While our extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves...

Or history, for that matter. How can you claim to be pro-education when you want to remove and hide all evidence of the past?

my great great great (great? I lose track)...grandfather fought against the invaders in the war of northern aggression.
27th Tenn Infantry, Co. F under Braxton Bragg.
I do NOT appreciate cultural marxists desecrating our memory, our heritage, our ancestors or our culture...That's dangerous ground.
you mean the southern war of stupidity?
btw that war ended 150 years ago 3 grandfathers max...
if you lose track of tha.t your memory of why that war was fought is not accurate.

Let me know if you're ever down this way...Love to take you to lunch and discuss history with you.
Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
false! it one of kosher hag's numerous delusions that I'm female ...
I'm a female like kosher hag is Jewish.

my great great great (great? I lose track)...grandfather fought against the invaders in the war of northern aggression.
27th Tenn Infantry, Co. F under Braxton Bragg.
I do NOT appreciate cultural marxists desecrating our memory, our heritage, our ancestors or our culture...That's dangerous ground.
you mean the southern war of stupidity?
btw that war ended 150 years ago 3 grandfathers max...
if you lose track of tha.t your memory of why that war was fought is not accurate.

Let me know if you're ever down this way...Love to take you to lunch and discuss history with you.
Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
I'm not sure.
a photo taken from kosher hag's masturbation collection.

you mean the southern war of stupidity?
btw that war ended 150 years ago 3 grandfathers max...
if you lose track of tha.t your memory of why that war was fought is not accurate.

Let me know if you're ever down this way...Love to take you to lunch and discuss history with you.
Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
I'm not sure.
damn you!
what has been seen can not be unseen...gawdalmighty...absolutely gruesome...

When I look at that imagine, I am struck by how nice it is that duhs has somebody willing to keep her skin in such great condition. That takes a lot of elbow grease (and other sorts of grease) and hours of scrubbing and manipulating...every day. Someone really loves her.

Possibly...ravtard? Though Ravi has her own issues...

Last edited:
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.

Let me know if you're ever down this way...Love to take you to lunch and discuss history with you.
Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
I'm not sure.
damn you!
what has been seen can not be unseen...gawdalmighty...absolutely gruesome...

When I look at that imagine, I am struck by how nice it is that duhs has somebody willing to keep her skin in such great condition. That takes a lot of elbow grease (and other sorts of grease) and hours of scrubbing and manipulating...every day. Someone really loves her.
you live a rich but horribly twisted fantasy life .
can you prove that's not you?.
sure as hell aint me.
how Christian of you to abuse a disabled person like that.

Let me know if you're ever down this way...Love to take you to lunch and discuss history with you.
Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
I'm not sure.
damn you!
what has been seen can not be unseen...gawdalmighty...absolutely gruesome...

When I look at that imagine, I am struck by how nice it is that duhs has somebody willing to keep her skin in such great condition. That takes a lot of elbow grease (and other sorts of grease) and hours of scrubbing and manipulating...every day. Someone really loves her.
If you EVER post a picture like THAT again, you're going on ignore...LMFAO... :puke: :puke3:

but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

The thing I wonder is if this is a good use of time and energy. Instead of asking racists not to be racists Black people should be concentrating on uplifiting and teaching other Blacks how to overcome the obstacles inherent in living in this caste system here in the US. Once we achieve economic and political equality as a group we can shut down the symbols and vestiges of white power easily.

Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
I'm not sure.
damn you!
what has been seen can not be unseen...gawdalmighty...absolutely gruesome...

When I look at that imagine, I am struck by how nice it is that duhs has somebody willing to keep her skin in such great condition. That takes a lot of elbow grease (and other sorts of grease) and hours of scrubbing and manipulating...every day. Someone really loves her.
If you EVER post a picture like THAT again, you're going on ignore...LMFAO... :puke: :puke3:

you didn't hate it that much, or you'd have deleted it .......telling.
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.
false objective observation of the facts..
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.
That explains your posts to a T.
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.
if I were them I'd take her on tour like the elephant man Joseph Merrick
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.
Thats like asking a monkey to explain the periodic table.
back on topic any destruction of any historical sites anywhere is wrong.
developers have attempted many times to build housing tracts at Gettysburg..
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.

not worth the effort..People with no agenda know and understand the issues in play during the war of northern aggression....your biased anti white, anti southern hatred can't be cured with words.
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.

not worth the effort..People with no agenda know and understand the issues in play during the war of northern aggression....your biased anti white, anti southern hatred can't be cured with words.
Translation....."I have nothing and I knew it the moment I hit the post reply button."
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.

not worth the effort..People with no agenda know and understand the issues in play during the war of northern aggression....your biased anti white, anti southern hatred can't be cured with words.

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