While our extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves...

Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

That should be removed as all symbols of the traitorous losers, Germany doesn't allow Nazi symbols and we should not allow filth like that to be honored, It belongs in museums. Any one that promotes that crap should be dealt with swiftly

you mean the southern war of stupidity?
btw that war ended 150 years ago 3 grandfathers max...
if you lose track of tha.t your memory of why that war was fought is not accurate.

Let me know if you're ever down this way...Love to take you to lunch and discuss history with you.
Duhs can't be removed from her recliner.

it's a "female"?
I'm not sure.
a photo taken from kosher hag's masturbation collection.
no doubt. That one is :cuckoo:
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

The thing I wonder is if this is a good use of time and energy. Instead of asking racists not to be racists Black people should be concentrating on uplifiting and teaching other Blacks how to overcome the obstacles inherent in living in this caste system here in the US. Once we achieve economic and political equality as a group we can shut down the symbols and vestiges of white power easily.

I am surprised they did't remove the kids
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

The thing I wonder is if this is a good use of time and energy. Instead of asking racists not to be racists Black people should be concentrating on uplifiting and teaching other Blacks how to overcome the obstacles inherent in living in this caste system here in the US. Once we achieve economic and political equality as a group we can shut down the symbols and vestiges of white power easily.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

Surprised the kids haven't been removed yet
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

The thing I wonder is if this is a good use of time and energy. Instead of asking racists not to be racists Black people should be concentrating on uplifiting and teaching other Blacks how to overcome the obstacles inherent in living in this caste system here in the US. Once we achieve economic and political equality as a group we can shut down the symbols and vestiges of white power easily.

I am surprised they did't remove the kids
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

The thing I wonder is if this is a good use of time and energy. Instead of asking racists not to be racists Black people should be concentrating on uplifiting and teaching other Blacks how to overcome the obstacles inherent in living in this caste system here in the US. Once we achieve economic and political equality as a group we can shut down the symbols and vestiges of white power easily.
In all fairness the author of this thread has mental problems that would take a legion of mental health experts to explain.

Surprised the kids haven't been removed yet
the imaginary ones?
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.

not worth the effort..People with no agenda know and understand the issues in play during the war of northern aggression....your biased anti white, anti southern hatred can't be cured with words.

It was the Civil War caused by the attempted secession of slave-holding states from the union. It was not a war of northern aggression. You're obviously a white supremacist who is angry that the southern traitors lost the war and thereby lost their former "right" to own human beings as property.
but what about "diversity"? What about "tolerance" ..LMAO...
they're hypocrites.

Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.

not worth the effort..People with no agenda know and understand the issues in play during the war of northern aggression....your biased anti white, anti southern hatred can't be cured with words.

It was the Civil War caused by the attempted secession of slave-holding states from the union. It was not a war of northern aggression. You're obviously a white supremacist who is angry that the southern traitors lost the war and thereby lost their former "right" to own human beings as property.

The south tried to peacefully secede. Lincoln had to have his war..he couldn't have cared less about the slaves..he said so...and they weren't "traitors" any more than the colonists who opposed england were in 1776.....and there were slaves in america then...and they were brought here under WHICH flag? :blsmile:

I'm not a white supremacist. I don't want to rule over anyone. I think all people should be free to rise as far as they can go on their own...but you guys have been taught that word and you like to use it to describe white people who support and defend OUR race and OUR heritage and OUR culture.
Intolerance of intolerance is not hypocrisy.

The divisiveness in this country can be traced, in large part, to the remaining vestiges of slavery. The North fought the civil war to preserve the union; the South seceded and fought the civil war to preserve slavery and to expand it. The prolific hate and bigotry directed at blacks and other minorities on this very discussion board is proof that our nation needs a lot of work. Present day worship of the defeated confederacy of slave-holding states is sickening. Those who think it is time to take down those symbols of oppression and put them into museums where they belong are not the same as the ISIS terrorists/murderers who are destroying ancient ruins in Syria. The false analogy only places the author's ignorance on display.


uninformed disinformation.

If I am wrong, please enlighten me with actual facts.

not worth the effort..People with no agenda know and understand the issues in play during the war of northern aggression....your biased anti white, anti southern hatred can't be cured with words.

It was the Civil War caused by the attempted secession of slave-holding states from the union. It was not a war of northern aggression. You're obviously a white supremacist who is angry that the southern traitors lost the war and thereby lost their former "right" to own human beings as property.

The south tried to peacefully secede. Lincoln had to have his war..he couldn't have cared less about the slaves..he said so...and they weren't "traitors" any more than the colonists who opposed england were in 1776.....and there were slaves in america then...and they were brought here under WHICH flag? :blsmile:

I'm not a white supremacist. I don't want to rule over anyone. I think all people should be free to rise as far as they can go on their own...but you guys have been taught that word and you like to use it to describe white people who support and defend OUR race and OUR heritage and OUR culture.
Cue buzzer. .. false there is no white culture in America or any place else for that matter
Cultures are created by the behavior and myth of a given people color is not a factor but an excuse.
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Progressives are American ISIS
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Progressives are American ISIS
Gee !
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Progressives are American ISIS

So you say. But other people prefer reality over fiction (or delusions).
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain
Mob-rule sucks.
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Yes... Evil hates history... and given how history exposes evil... it's not hard to understand why.
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Progressives are American ISIS

So you say. But other people prefer reality over fiction (or delusions).

Islam is intrinsically Progressive; which is to say fascist; which is to say socialist... and that is because of the tribal mentality.

And yes... there's nothing progressive about a tribe... it is about as regressive as it gets.

But one has to understand that Left-think... (The species of reasoning that comprises all facets of Leftism) is the means by which evil is advanced politically. Meaning that it's a lie... a very big, never ending trail of: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.)
Last edited:
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain
Mob-rule sucks.
Only when it's not your mob!
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Progressives are American ISIS

So you say. But other people prefer reality over fiction (or delusions).

Islam is intrinsically Progressive; which is to say fascist; which is to say socialist... and that is because of the tribal mentality.

And yes... there's nothing progressive about a tribe... it is about as regressive as it gets.

But one has to understand that Left-think... (The species of reasoning that comprises all facets of Leftism) is the means by which evil is advanced politically. Meaning that it's a lie... a very big, never ending trail of: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.)

They behave the exact same way, eradicate anything they disagree with, anything outside of their ideological purity
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Yes... Evil hates history... and given how history exposes evil... it's not hard to understand why.
You mean like when the faithful burned people for witch craft?
Their counterparts elsewhere do the same:

"Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.
"Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it."


My Way News - Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

Meanwhile, our homegrown idiots do the same here...apparently Shawn The White (the head of NAACP) is offended by the historical connotations...


NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

Progressives are American ISIS

So you say. But other people prefer reality over fiction (or delusions).

Islam is intrinsically Progressive; which is to say fascist; which is to say socialist... and that is because of the tribal mentality.

And yes... there's nothing progressive about a tribe... it is about as regressive as it gets.

But one has to understand that Left-think... (The species of reasoning that comprises all facets of Leftism) is the means by which evil is advanced politically. Meaning that it's a lie... a very big, never ending trail of: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.)

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