While the country is focused on Healthcare and Collusion, sneaky GOP cuts minimum wage

Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending. With predator employers keeping wages low the economy (at least for the middle class) isn't going to improve. Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending.

What does that have to do with the unskilled workers making minimum wage?
They sure as hell aren't in the middle class.

Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Who has a 50% net?

Unless you need an advanced degree for/or certification/licensing, EVERY job is unskilled.

I stated that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Thanks for the spin!

If no one gets a 50% net, what are you whining about?

That is businesses goal.

What business hiring low/no skilled workers at minimum wage, has a chance of making a 50% net?

Any examples?

As I stated that's their goal.
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable

I have no idea how you're figuring the foodstamp amount but you have no idea what you're talking about.

a mother of two whose husband died, if he is the father of the children, would receive about $650 more or less in SSB for each of the kids, survivors' benefits.

So her income would be 1280 + 1300 per month. That's $2580 per month.

She gets deductions against her income for her shelter cost, utilities, and child care.

She would be eligible for housing and energy subsidies, in addition.

It's enough to get by on.

'Getting by' shouldn't be the goal. NOT good for workers. NOT good for the economy.
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable

I have no idea how you're figuring the foodstamp amount but you have no idea what you're talking about.

a mother of two whose husband died, if he is the father of the children, would receive about $650 more or less in SSB for each of the kids, survivors' benefits.

So her income would be 1280 + 1300 per month. That's $2580 per month.

She gets deductions against her income for her shelter cost, utilities, and child care.

She would be eligible for housing and energy subsidies, in addition.

It's enough to get by on.

'Getting by' shouldn't be the goal. NOT good for workers. NOT good for the economy.

Who said it was her goal? I didn't say anything about her goal. I said that she had enough to get by on.
That's the problem with statist freaks. They see dependence upon the state as the "goal", and thus think that welfare IS the culmination of all their dreams and expectations.
As I tell people when they whine "how am I supposed to feed us on xxx in foodstamps?":

The snap program is meant to supplement, not replace, your role as the primary bread winner.
If you work, you are expected to pay for your household's food. And you are expected to work. That's the way it works. If you work but don't make enough to do that, then if you're eligible, you may be eligible for a supplement to help you make up the shortfall.

And yeah, women who don't obtain a decent set of skills before they start popping out babies are at a distinct disadvantage in the work place. That has always been true. This is why we tell our daughters to get an education, and get married to a person of like education and interests, before you start popping out babies.
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable

I have no idea how you're figuring the foodstamp amount but you have no idea what you're talking about.

a mother of two whose husband died, if he is the father of the children, would receive about $650 more or less in SSB for each of the kids, survivors' benefits.

So her income would be 1280 + 1300 per month. That's $2580 per month.

She gets deductions against her income for her shelter cost, utilities, and child care.

She would be eligible for housing and energy subsidies, in addition.

It's enough to get by on.

'Getting by' shouldn't be the goal. NOT good for workers. NOT good for the economy.

Who said it was her goal? I didn't say anything about her goal. I said that she had enough to get by on.
That's the problem with statist freaks. They see dependence upon the state as the "goal", and thus think that welfare IS the culmination of all their dreams and expectations.

Getting by on is a conclusion of a goal set by employers. (Market price)

With 90%+ of new wealth going to the top 1%, seems there wasn't enough statist freaks. btw, I'm a capitalist racketeer.
with companies it's always about the bottom line.

that is a libcommie lie of course and you fell for it. Companies survive under Republican capitalism only by offering the best jobs and products possible in the entire world. Now you know what its about . If you still don't understand please feel free to ask questions.

Stock holders in publicly held companies are number one overall.

customers and workers are number one of course. Imagine one company with customers and workers number one and another with stockholders number one. Who wins??
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable

I have no idea how you're figuring the foodstamp amount but you have no idea what you're talking about.

a mother of two whose husband died, if he is the father of the children, would receive about $650 more or less in SSB for each of the kids, survivors' benefits.

So her income would be 1280 + 1300 per month. That's $2580 per month.

She gets deductions against her income for her shelter cost, utilities, and child care.

She would be eligible for housing and energy subsidies, in addition.

It's enough to get by on.

'Getting by' shouldn't be the goal. NOT good for workers. NOT good for the economy.

Who said it was her goal? I didn't say anything about her goal. I said that she had enough to get by on.
That's the problem with statist freaks. They see dependence upon the state as the "goal", and thus think that welfare IS the culmination of all their dreams and expectations.

Getting by on is a conclusion of a goal set by employers. (Market price)

With 90%+ of new wealth going to the top 1%, seems there wasn't enough statist freaks. btw, I'm a capitalist racketeer.
No, you're just a statist. You might be a racketeer, it's more likely you're just a burglar though. Your thought process isn't orderly enough for you to be a capitalist.
Republicans in several states are lowering the minimum wage — yes, you read that right

While journalists and political junkies are focused on the latest implosion of the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare and gut Medicaid, conservatives in several states have been working to decrease the minimum wage that businesses can pay to their workers.

