Which Vaccine?

Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

We're not getting choices. We take what's being offered, which in my case is Pfizer.
Pretty much same here, in Jackson, TN. Seems to depend on when and where you get it. Son and daughter got Pfizer, one got it in town where he lives, daughter got it here, involved in healthcare. Wasn't available at that time to people our age in general population in our county as we were suddenly young again. Checked state website, did the qualification survey. Suddenly I was an old Fk again and it offered it at my local country health department, even though county health dept. website still said I had to be 70 on info they were putting out to the public. We both got the Maderna on the day of the appointment as that was what they were pumping.

I figured we'd be getting Moderna out here too. Early information was that you had to be close to a research hospital to have the freezers to store Pfizer, but Moderna could be stored in any freezer. We're more than 30 miles from the nearest research hospital. That hospital is part of the Niagara Regional Health Unit, and we are not, which means we would never be getting our vaccines through them.

When my friend got her first shot she said it was Pfizer, and that's what everyone I've talked to around town has received. The local clinic is only giving out Pfizer. Yippee! Canada is apparently getting massive amounts of Pfizer and early delivery too. As my friend says, by summer, we'll all be swimming in vaccine.
In the US and Canada as well as many other developed nations, there will be plenty of vaccines. However, keep mind that the rate of vaccinations in underdeveloped nations is very low which means large numbers of new cases and new strains of the virus. There is a good chance if we don't stop the spread of the virus, there will eventually be strains immune to our current vaccines which could send of us back to square one.

The new vaccines are easily tweaked for new viruses, but you're right. We have to vaccinate everyone, not just those of us in the first world.
So true. You can not open up an economy and keep out new strains. Even when borders are seal, there are still people crossing borders legally and illegally and all it takes is a single virus particle of the new strain.
There is a good chance if we don't stop the spread of the virus, there will eventually be strains immune to our current vaccines which could send of us back to square one.

I think that train already left the station.
Maybe, maybe not. There is new evidence from laboratory studies that some immune responses driven by current vaccines could be less effective against some of the new strains. The immune response involves many components, and a reduction in one does not mean that the vaccines will not offer protection.

It is the nature of RNA viruses such as the coronavirus to evolve and change gradually. This is why the vaccine manufactures are developing updates as new strains appear. We will most likely see an update to the vaccines by next year. This is nothing new, we have a new flu vaccine almost every year that enhances immunity to new strains.

Yes, but my understanding is that covid is MUCH more contagious than the regular flu. Hopefully, that's primarily because it's new, and, once there is widespread immunity, will be no more contagious than the regular flu. But if immunity doesn't transfer to the variants, and they spread just as fast, we could be looking at the "new normal", a new pandemic every year.
Covid is more contagious for two reasons. Unlike the Flu which is only contagious for a day or so. Covid-19 is contagious for up 10 days after symptoms appear, sometimes even longer. Also Covid-19 can be contagious when there are no identifiable symptoms.

The virus will be just as contagious after herd immunity to those not vaccinated but it will not spread as fast because there will not be as much of it. This is because when enough people become immune to the virus, the virus can not find a host. Without a hosts it dies out and even those unvaccinated will have some protection simply because the amount virus is so much less.
In the past I have researched Obama, and some have said that he was born in Kenya. One must remember that Obama's mom was a CIA agent and he was quite the Manchurian candidate. Joan Rivers seemed to think Michelle Obama was a man. Kind of fishy not long after her saying that, she unexpectedly died.

So you think the vaccines are dangerous, you think Obama is a Manchurian candidate, you’re a birther, and you think Michelle Obama is a man.

I bet you also think Sandy Hook was fake, don’t you?

It's all true. I read about it at http://trumpsters-will-believe-anything.com. Do your own research.

I like to look back in history for scams playing out today:

Scientists Proved Viruses Are Not Contagious in 1918

As documented by Arthur Firstenberg, a researcher, consultant and lecturer on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation with 40 years of experience, the only experiments attempting to prove viruses are contagious were carried out in the 1918 flu pandemic and these experiments failed 100% of the time.

