Which web browser is best or your favorite

I do use Bing as a Chrome extension most of the time as most of my searches are of a generic nature that Google doesn't censor. Duck Duck Go does miss a lot but it also gets past at least some of the Google censors as does Opera but both really utilize Google so they don't help all that much.

I guess I find Edge, though still somewhat manipulative re favoring leftwing sources, does include a lot of sources that Google won't offer.
Opera has been my main browser for a long time, especially on Android. On my desktop I keep Firefox around for specific tasks, like if I absolutely must go to Facebook for something. Very rare. But they have a feature that basically quarantines Facebook away from your other browsing, keeping them from tracking you. I would use Firefox more often but frustrating things happen with it, like it not letting me sign into my Outlook business email. Lately I've stopped fighting it, and just use Microsoft Edge, which is pretty good, very fast, and everything always works.

I did remove everything Google from my (old) desktop and it's a much faster machine now.
I do use Bing as a Chrome extension most of the time as most of my searches are of a generic nature that Google doesn't censor. Duck Duck Go does miss a lot but it also gets past at least some of the Google censors as does Opera but both really utilize Google so they don't help all that much.

I guess I find Edge, though still somewhat manipulative re favoring leftwing sources, does include a lot of sources that Google won't offer.
Lol! You're not going to find any browsers that filter out reality, unless Trump steals the code and starts his own, like he did with Truth Social.
I use Firefox browser because it's still better than the rest I've tried.

As far as search engines go, Duckuduck does miss a lot and still buries certain results....Startpage is about the closest thing to a down-the-middle search engine I've come across.

If you want a reasonably decent news feed, I recommend going to Getter and following pages like Human Events, Revolver, and Rebel News out of Canada.....Steve Cortes' page has some of the most honest and complete economic news you'll find anywhere.
Bing is awful, Chrome is as biased and skewed as Pravda, DuckDuckGo I think misses a lot.

Any help most appreciated
I tend to use them all when I know what I am looking for, and I know they are all trying to hide what I am looking for from me.

I usually find what I need with Presearch.

Presearch Search Engine - #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 03/16/2022
"Now that DuckDuckGo has officially DuckDuckGone in the direction of censorship, what's a free speech-loving, liberty-minded conspiracy realist to do? Never fear, #SolutionsWatch is here. In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search."
I tend to use them all when I know what I am looking for, and I know they are all trying to hide what I am looking for from me.

I usually find what I need with Presearch.

Presearch Search Engine - #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 03/16/2022
"Now that DuckDuckGo has officially DuckDuckGone in the direction of censorship, what's a free speech-loving, liberty-minded conspiracy realist to do? Never fear, #SolutionsWatch is here. In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search."

I'll give that one a try.....thx
I'll give that one a try.....thx
Whereas places like Google, bing, yahoo, duckduck, etc. I used to have to dig into page 50, or 100, this search aggregator only makes me go to page five or six to find what I need these days. . . it really is helpful for me most times.
I'll give that one a try.....thx
Here is a terrific example of a piece of information, I could only find on presearch, and I found it on the first page.

I could not find it on any of the other search engines.

I was having an argument with a jab advocate, and I know that jab side effects are reported to VAERS through an app., voluntarily.

What I wanted to know? What percentage of the population, actually uses v-safe? One would think this is a relatively straight forward, easy enough question to look up on any search engine, but? No good on any of the big ones.

Sixth hit down on Presearch.

Who Is Participating in V-Safe?

". . . More than 9.2 million people have enrolled in v-safe as of Aug. 9, or roughly 5% of the U.S. population who received at least one dose of a covid vaccine. This seemingly low participation rate is often linked to weak advertising and public education programs about v-safe. Also, a segment of the vaccinated public likely considered it tedious or had privacy concerns. The number also excludes people who do not have smartphones. . . "
I use the Brave browser and sometimes Duckduckgo for searches.

If I'm searching for something where U expect the results will be biasedly displayed I use Searx.org.


What is a metasearch engine?

Bing is awful, Chrome is as biased and skewed as Pravda, DuckDuckGo I think misses a lot.

Any help most appreciated
I primarily use Firefox. Stopped using them years ago when they became a bloated resource hog but have gone back to them as they've cleaned all that up.
Bing is awful, Chrome is as biased and skewed as Pravda, DuckDuckGo I think misses a lot.

Any help most appreciated
i use Google Chrome but i just wanna say that you should put multiple different web browsers on your computer so if one is down, you have another browser to use.
Firefox and Brave
Bing is not a browser, and neither is Google or DuckDuckGo - those are search engines.

As for search engines, there really are no good ones anymore. Seriously.
Ever since people could pay money to appear at the top of searches - it was over.
Also search engines use popular sites to list results. It is absolutely impossible to find something specific, if there is any current thing going on that people are looking at. That happens all the time.
Firefox and Brave
Bing is not a browser, and neither is Google or DuckDuckGo - those are search engines.

As for search engines, there really are no good ones anymore. Seriously.
Ever since people could pay money to appear at the top of searches - it was over.
Also search engines use popular sites to list results. It is absolutely impossible to find something specific, if there is any current thing going on that people are looking at. That happens all the time.
I use Brave and Librewolf(cleaned up Firefox). Ecosia is my choice of a search engine. DUCKFuckaduck is second

The title asks web browser.

OP is about search engines.

You know those are not the same thing, right?


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