can challenge injustice in court.

Just admit it and be done with this.

there's no "democracy" in the constitution either.

^^^ Case in point.

how so?
That's why they had to pass the 16th Amendment, right?
The gov't has "board" powers but they are enumerated. If it isn't enumerated, it isn't a power. The libfucktards have stretched things like the commerce clause so far there seemingly isn't anything gov't can't do. That is turning the idea of limited gov't on its head.

And it's regulating "interstate" commerce, dildo.

The 16th had to be passed because literalists like you don't get the powers of Congress.


logic fail, epic too....you just never ever stop....tsk tsk...:lol:

Naw..it isn't.

But thanks again for playing. Shame you never ever win.
New Yorkers kick ass.

Basement boy.

Texans like yourself..lick ass.

Yea, other New Yorker's asses, how often do you get your's kicked per day? A word of advice, straight men don't like to have gay blades proposition them...... if you would stop doing that, you might stop your daily ass kicking........ maybe........ then again, judging from your posts, you obviously like getting your ass kicked....... faggot.

By the way, basements are very rare in Texas, that's a East Coast thing.

You're like seething gayness. It's in your pores. And I can't really talk about ass kicking anymore because of higher ups look in.:lol:

But I generally do the ass kicking..and no..really..it's not a threat to you.

Seriously..I am NOT threating you.

Never..would I threaten another poster.

Have you heard of Texas's "Make My Day Law"? I'm certainly not threatening you either but you could "make my day" by showing up way down here in Texas. What caliber do you like best...... 9mm, .45, .223, .22 magnum, 12 gauge? Seriously...... I too, am not threatening you.

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