While our extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves...

Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.

Are you in favor of cultural and historic cleansing like that?
Obviously just the opposite.

but the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

If Walmart needs a Supercenter there the question will be asked and answered.

I didn't ask you anything about wal-mart..why do you need to qualify your answer?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.
Are you in favor of cultural and historic cleansing like that?
Obviously just the opposite.

but the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

If Walmart needs a Supercenter there the question will be asked and answered.

I didn't ask you anything about wal-mart..why do you need to qualify your answer?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.

The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
Obviously just the opposite.

but the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

If Walmart needs a Supercenter there the question will be asked and answered.

I didn't ask you anything about wal-mart..why do you need to qualify your answer?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.

The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.
Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.
You went to a lot of trouble to try to justify a bad thing with another bad thing.

No, you missed the point, the problem is the pursuit of money and power.
No, you missed the point. Disrespect for history is bad regardless of the motivation.
Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.

Are you in favor of cultural and historic cleansing like that?
Obviously just the opposite.

but the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
No graves should be desecrated .
The Confederate flag on the other hand is historical but does not reflect or should not reflect modern American culture
I have no problem with it being displayed in an historical setting , reinactments and the like.
Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.
You went to a lot of trouble to try to justify a bad thing with another bad thing.
You just made his and my point for us.
Wrong. I defended neither form of disrespect of history. You want to cherry pick while the long post tried to justify one with the other.
Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.
You went to a lot of trouble to try to justify a bad thing with another bad thing.

No, you missed the point, the problem is the pursuit of money and power.
No, you missed the point. Disrespect for history is bad regardless of the motivation.
Thanks captain obvious!
Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.
You went to a lot of trouble to try to justify a bad thing with another bad thing.
You just made his and my point for us.
Wrong. I defended neither form of disrespect of history. You want to cherry pick while the long post tried to justify one with the other.
Absolute bullshit.
Geez Louise this thread is a trainwreck, I'm surprised at the OP's attempt to tie Liberals with ISIS when any educated thinking person know that American corporatists have destroyed sacred sites in numbers that make ISIS look like punk amateurs.

Badger-Two Medicine

"The Blackfeet Tribe calls the land of Badger-Two Medicine “the Backbone of the World,” the place where the story of their people began. But now the mineral-rich land, located in modern day Michigan, is in danger of being drilled for oil.
Solenext, LCC, the last of the 47 leaseholders of the land, filed a lawsuit so that drilling could begin. Earl Old Person, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council since 1954, is fighting to preserve what he calls “an altar to the Blackfeet Confederacy.” He wrote a letter to Obama urging the president to intervene.

Oak Flat
After lawmakers slipped in a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that swapped 2,400 acres of copper-containing land for 5,300 acres of substandard land, the San Carlos Apache tribe has been fighting to preserve Oak Flat.

The land is located in Arizona and contains Apache Leap, a place where 75 Apache men, women, and children were massacred.

In response to the controversy, the international mining corporation, Resolution Mining Inc., said that the mine could be a good thing because it could employ Native Americans.

The Black Hills
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota peoples, who suffer from systemic poverty, turned down $1.5 billion offered to them for the Black Hills, land the Keystone XL Pipeline would intersect. That’s how much this land matters to them.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Cyril Scott has called the Keystone XL Pipeline “an act of war.”

The Osage Mounds
The Chahokian Mounds are the artifacts of an ancient, complex civilization. The modern Osage consider themselves to be descendants of these mound builders, the architects of the most important city to the Mississippians.

But the NFL’S St. Louis Rams are planning on paving over what’s left of it to build a new stadium. Indian Country Today Media Network reports that the project has a $1 billion price tag and that its construction is still in its early development.

Hopefully the mound can still be salvaged.

H/T: St. Louis Public Radio, Indian Country Today Media Network

4 Sacred Native American Sites In Danger Of Being Destroyed By Corporations

There are literally dozens and dozens of web pages that expose this kind of lack of respect for cultural sites all led by large corporations in love with money over values and that is the real problem with America.
You went to a lot of trouble to try to justify a bad thing with another bad thing.

No, you missed the point, the problem is the pursuit of money and power.
No, you missed the point. Disrespect for history is bad regardless of the motivation.

Not always, take the example of King Henry VIII and Martin Luther who started their own religions in protest of Roman Catholic power abuses. That resulted in a sway of power and the adaption of new thought.
but the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

If Walmart needs a Supercenter there the question will be asked and answered.

I didn't ask you anything about wal-mart..why do you need to qualify your answer?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.

The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.

Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
If Walmart needs a Supercenter there the question will be asked and answered.

I didn't ask you anything about wal-mart..why do you need to qualify your answer?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.

The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.

Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

The question is irrelevant because groups that want to do something about Stone Mountain are completely powerless to do so. You condemn those people as the worst kind of extremists, but they cannot do anything except rant. The real criminals are right wing corporatists who actually do real damage and do it for money and power while trashing sacred heritage and American history. Nothing was ever going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain, its all a false premise, a fallacy to direct scorn against groups angry at a period of history.
I didn't ask you anything about wal-mart..why do you need to qualify your answer?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.

The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.

Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

The question is irrelevant because groups that want to do something about Stone Mountain are completely powerless to do so. You condemn those people as the worst kind of extremists, but they cannot do anything except rant. The real criminals are right wing corporatists who actually do real damage and do it for money and power while trashing sacred heritage and American history. Nothing was ever going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain, its all a false premise, a fallacy to direct scorn against groups angry at a period of history.


yes. or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
I think we have clearly established that the real nutcases running around and destroying sacred sites in this country are right wing corporatists who have no interest in anything except money and power. The Georgia site is not going to be disturbed no matter who objects to it and you're talking fantasy thinking that anything will come of it while other sacred sites are destroyed daily.