The details can be found in The State of Science, Microbiology and Vaccines Circa 1918 by John M Eyler PhD

Moreover, the results of the experiments proved beyond doubt that viruses are so NOT contagious that they cannot be transferred from one human body to another, even if blood, snot from a flu-ridden nose and thick phlegm from the sufferer’s throat are consumed by the recipient in large amounts.

The experiments also showed that vaccines do nothing good whatsoever.

In the well referenced and peer reviewed paper, it is stated as follows [with spacing added to assist the reader]:

Perhaps the most interesting epidemiological studies conducted during the 1918–1919 pandemic were the human experiments conducted by the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy under the supervision of Milton Rosenau on Gallops Island, the quarantine station in Boston Harbor, and on Angel Island, its counterpart in San Francisco.

The experiment began with 100 volunteers from the Navy who had no history of influenza. Rosenau was the first to report on the experiments conducted at Gallops Island in November and December 1918.

His first volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of Pfeiffer’s bacillus by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into their eyes. When that procedure failed to produce disease, others were inoculated with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of influenza patients.

Next, some volunteers received injections of blood from influenza patients. Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10 influenza patients each. Each volunteer was to shake hands with each patient, to talk with him at close range, and to permit him to cough directly into his face.

None of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza. Rosenau was clearly puzzled, and he cautioned against drawing conclusions from negative results. He ended his article in JAMA with a telling acknowledgement:

“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.” (p. 313)

The research conducted at Angel Island and that continued in early 1919 in Boston broadened this research by inoculating with the Mathers streptococcus and by including a search for filter-passing agents, but it produced similar negative results.

It seemed that what was acknowledged to be one of the most contagious of communicable diseases could not be transferred under experimental conditions.

Keep reading:

Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

We're not getting choices. We take what's being offered, which in my case is Pfizer.
Pretty much same here, in Jackson, TN. Seems to depend on when and where you get it. Son and daughter got Pfizer, one got it in town where he lives, daughter got it here, involved in healthcare. Wasn't available at that time to people our age in general population in our county as we were suddenly young again. Checked state website, did the qualification survey. Suddenly I was an old Fk again and it offered it at my local country health department, even though county health dept. website still said I had to be 70 on info they were putting out to the public. We both got the Maderna on the day of the appointment as that was what they were pumping.

I figured we'd be getting Moderna out here too. Early information was that you had to be close to a research hospital to have the freezers to store Pfizer, but Moderna could be stored in any freezer. We're more than 30 miles from the nearest research hospital. That hospital is part of the Niagara Regional Health Unit, and we are not, which means we would never be getting our vaccines through them.

When my friend got her first shot she said it was Pfizer, and that's what everyone I've talked to around town has received. The local clinic is only giving out Pfizer. Yippee! Canada is apparently getting massive amounts of Pfizer and early delivery too. As my friend says, by summer, we'll all be swimming in vaccine.
In the US and Canada as well as many other developed nations, there will be plenty of vaccines. However, keep mind that the rate of vaccinations in underdeveloped nations is very low which means large numbers of new cases and new strains of the virus. There is a good chance if we don't stop the spread of the virus, there will eventually be strains immune to our current vaccines which could send of us back to square one.

The new vaccines are easily tweaked for new viruses, but you're right. We have to vaccinate everyone, not just those of us in the first world.

FDA Whistleblower Claims the FDA is Not Properly Inspecting Plants where Vaccines are Manufactured, Mainly Merck Who Will Begin Producing COVID Experimental Vaccines

An FDA inspector-turned-whistleblower claims the agency soft-pedaled violations at a range of pharma manufacturing plants, including a Merck & Co. vaccine facility in Durham, North Carolina, where staff allegedly destroyed evidence of unsanitary practices. Those allegations have now been passed along to the White House.

After investigating the allegations raised by a whistleblower, the Office of Special Counsel wrote President Joe Biden Wednesday to detail the claims.