In Missouri, Republicans just passed a law overturning a local measure passed by the city of St. Louis that had raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Senate grinds to a halt as Republicans push local minimum wage ban through

The Republicans' hypocrisy on minimum wage


How Much Could I Receive? | Food and Nutrition Service

Say a mother of two is making 8 bucks an hour. That's around $1280 a month. Say she's single because her husband died and left her without any money. And out of that $1280 is rent and clothes and healthcare.

According to food stamp rules, she would get her income times .3 which would be subtracted from $511 which would come out to less than $130 a month.

There is one problem with that amount. Republicans think it is way too much.

Yea, the heartless bastards think that's way too much. That's today's GOP. They kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Far removed from Christ.

Right wingers vote them into office because they believe their lives aren't miserable enough.

And now, they think Putin, of all the evil people in the world, is a "great" leader. Because people in Russia are so happy.

Russia is a mess — the poverty rate is soaring and only 10 of 85 regions are financially stable

I have no idea how you're figuring the foodstamp amount but you have no idea what you're talking about.

a mother of two whose husband died, if he is the father of the children, would receive about $650 more or less in SSB for each of the kids, survivors' benefits.

So her income would be 1280 + 1300 per month. That's $2580 per month.

She gets deductions against her income for her shelter cost, utilities, and child care.

She would be eligible for housing and energy subsidies, in addition.

It's enough to get by on.

'Getting by' shouldn't be the goal. NOT good for workers. NOT good for the economy.

Who said it was her goal? I didn't say anything about her goal. I said that she had enough to get by on.
That's the problem with statist freaks. They see dependence upon the state as the "goal", and thus think that welfare IS the culmination of all their dreams and expectations.

Getting by on is a conclusion of a goal set by employers. (Market price)

With 90%+ of new wealth going to the top 1%, seems there wasn't enough statist freaks. btw, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

With 90%+ of new wealth going to the top 1%

Sixty-five percent of the United States economy is based on middle class spending.

What does that have to do with the unskilled workers making minimum wage?
They sure as hell aren't in the middle class.

Those predators need to be taught that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Who has a 50% net?

Unless you need an advanced degree for/or certification/licensing, EVERY job is unskilled.

I stated that a 50% net is unrealistic.

Thanks for the spin!

If no one gets a 50% net, what are you whining about?

WOW! I'll make it simple for 'ya. American corporations are putting net over all, which is not good for the economy.

Yeah, not like the good old days when profit never entered the picture.


The need for record profit each and every quarter. That's the problem.

Yeah, record losses are nicer.
Punish people who make minimum wage because they aren't punished enough? Really?
I see the goop's side of this. There are situations where the kid should only be getting $5 hr. The putt putt golf coarse kid or batting cage kid.

Anyways, why didn't these poor people show up for Hillary? So now they're going to realize the difference between parties.

I'm not going to cry every time Republicans do what Republicans do. Let's hope people show up in 2018. Will they?

How about the whole concept of an "entry level" job being entry level, and not something designed to raise a family on, or even be something you can support yourself on.

The idea is to work up the ladder, not hang on the bottom rung and wonder why its so hard to be hanging there.

Unless you need an advanced degree for certification/licensing, EVERY job is entry level.

No, not true. Shift supervisor at McDonalds is not entry level for McDonalds, just like project engineer or Sr Inspector isn't entry level for engineering.

Unless you need an advanced degree for certification/licensing, EVERY job is entry level.

McDonalds hires shift supervisors off the street. Engineers and Senior Inspectors need an advanced degree for certification or licensing.

You are mis-defining entry level. Managers "off the street" either have some relevant training or have some form of work experience. Entry level in a field means you can take an inanimate blob and train them to do the work.
Hiking Minimum Wage Lowered Unemployment Rate.
View attachment 138461

Thanks for the chart.

Do you have proof of your claim?

How did their minimum wage hike lower their unemployment rate?

More middle class spending?

Seattle just proved the $15 killed jobs and reduced take home pay for those who kept their jobs.
You are full of Fake News!
Hiking Minimum Wage Lowered Unemployment Rate.
View attachment 138461

Thanks for the chart.

Do you have proof of your claim?

How did their minimum wage hike lower their unemployment rate?

More middle class spending?

Seattle just proved the $15 killed jobs and reduced take home pay for those who kept their jobs.
You are full of Fake News!

That's not all he's full of
Hiking Minimum Wage Lowered Unemployment Rate.
View attachment 138461

Thanks for the chart.

Do you have proof of your claim?

How did their minimum wage hike lower their unemployment rate?

More middle class spending?

Seattle just proved the $15 killed jobs and reduced take home pay for those who kept their jobs.
You are full of Fake News!

Still looking for proof of your claim?

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