While China blames US, Jews and FBI blame politically active white men

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
While China blames the US military for Covid19, "Jewish organizations and the FBI are busy seeding paranoid hoaxes against their national enemy: politically active white men in America", says Eric Striker in the Unz Review.

Eric writes, "According to an FBI report cited by World Jewish Congress head Ronald Lauder, bands of “white nationalists” and “neo-Nazis” are currently roaming the streets of New York City purposely infecting Jewish people, minorities and police officers in a secret plot to spread the modern plague.

Lauder’s outlandish claim dovetails with the leak of a Department of Homeland Security report uploaded by Sharon Weinberger claiming that jokes and memes about coronavirus they have found on 4Chan constitute a credible “bioweapon threat” against Jewish people. The document asserts that white nationalists are planning to spray Jews with their infected saliva and spend time in public with minorities."

Weinberger and Lauder made their blood libel against white people with zero evidence anything like this has ever happened.

Jewish people have been spreading coronavirus among themselves due to their poor hygiene, penchant for international travel, and refusal to follow prescriptions on social distancing. In New Jersey, Jews were arrested in two separate instances for hosting weddings in defiance of temporary laws against large social gatherings. One of the earliest reported contagion ground zeroes in America was a Shabbat dinner. Among the biggest hot spots are Kiryas Joel, New Rochelle, Williamsburg, and various other parts of the northeast with massive Jewish populations.

As for the “intelligence community,” coronavirus is slated to go down as one of the biggest intelligence failures in American history. The Trump administration’s colossal waste of federal resources on the politically motivated hoaxes of “anti-Semitism and “white supremacy” means that the state had better and more accurate information about the latest 4Chan gags than the highly contagious virus.

The number of infected people in New York City continues to surge as the president and his administration doubles down on downplaying the potential human cost. The death toll in Spain and Italy has already surpassed China. In the US, Jews and federal agents try to blame an invisible conspiracy of white men, which the media will gladly run with.
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total bullshit. What about the falwells, the grahams, the swagarts? The rest of the monkeys?
This OP made Hitler blush....
View attachment 317576
Great argument, Shlomo. So I take it you support Lauder's claims?
I don't know Lauder -- but I am pretty sure he doesn't hold weight over what the FBI does or doesn't investigate...

Now being the Anti-Semite that you are -- tells us more about the Jew's penchant for poor hygiene....
Don't duck the question, Shlomo. Do you agree with Lauder that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spraying Jews with corona virus?
total bullshit. What about the falwells, the grahams, the swagarts? The rest of the monkeys?
What about them? other than you hate them because they are Christians?
I don't hate Christians. Read what I said. There are millions of Christians on the earth and I do not hate them. Read what I said. Falwells, grahams, swaggarts. Them only. Not the millions and billions of Christians.
total bullshit. What about the falwells, the grahams, the swagarts? The rest of the monkeys?
What about them? other than you hate them because they are Christians?
I don't hate Christians. Read what I said. There are millions of Christians on the earth and I do not hate them. Read what I said. Falwells, grahams, swaggarts. Them only. Not the millions and billions of Christians.
So you only hate the Christians who are famous for being Christians? And who are "the rest of the monkeys"?
total bullshit. What about the falwells, the grahams, the swagarts? The rest of the monkeys?
What about them? other than you hate them because they are Christians?
I don't hate Christians. Read what I said. There are millions of Christians on the earth and I do not hate them. Read what I said. Falwells, grahams, swaggarts. Them only. Not the millions and billions of Christians.
So you only hate the Christians who are famous for being Christians? And who are "the rest of the monkeys"?

They are famous for being phonies, whiners, and bullshit artists. They are just out to destroy the faith. They seem to be recruiting for atheism.
This OP made Hitler blush....
View attachment 317576
Great argument, Shlomo. So I take it you support Lauder's claims?
I don't know Lauder -- but I am pretty sure he doesn't hold weight over what the FBI does or doesn't investigate...

