While humping Obama's leg, Wolf Blitzer lets slip an inconvenient truth...


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
Oh... this is fun... While gushing Obama's greatness on Letterman, Blitzer accidentally points out what Obama's real priorities are.

Remember, the other day, I think it was Michele Bachmann who was criticizing President Obama, Ashleigh, for saying Obama can go to New York -- he can go to New York and he has time for Letterman, but he does not have time for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. In the scheme of things, who is going to get you more votes? A meeting that could be tense with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or go on Letterman and come across as well as he did last night? I think the answer is pretty clear.

Read more: Wolf Blitzer Excuses Obama's Netanyahu Snub for Letterman Appearance: He Was 'Very Smooth' | NewsBusters.org

Votes, folks. THAT's the most important thing. Not actually DOING the job he's already got and is running to keep. When push comes to shove, he doesn't do that job. He does Letterman. The priority is The Campaign, not National Security.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.
Oh... this is fun... While gushing Obama's greatness on Letterman, Blitzer accidentally points out what Obama's real priorities are.

Remember, the other day, I think it was Michele Bachmann who was criticizing President Obama, Ashleigh, for saying Obama can go to New York -- he can go to New York and he has time for Letterman, but he does not have time for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. In the scheme of things, who is going to get you more votes? A meeting that could be tense with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or go on Letterman and come across as well as he did last night? I think the answer is pretty clear.

Read more: Wolf Blitzer Excuses Obama's Netanyahu Snub for Letterman Appearance: He Was 'Very Smooth' | NewsBusters.org

Votes, folks. THAT's the most important thing. Not actually DOING the job he's already got and is running to keep. When push comes to shove, he doesn't do that job. He does Letterman. The priority is The Campaign, not National Security.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.

And this man calls himself a journalist and hosted debates. Unfuckingbelievable!
Oh... this is fun... While gushing Obama's greatness on Letterman, Blitzer accidentally points out what Obama's real priorities are.

Remember, the other day, I think it was Michele Bachmann who was criticizing President Obama, Ashleigh, for saying Obama can go to New York -- he can go to New York and he has time for Letterman, but he does not have time for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. In the scheme of things, who is going to get you more votes? A meeting that could be tense with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or go on Letterman and come across as well as he did last night? I think the answer is pretty clear.

Read more: Wolf Blitzer Excuses Obama's Netanyahu Snub for Letterman Appearance: He Was 'Very Smooth' | NewsBusters.org

Votes, folks. THAT's the most important thing. Not actually DOING the job he's already got and is running to keep. When push comes to shove, he doesn't do that job. He does Letterman. The priority is The Campaign, not National Security.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.

And this man calls himself a journalist and hosted debates. Unfuckingbelievable!

I saw a post here from some lib this past week, can't remember which one, basically chortling about how the media is on Obama's side. Well, no shit. :rolleyes:
The part that blows my mind though is that they have no shame over it. In fact, as we see in Blitzer's example above, they don't even seem to be aware of what they're actually saying. They get so caught up in their Obamalust... they forget he's supposed to be running this country.
Oh... this is fun... While gushing Obama's greatness on Letterman, Blitzer accidentally points out what Obama's real priorities are.

Votes, folks. THAT's the most important thing. Not actually DOING the job he's already got and is running to keep. When push comes to shove, he doesn't do that job. He does Letterman. The priority is The Campaign, not National Security.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.

And this man calls himself a journalist and hosted debates. Unfuckingbelievable!

I saw a post here from some lib this past week, can't remember which one, basically chortling about how the media is on Obama's side. Well, no shit. :rolleyes:
The part that blows my mind though is that they have no shame over it. In fact, as we see in Blitzer's example above, they don't even seem to be aware of what they're actually saying. They get so caught up in their Obamalust... they forget he's supposed to be running this country.

This one is a classic. Nothing clandestine about it. He brazenly and arrogantly just says it as if that is what a responsible President should be doing.
It's not the 'doing' of the job for Obama, it's the 'keeping' of the job that matters to him.
Oh... this is fun... While gushing Obama's greatness on Letterman, Blitzer accidentally points out what Obama's real priorities are.

Remember, the other day, I think it was Michele Bachmann who was criticizing President Obama, Ashleigh, for saying Obama can go to New York -- he can go to New York and he has time for Letterman, but he does not have time for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. In the scheme of things, who is going to get you more votes? A meeting that could be tense with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or go on Letterman and come across as well as he did last night? I think the answer is pretty clear.

Read more: Wolf Blitzer Excuses Obama's Netanyahu Snub for Letterman Appearance: He Was 'Very Smooth' | NewsBusters.org

Votes, folks. THAT's the most important thing. Not actually DOING the job he's already got and is running to keep. When push comes to shove, he doesn't do that job. He does Letterman. The priority is The Campaign, not National Security.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.