The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.

Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

The question is irrelevant because groups that want to do something about Stone Mountain are completely powerless to do so. You condemn those people as the worst kind of extremists, but they cannot do anything except rant. The real criminals are right wing corporatists who actually do real damage and do it for money and power while trashing sacred heritage and American history. Nothing was ever going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain, its all a false premise, a fallacy to direct scorn against groups angry at a period of history.


yes. or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I gave my opinion. Nothing is going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain. You laid out a false premise.
The georgia site may or may not be on private land...so if it's on public land I think you know what the outcome is likely to be...

....but I didn't ask you about nutcases or right wing corporatists or money or power, though did I?

Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.

Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

The question is irrelevant because groups that want to do something about Stone Mountain are completely powerless to do so. You condemn those people as the worst kind of extremists, but they cannot do anything except rant. The real criminals are right wing corporatists who actually do real damage and do it for money and power while trashing sacred heritage and American history. Nothing was ever going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain, its all a false premise, a fallacy to direct scorn against groups angry at a period of history.


yes. or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I gave my opinion. Nothing is going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain. You laid out a false premise.
more evasion.
I didn't ask for an editorial. I asked you a yes or no question.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
You are posing a question that can be best answered by DeKalb County Georgia. Since Stone Mountain sits on County property, it is fair to assume those folks would not be interested in the destruction of their historical artifact. The only people with a vested interest in that place are the owners and in this case it is the citizens of DeKalb County Georgia.

Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

The question is irrelevant because groups that want to do something about Stone Mountain are completely powerless to do so. You condemn those people as the worst kind of extremists, but they cannot do anything except rant. The real criminals are right wing corporatists who actually do real damage and do it for money and power while trashing sacred heritage and American history. Nothing was ever going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain, its all a false premise, a fallacy to direct scorn against groups angry at a period of history.


yes. or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I gave my opinion. Nothing is going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain. You laid out a false premise.
more evasion.
I didn't ask for an editorial. I asked you a yes or no question.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

It's a false premise, nothing is going to happen to Stone Mountain. Never was and never will.
Forget stone mountain and stop evading.

I'm going to make it as simple as I can for you..I don't need an editorial.

Yes or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

The question is irrelevant because groups that want to do something about Stone Mountain are completely powerless to do so. You condemn those people as the worst kind of extremists, but they cannot do anything except rant. The real criminals are right wing corporatists who actually do real damage and do it for money and power while trashing sacred heritage and American history. Nothing was ever going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain, its all a false premise, a fallacy to direct scorn against groups angry at a period of history.


yes. or no.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

I gave my opinion. Nothing is going to happen to the carvings at Stone Mountain. You laid out a false premise.
more evasion.
I didn't ask for an editorial. I asked you a yes or no question.
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

It's a false premise, nothing is going to happen to Stone Mountain. Never was and never will.

do you see the words "stone mountain" anywhere in the question?

yes or no
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
The OP explicitly mentions Stone Mountain and that has been the only kind of memorial discussed where "extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves"
I repeat, no one is allowing culturally important sites to be desecrated/removed or banned. It's a silly question.
The OP explicitly mentions Stone Mountain and that has been the only kind of memorial discussed where "extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves"
I repeat, no one is allowing culturally important sites to be desecrated/removed or banned. It's a silly question.

The post mentioned stone mountain..you went off on a tangent about indian mounds being desecrated.
You've typed hundreds of words dodging and evading...all you need to do is type one word...

yes or no
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?
The OP explicitly mentions Stone Mountain and that has been the only kind of memorial discussed where "extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves"
I repeat, no one is allowing culturally important sites to be desecrated/removed or banned. It's a silly question.

The post mentioned stone mountain..you went off on a tangent about indian mounds being desecrated.
You've typed hundreds of words dodging and evading...all you need to do is type one word...

yes or no
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

That's plain wrong. I have addressed the issue with evidence that the real culprits damaging cultural and historic sites are right wing corporatists and any assertions that it is Liberal groups doing it is wrong on many levels. Your question is wrong because no one is damaging American sites (except right wing corporatists) and no one will. It isn't happening, now, or later, or ever.
The OP explicitly mentions Stone Mountain and that has been the only kind of memorial discussed where "extremists clamor to deface and desecrate historical sites and graves"
I repeat, no one is allowing culturally important sites to be desecrated/removed or banned. It's a silly question.

The post mentioned stone mountain..you went off on a tangent about indian mounds being desecrated.
You've typed hundreds of words dodging and evading...all you need to do is type one word...

yes or no
Do you think the confederate battle flag, statues, memorials and graves should be allowed to be desecrated/removed/banned?

That's plain wrong. I have addressed the issue with evidence that the real culprits damaging cultural and historic sites are right wing corporatists and any assertions that it is Liberal groups doing it is wrong on many levels. Your question is wrong because no one is damaging American sites (except right wing corporatists) and no one will. It isn't happening, now, or later, or ever.

Ok I see now.

You were against cultural cleansing of the indian mounds and therefore you also support the freedom to display the confederate battle flag and don't think it should be banned.

You're also against the cultural cleansing of confederate history and figures and you support leaving all monuments and graves of confederate soldiers intact and believe they should not be moved, desecrated or tampered with.

All you had to do was say so in the first place.

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