Now being the Anti-Semite that you are -- tells us more about the Jew's penchant for poor hygiene....
Don't duck the question, Shlomo. Do you agree with Lauder that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spraying Jews with corona virus?
No, they're sitting at computer keyboards spreading lies and propaganda.
This OP made Hitler blush....
View attachment 317576
Great argument, Shlomo. So I take it you support Lauder's claims?
I don't know Lauder -- but I am pretty sure he doesn't hold weight over what the FBI does or doesn't investigate...

Now being the Anti-Semite that you are -- tells us more about the Jew's penchant for poor hygiene....
Don't duck the question, Shlomo. Do you agree with Lauder that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spraying Jews with corona virus?
Ask the FBI -- they are the one with the power to arrest people....not the Jewish guy you hate....altho I know you probably think Jews control the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Trump, etc...

The Globalists are going to manufacture false flag attacks on the Asian's community. And blame it on Pres.Trump for calling it what he heard it from the mainstream media, the Chinese virus.
Right now they are warming up the stage, getting it prepare to round up conservative's news media and shut them down. And Pres.Trump cannot do nothing about it, because they will accuse him as their leader. And the Leftist media are going to slam him all the way to the election in November. They are not going to stop at all until he is out..

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This OP made Hitler blush....
View attachment 317576
Great argument, Shlomo. So I take it you support Lauder's claims?
I don't know Lauder -- but I am pretty sure he doesn't hold weight over what the FBI does or doesn't investigate...

Now being the Anti-Semite that you are -- tells us more about the Jew's penchant for poor hygiene....
Don't duck the question, Shlomo. Do you agree with Lauder that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spraying Jews with corona virus?
Ask the FBI -- they are the one with the power to arrest people....not the Jewish guy you hate....altho I know you probably think Jews control the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Trump, etc...

total bullshit. What about the falwells, the grahams, the swagarts? The rest of the monkeys?
What about them? other than you hate them because they are Christians?
I don't hate Christians. Read what I said. There are millions of Christians on the earth and I do not hate them. Read what I said. Falwells, grahams, swaggarts. Them only. Not the millions and billions of Christians.
So you only hate the Christians who are famous for being Christians? And who are "the rest of the monkeys"?

They are famous for being phonies, whiners, and bullshit artists. They are just out to destroy the faith. They seem to be recruiting for atheism.
So what do televangelists have to with Jewish false claims that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spritzing Jews with coronavirus? These Jews, like Ronald Lauder, are committing a blood libel against white men, and you want to excuse the blood libel because you hate televangelists (and other monkeys)?
This OP made Hitler blush....
View attachment 317576
Great argument, Shlomo. So I take it you support Lauder's claims?
I don't know Lauder -- but I am pretty sure he doesn't hold weight over what the FBI does or doesn't investigate...

Now being the Anti-Semite that you are -- tells us more about the Jew's penchant for poor hygiene....
Don't duck the question, Shlomo. Do you agree with Lauder that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spraying Jews with corona virus?
Ask the FBI -- they are the one with the power to arrest people....not the Jewish guy you hate....altho I know you probably think Jews control the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Trump, etc...

I hate the Jewish guy who issued a blood libel against white men. You should hate him too, if you are a decent human being. Or is it ok to lie against another race?
This OP made Hitler blush....
View attachment 317576
Great argument, Shlomo. So I take it you support Lauder's claims?
I don't know Lauder -- but I am pretty sure he doesn't hold weight over what the FBI does or doesn't investigate...

Now being the Anti-Semite that you are -- tells us more about the Jew's penchant for poor hygiene....
Don't duck the question, Shlomo. Do you agree with Lauder that "white nationalists" are running around New York City spraying Jews with corona virus?
No, they're sitting at computer keyboards spreading lies and propaganda.
So you agree then that Ronald Lauder, speaking at the World Jewish Congress, committed a blood libel against politically active white men when he lied and said "white nationalists" were running around NYC spritzing Jews with coronavirus. My question is what kind of people will fail to condemn such a vicious liar just because they share the same race? Aren't you, then, the epitome of a racist if you won't condemn his racism?

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