While the FDA inspector raised flags about the agency’s handling of violations at several plants, Special Counsel Henry Kerner told the White House he was “most concerned” about the Merck inspection and agency follow-up. The Merck plant is slated to help produce Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, though that work has not begun yet.

The whistleblower alleged that employees at Merck’s plant were moving between cleanrooms and uncontrolled areas without properly ungowning, and that a biohazard bin contained employee uniforms soiled with blood, urine and feces. Employees were soiling their uniforms rather than taking restroom breaks, the whistleblower claimed, citing a confidential informant, because staffers would have otherwise needed to remove sterile gowning and leave manufacturing areas.

This is just another routine incident that highlights the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.

All three that are approved for use in the US.
As in FDA approved?
Study Shows All 3 FDA-Approved Vaccines Protect Against Current COVID Variants
According to the New York Blood Center analysis, the vaccines create enough antibodies to fight the disease

Published March 17, 2021 • Updated on March 17, 2021 at 12:43 pm

How Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media Manipulate Politics and Distort Facts

Typically, the role of the mainstream media (MSM) and its news has always been to condition, brainwash, misinform, and mislead the masses into fear, submission, and slavery. The media is a mind-control machine used by big pharmaceutical companies, politicians, and other rich companies that control politics to spread malicious false information and fake news in whatever ways they desire in order to cater their interests.

Not only these financial giants try to control what comes out of the television, newspaper and radio, they also use their tentacles to control the information in the social media and in the internet in general. For example, today when you post something in Facebook about coronavirus that “goes against the community standards”, meaning against the official narrative, you will be policed by their so-called “fact checkers”. But in reality, Facebook fact checker is doing the opposite – they are allowing fake information (mostly coming from the MSM) and blocking the truth and censoring honest scientists, doctors, experts and even ordinary people who are educated from expressing opinions and facts. The same censorship is being applied in Google and Youtube.

Oh look! RWNJ fear-mongering!!

Are you in fear of the truth?
When you start to use some critical thinking skills you didn't know you had, you may begin to see things you have not see before. Everything should be questioned.

"9/11 was an inside job and Michelle Obama is a man. Question everything!"

View attachment 474569

The US govt lies all the time. Ws wars, Os obamacare, tuskegee airmen, broke every single treaty with the natives etc. The list is miles long. Only the weak and gullible blindly follow the tyranny.

Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

Emergency use. They haven't been approved by the FDA.
All three that are authorized for use in the US, under Emergency Use Authorization, by FDA. The Maderna Covide-19 vaccine, I was injected with 2 week ago granted authorization on Dec. 18, 2020. So far, so good. I get my 2nd shot on April 10th. I am not waiting for another round of Covid. Been there, done that, got the Antibodies T-Shirt. Had worse, but was no picnic. First shot had little or no reaction or adverse effect for me, but that's me.

In short, if you get the injection, you are part of an experiment. I guess some people like being Guinea pigs. I guess you never got tired of being a Guinea pig, even after getting out the military. I learned my lessons in the military, of being a Guinea pig. I guess some people just never learn.
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

Emergency use. They haven't been approved by the FDA.
All three that are authorized for use in the US, under Emergency Use Authorization, by FDA. The Maderna Covide-19 vaccine, I was injected with 2 week ago granted authorization on Dec. 18, 2020. So far, so good. I get my 2nd shot on April 10th. I am not waiting for another round of Covid. Been there, done that, got the Antibodies T-Shirt. Had worse, but was no picnic. First shot had little or no reaction or adverse effect for me, but that's me.

