While the country is focused on Healthcare and Collusion, sneaky GOP cuts minimum wage

I mean if automated semi trucks can transport loads across the nation with no one at the wheel, I think most other jobs will be at risk shortly as well.

there are no self-driving cars on the market yet. Don't hold your breath. In any case new machines just mean new jobs and higher pay for those jobs
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Do feel free to start your own business and pay your employees that much without raising your prices significantly to cover that added expense for another ten or more employees every month.

Let us know how that works out for you.



I'm not understanding. Are you advocating slave wages?

Slaves don't make wages.

So that's the GOP goal. I was wondering. Thanks for clearing that up.


Representing the GOP, Paul is laughing "This kid's gonna die".
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Do feel free to start your own business and pay your employees that much without raising your prices significantly to cover that added expense for another ten or more employees every month.

Let us know how that works out for you.



I'm not understanding. Are you advocating slave wages?

Slaves don't make wages.

So that's the GOP goal. I was wondering. Thanks for clearing that up.


Representing the GOP, Paul is laughing "This kid's gonna die".

So that's the GOP goal.

Yes, the GOP's goal is pointing out your idiocy.
I mean if automated semi trucks can transport loads across the nation with no one at the wheel, I think most other jobs will be at risk shortly as well.

there are no self-driving cars on the market yet. Don't hold your breath. In any case new machines just mean new jobs and higher pay for those jobs
Well yeah that's been my point from the onset regarding this discussion. People just need to get more training so they can run the machines. I'm not saying everyone has to go back and get a bachelor's but if they haven't got a skill, they should probably get some kind of specialized training or machines will take their jobs. Much of the time that can be a one year certificate training program.

The World's First Self-Driving Semi-Truck Hits the Road
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable
I suggest everyone get back in school and learn some kind of trade. I also suggest it's one a robot will unlikely be able to do. The truth is although it's hard if not impossible to make it on such a low minimum wage, if workers push for too high of an increase, technology will take their job altogether. This is coming regardless folks so better get educated and get with the program.
Is three card monte a good trade?
, that and technology will put nearly everyone out of work at some point.

actually we've had companies, CEO's, and new inventions that unemployed every human being 100 times over( think farm equipment) and still employment is 96%. What doe that tell you?

Econ 101 if nobody has a job, nobody has money so what would be the point of robots making anything?
Those questions have been brought up regarding the future of robotics. Who would pay taxes if they aren't working and who would buy the products. That's what they're hashing over now. Someone mentioned giving people money to stay home which suggests people may not have to hold a job at all in the future. Apparently they think it might pay companies to do this at some point because it will eliminate higher wages, benefits, people calling in sick, human error, etc. Don't shoot the messenger, it's simply something the powers that be are considering when weighing the benefits of taking humans out of the equation or rather the cost factor vs savings.
Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending. With predator employers keeping wages low the economy (at least for the middle class) isn't going to improve. Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending.

What does that have to do with the unskilled workers making minimum wage?
They sure as hell aren't in the middle class.

Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Who has a 50% net?

Unless you need an advanced degree for/or certification/licensing, EVERY job is unskilled.

I stated that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Thanks for the spin!

If no one gets a 50% net, what are you whining about?

That is businesses goal.
Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending. With predator employers keeping wages low the economy (at least for the middle class) isn't going to improve. Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending.

What does that have to do with the unskilled workers making minimum wage?
They sure as hell aren't in the middle class.

Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Who has a 50% net?

Unless you need an advanced degree for/or certification/licensing, EVERY job is unskilled.

I stated that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Thanks for the spin!

If no one gets a 50% net, what are you whining about?

That is businesses goal.

What business hiring low/no skilled workers at minimum wage, has a chance of making a 50% net?

Any examples?
"illuminating" corporate taxes would do nothing to raise the cost of cheap foreign labor.

eliminating taxes on American corporations would lower the cost of American labor and make it more competitive with cheap foreign labor!! Do you understand?

BULLSHIT!!! Lowering taxes would increase business net. A 1:1 tax credit on employee expenses would be a much better idea.

Since employee expenses are much higher than corporate profits, you're handing corporations a giant refund from the government.

But unlike now, corporations would be doing something with the money other than padding their net.

Pretty sure their huge tax refunds would be padding their net.

How can a 1:1 tax credit on employee expenses be a pad?
Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending. With predator employers keeping wages low the economy (at least for the middle class) isn't going to improve. Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending.

What does that have to do with the unskilled workers making minimum wage?
They sure as hell aren't in the middle class.

Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Who has a 50% net?