And this man calls himself a journalist and hosted debates. Unfuckingbelievable!

I've always wondered if "Wolf Blitzer" is this guy's REAL name.

The name "Wolf Blitzer" sounds way too contrived.

It sounds like the name of some Nazi panzer division commander in one of those John Wayne World War 2 movies.

I have to admit, he looks the part. The only thing missing are the swastikas.
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This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.
If Obama cared about America and its people he would have met with Netanyahu instead of meeting with Letterman.


How did you arrive at that rather peculiar conclusion?

(Down, Jillian!)
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And this man calls himself a journalist and hosted debates. Unfuckingbelievable!

I saw a post here from some lib this past week, can't remember which one, basically chortling about how the media is on Obama's side. Well, no shit. :rolleyes:
The part that blows my mind though is that they have no shame over it. In fact, as we see in Blitzer's example above, they don't even seem to be aware of what they're actually saying. They get so caught up in their Obamalust... they forget he's supposed to be running this country.

This one is a classic. Nothing clandestine about it. He brazenly and arrogantly just says it as if that is what a responsible President should be doing.

Exactly. And when you click the link and watch the video of him saying it, it's bold as brass. It never even occurs to him that the guy he's talking about is tasked with our national security. Iran's over there trying to build a nuclear bomb, Bibi's trying to decide if he's going to have to take the plunge or not, and Obama is on late night TV doing schtick, most likely provided to him by Letterman's writers. Meanwhile, our embassies overseas are still seeing riots and our ambassador to Libya along with 3 other Americans is DEAD.
It's jaw-dropping. :eek:
The ME is much more dangerous than it was even last week!

Obama is only now attending Intel briefings.

Obama is appearing on Letterman instead of taking the situation seriously and he is partying with JayZ while our embassies burn and the Ambassador is buried.

That's some pretty, severely fucked-up "optics" if you ask me
The "talk to the Hand" Diplomacy with Israel is really having an effect
And I'd say it's about time.

You're right. It makes much more sense to turn our backs on Israel, overthrow middle eastern countries so the radical Muslim Brotherhood can fill the vacuum, and then coddle Islamo-terrorists by blaming amateur filmmakers for the violence against our diplomats and military personnel, instead of admitting that these attacks are organized by Al Qaeda.

Just wondering if you are THAT ignorant and naive, or if you just ate too much lead-based paint off the windowsill when you were a child..............
The "talk to the Hand" Diplomacy with Israel is really having an effect

Sure is. It's winding the radical Islamists up to a full froth. There should NEVER have been any doubt about where this country stands, and I remember posting repeatedly on another board I was on at the time, that Obama's lack of spine would endanger us more than any hawkishness they perceived in McCain.
The ME is much more dangerous than it was even last week!

Obama is only now attending Intel briefings.

Obama is appearing on Letterman instead of taking the situation seriously and he is partying with JayZ while our embassies burn and the Ambassador is buried.

That's some pretty, severely fucked-up "optics" if you ask me

Obama's strange "behaviors" during this latest crisis further validate what all of us with functioning brains already know about him, from a "priority" standpoint.
Nutanyahoo is a pain in the ass. I wish Obama would just give him the finger.
It's not the 'doing' of the job for Obama, it's the 'keeping' of the job that matters to him.

Hell, he could be DOING that job today. He could've done it on 9/11, or better yet before 9/11. He doesn't want the job. He wants the stuff.
Nutanyahoo is a pain in the ass. I wish Obama would just give him the finger.

Prioritizing an appearance with David Letterman over him is pretty much just that. You got your wish already.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.
If Obama cared about America and its people he would have met with Netanyahu instead of meeting with Letterman.


How did you arrive at that rather peculiar conclusion?

(Down, Jillian!)

Do you think it's going to be a good thing for the U.S. if Israel ends up striking Iran? Do you think that Obama's lack of leadership in the Middle East is going unnoticed over there? If you do, then you're fooling yourself. The problem with leaving a leadership void in the M.E. is that it won't stay a void. If the U.S. doesn't step up and lead, then someone will.

This guy wants to keep the nice house and the airplane and the status. He doesn't give a crap about you or me or this country. Because if he did, he wouldn't have met Letterman in New York, he'd have met Netanyahu.
If Obama cared about America and its people he would have met with Netanyahu instead of meeting with Letterman.


How did you arrive at that rather peculiar conclusion?

(Down, Jillian!)

Do you think it's going to be a good thing for the U.S. if Israel ends up striking Iran? Do you think that Obama's lack of leadership in the Middle East is going unnoticed over there? If you do, then you're fooling yourself. The problem with leaving a leadership void in the M.E. is that it won't stay a void. If the U.S. doesn't step up and lead, then someone will.

Gotta spread some rep, Vel, but that's EXACTLY right. :clap2:

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