In short, if you get the injection, you are part of an experiment. I guess some people like being Guinea pigs. I guess you never got tired of being a Guinea pig, even after getting out the military. I learned my lessons in the military, of being a Guinea pig. I guess some people just never learn.
Get real. If I was truly heroic, I would have volunteered for one of the blind study trial. They went first. Yes, I got the vaccine after, after close to million other people other people had. I learn my lesson in the military. After 20+ years of duty, being sent places or sometimes just be prepared to be sent places, vaccines are not going to hurt me.
All three that are approved for use in the US.
As in FDA approved?
Study Shows All 3 FDA-Approved Vaccines Protect Against Current COVID Variants
According to the New York Blood Center analysis, the vaccines create enough antibodies to fight the disease

Published March 17, 2021 • Updated on March 17, 2021 at 12:43 pm

How Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media Manipulate Politics and Distort Facts

Typically, the role of the mainstream media (MSM) and its news has always been to condition, brainwash, misinform, and mislead the masses into fear, submission, and slavery. The media is a mind-control machine used by big pharmaceutical companies, politicians, and other rich companies that control politics to spread malicious false information and fake news in whatever ways they desire in order to cater their interests.

Not only these financial giants try to control what comes out of the television, newspaper and radio, they also use their tentacles to control the information in the social media and in the internet in general. For example, today when you post something in Facebook about coronavirus that “goes against the community standards”, meaning against the official narrative, you will be policed by their so-called “fact checkers”. But in reality, Facebook fact checker is doing the opposite – they are allowing fake information (mostly coming from the MSM) and blocking the truth and censoring honest scientists, doctors, experts and even ordinary people who are educated from expressing opinions and facts. The same censorship is being applied in Google and Youtube.

Oh look! RWNJ fear-mongering!!

Are you in fear of the truth?
No, I'm a Democrat.
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

Emergency use. They haven't been approved by the FDA.
All three that are authorized for use in the US, under Emergency Use Authorization, by FDA. The Maderna Covide-19 vaccine, I was injected with 2 week ago granted authorization on Dec. 18, 2020. So far, so good. I get my 2nd shot on April 10th. I am not waiting for another round of Covid. Been there, done that, got the Antibodies T-Shirt. Had worse, but was no picnic. First shot had little or no reaction or adverse effect for me, but that's me.

In short, if you get the injection, you are part of an experiment. I guess some people like being Guinea pigs. I guess you never got tired of being a Guinea pig, even after getting out the military. I learned my lessons in the military, of being a Guinea pig. I guess some people just never learn.
It's all true. I read about it at http://trumpsters-will-believe-anything.com. Do your own research.

Scientists Proved Viruses Are Not Contagious in 1918


Moreover, the results of the experiments proved beyond doubt that viruses are so NOT contagious that they cannot be transferred from one human body to another, even if blood, snot from a flu-ridden nose and thick phlegm from the sufferer’s throat are consumed by the recipient in large amounts.


The experiments also showed that vaccines do nothing good whatsoever.

LOL - exactly. That's what happens when morons do their own research.
Received the Pfizer yesterday mid-day. Nothing to signal up to this point almost 24 hours later.
I received the Moderna vaccine. I got my first shot on February 8th and my second shot on March 8th. The only reaction I have observed is that I could not drag myself out of bed on March 9th except to go to the bathroom. I have felt fine since.
None. My immune system functions quite properly on its own to handle garden variety respiratory diseases.

If these vaccines were actually effective, the government wouldn't need to threaten us with Vaccine Passport Show Us Your Papers to take them.

The real agenda here is suppression and control of the population. This is Marxism. Let's call it by its true name.
None. My immune system functions quite properly on its own to handle garden variety respiratory diseases.

If these vaccines were actually effective, the government wouldn't need to threaten us with Vaccine Passport Show Us Your Papers to take them.

The real agenda here is suppression and control of the population. This is Marxism. Let's call it by its true name.
Lucky you
None. My immune system

How about the immune system of the people you are likely to infect if you catch covid? What about the immune system of the people they will in turn pass it on to?

How many will it take for you to do the right thing?
None. My immune system

How about the immune system of the people you are likely to infect if you catch covid? What about the immune system of the people they will in turn pass it on to?

How many will it take for you to do the right thing?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzzzzzz

If I get sick, I'll stay home. Asymptomatic spread is a myth to gaslight people into complying with house arrest.

The RIGHT THING, is to live our own lives according to our God-given freedom and to not act like Stasi snitching statist tools.

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