Unless you need an advanced degree for/or certification/licensing, EVERY job is unskilled.

I stated that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Thanks for the spin!

If no one gets a 50% net, what are you whining about?

WOW! I'll make it simple for 'ya. American corporations are putting net over all, which is not good for the economy.

Yeah, not like the good old days when profit never entered the picture.


The need for record profit each and every quarter. That's the problem.
It's the people's fault. I say lower minimum wage. The people who make minimum wage don't vote. They are realizing elections have consequences
Punish people who make minimum wage because they aren't punished enough? Really?
I see the goop's side of this. There are situations where the kid should only be getting $5 hr. The putt putt golf coarse kid or batting cage kid.

Anyways, why didn't these poor people show up for Hillary? So now they're going to realize the difference between parties.

I'm not going to cry every time Republicans do what Republicans do. Let's hope people show up in 2018. Will they?

How about the whole concept of an "entry level" job being entry level, and not something designed to raise a family on, or even be something you can support yourself on.

The idea is to work up the ladder, not hang on the bottom rung and wonder why its so hard to be hanging there.

Unless you need an advanced degree for certification/licensing, EVERY job is entry level.

No, not true. Shift supervisor at McDonalds is not entry level for McDonalds, just like project engineer or Sr Inspector isn't entry level for engineering.

Unless you need an advanced degree for certification/licensing, EVERY job is entry level.

McDonalds hires shift supervisors off the street. Engineers and Senior Inspectors need an advanced degree for certification or licensing.
View attachment 137950

Do feel free to start your own business and pay your employees that much without raising your prices significantly to cover that added expense for another ten or more employees every month.

Let us know how that works out for you.



I'm not understanding. Are you advocating slave wages?

Slaves don't make wages.

Today's slaves do. If you are paid by market price (like buying fish) rather than performance, you are a slave.
It's the people's fault. I say lower minimum wage. The people who make minimum wage don't vote. They are realizing elections have consequences
Punish people who make minimum wage because they aren't punished enough? Really?
I see the goop's side of this. There are situations where the kid should only be getting $5 hr. The putt putt golf coarse kid or batting cage kid.

Anyways, why didn't these poor people show up for Hillary? So now they're going to realize the difference between parties.

I'm not going to cry every time Republicans do what Republicans do. Let's hope people show up in 2018. Will they?
They're trying to keep you in your job. In case you haven't heard, robotics are taking over. McDonald's is already starting to fire workers and replace them with machinery.

BULLSHIT!!! The company that makes the hamburger flipping robot states the robot won't flip hamburgers!

Kiosks as well as apps place the order faster, not replace workers to deliver the orders.
If that's true, I stand corrected but even if it isn't quite ready, it's just around the corner guaranteed. I've read articles companies are working on robots to replace as many jobs as possible making the average worker obsolete. A reporter asked who would pay the tax dollars needed to run governments if so and they said they will continue to do that and are working on what to do about all the people out of work.

I mean even though they haven't perfected the process yet, given the fact it will save companies billions, you can bet they're hot on the trail of getting that done because it will eliminate wages, benefits, people not showing up, the need to replace workers on the fly by those calling in sick, no more attitudes, no more walking off the job, no more no more no more. Guaranteed it's coming because with companies it's always about the bottom line.

The perfection of the process is still ten to twenty decades away.
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable

I have no idea how you're figuring the foodstamp amount but you have no idea what you're talking about.

a mother of two whose husband died, if he is the father of the children, would receive about $650 more or less in SSB for each of the kids, survivors' benefits.

So her income would be 1280 + 1300 per month. That's $2580 per month.

She gets deductions against her income for her shelter cost, utilities, and child care.

She would be eligible for housing and energy subsidies, in addition.

It's enough to get by on.
eliminating taxes on American corporations would lower the cost of American labor and make it more competitive with cheap foreign labor!! Do you understand?

More competitive yes, cheaper no.

Do you understand?

Now, we make 20% of world manufacturing here because it is cheaper to do so. If we eliminated the 40% corporate tax perhaps 30% of world manufacturing would be cheaper to do here. As a liberal always be suspicious when you think you have made a clever point!

Wouldn't the hundreds of billions already given in corporate subsidies have already done that? I agree in giving a tax decrease to corporations, but it should be directed to employee expenses in both hiring and raises.
with companies it's always about the bottom line.

that is a libcommie lie of course and you fell for it. Companies survive under Republican capitalism only by offering the best jobs and products possible in the entire world. Now you know what its about . If you still don't understand please feel free to ask questions.

Stock holders in publicly held companies are number one overall.

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