While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

Yea ,sure asshole ,a staged picture .Here is a real one dip.
Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Think for a minute if you have the ability. WTF do you think the Democrats are so hell bent to have these invaders in our country? Not for political advantage?

This officer might have very well been alive today had the DEMOCRAT led Senate passed Kate's Law.

Moron....read your own fucking citations....lol

Border Angels director and founder Enrique Morones says his group doesn’t condone any violence at the border but he doesn’t believe it’s the immigrants instigating things.

“If you’re going to be going across the border to seek asylum, why in the world would you be throwing rocks at the border patrol,” said Morones. “The people… have been reacting to the Border Patrol violence of teargassing and shooting rubber bullets at migrants.”

Moron....read your own fucking citations....lol

Border Angels director and founder Enrique Morones says his group doesn’t condone any violence at the border but he doesn’t believe it’s the immigrants instigating things.

“If you’re going to be going across the border to seek asylum, why in the world would you be throwing rocks at the border patrol,” said Morones. “The people… have been reacting to the Border Patrol violence of teargassing and shooting rubber bullets at migrants.”

Well WTF do you think he's going to say moron. You trust him over our security agencies? God you are a typical leftist. You are stupid enough to believe that our agents are shooting rubber bullets and tear gassing people for no reason but to pass time.

I'll tell you, if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I'd make sure it was a liberal, because you people will believe anything.
Build the wall and throw all the Democrats and Pelosi over it when completed.. after all they want to be with there people.
View attachment 238587

Deport Trump and Republicans. They are not representing Americans.

We're trying to protect the country. You on the other hand love these people so much, move to Honduras or something. You'll be happy as a clam.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

Last month, California police officer Ronil Singh was senselessly killed by an illegal immigrant who had entered the United States through our southern border. The killer had a criminal history and never should have been in this country in the first place. Today, President Trump is fighting to ensure we never lose another American life due to a weak border and lack of enforcement of our nation’s laws.

President Trump has repeatedly made good faith efforts to engage congressional leaders with the hope of reaching an agreement that will fund the government and strengthen our border. So far, Democrats have refused to do the same, all because of one simple truth: building a border wall is a non-negotiable part of any funding deal.

The president has asked Congress to provide $5 billion in funding to secure our border. The money would go toward building 215 miles of border wall in critical areas, hiring more border patrol and enforcement personnel, and securing resources for detention centers.

Screw the worthless stonewalling scum Democrats , Wish Pelosi would take a one way trip to the moon, she is as worthless as the scum who voted for her.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen got into a tense confrontation this week, with the California Democrat interrupting Nielsen’s presentation on border security and illegal immigration, telling her “I reject your facts.”These aren’t my facts," Nielsen shot back. "These are the facts.”

Two lying bitches that need to get some brains.

Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Americans do not stand with Trump and do not want a wall. Trump is trying to govern against the will of the people. They are being held hostage only to satisfy Trump's base. This has nothing to do with helping Americans.

I would not trust Nielsen if she said the sun was rising. The fact is that Trump officials have constantly lied and given us fake news. She is a worthless piece of scum as are you.

You need to get out more if you think that the entire Political class doesn't do this crap.

Republicans are the ones holding Americans hostage. It is no coincidence that the 1st, 2nd, and now the third longest shutdowns in history were orchestrated by Republicans.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

Last month, California police officer Ronil Singh was senselessly killed by an illegal immigrant who had entered the United States through our southern border. The killer had a criminal history and never should have been in this country in the first place. Today, President Trump is fighting to ensure we never lose another American life due to a weak border and lack of enforcement of our nation’s laws.

President Trump has repeatedly made good faith efforts to engage congressional leaders with the hope of reaching an agreement that will fund the government and strengthen our border. So far, Democrats have refused to do the same, all because of one simple truth: building a border wall is a non-negotiable part of any funding deal.

The president has asked Congress to provide $5 billion in funding to secure our border. The money would go toward building 215 miles of border wall in critical areas, hiring more border patrol and enforcement personnel, and securing resources for detention centers.

Screw the worthless stonewalling scum Democrats , Wish Pelosi would take a one way trip to the moon, she is as worthless as the scum who voted for her.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen got into a tense confrontation this week, with the California Democrat interrupting Nielsen’s presentation on border security and illegal immigration, telling her “I reject your facts.”These aren’t my facts," Nielsen shot back. "These are the facts.”

Two lying bitches that need to get some brains.

Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Americans do not stand with Trump and do not want a wall. Trump is trying to govern against the will of the people. They are being held hostage only to satisfy Trump's base. This has nothing to do with helping Americans.

I would not trust Nielsen if she said the sun was rising. The fact is that Trump officials have constantly lied and given us fake news. She is a worthless piece of scum as are you.

You need to get out more if you think that the entire Political class doesn't do this crap.

Republicans are the ones holding Americans hostage. It is no coincidence that the 1st, 2nd, and now the third longest shutdowns in history were orchestrated by Republicans.

The best part of being a Democrat is nothing is ever your fault.
Build the wall and throw all the Democrats and Pelosi over it when completed.. after all they want to be with there people.
View attachment 238587

Deport Trump and Republicans. They are not representing Americans.

We're trying to protect the country. You on the other hand love these people so much, move to Honduras or something. You'll be happy as a clam.

You are trying to make the country safe for white males who are fearful they are losing political influence. I represent the real America and what it has stood for. Helping people who are in fear of their lives. I am staying here to fight the evil that you represent.
Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Think for a minute if you have the ability. WTF do you think the Democrats are so hell bent to have these invaders in our country? Not for political advantage?

This officer might have very well been alive today had the DEMOCRAT led Senate passed Kate's Law.

You don't give a damn about Americans who were murdered. Because you can't use their deaths for your racist policies.

We know you have no ability to think or you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

Last month, California police officer Ronil Singh was senselessly killed by an illegal immigrant who had entered the United States through our southern border. The killer had a criminal history and never should have been in this country in the first place. Today, President Trump is fighting to ensure we never lose another American life due to a weak border and lack of enforcement of our nation’s laws.

President Trump has repeatedly made good faith efforts to engage congressional leaders with the hope of reaching an agreement that will fund the government and strengthen our border. So far, Democrats have refused to do the same, all because of one simple truth: building a border wall is a non-negotiable part of any funding deal.

The president has asked Congress to provide $5 billion in funding to secure our border. The money would go toward building 215 miles of border wall in critical areas, hiring more border patrol and enforcement personnel, and securing resources for detention centers.

Screw the worthless stonewalling scum Democrats , Wish Pelosi would take a one way trip to the moon, she is as worthless as the scum who voted for her.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen got into a tense confrontation this week, with the California Democrat interrupting Nielsen’s presentation on border security and illegal immigration, telling her “I reject your facts.”These aren’t my facts," Nielsen shot back. "These are the facts.”

Two lying bitches that need to get some brains.

Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Americans do not stand with Trump and do not want a wall. Trump is trying to govern against the will of the people. They are being held hostage only to satisfy Trump's base. This has nothing to do with helping Americans.

I would not trust Nielsen if she said the sun was rising. The fact is that Trump officials have constantly lied and given us fake news. She is a worthless piece of scum as are you.

You need to get out more if you think that the entire Political class doesn't do this crap.

Republicans are the ones holding Americans hostage. It is no coincidence that the 1st, 2nd, and now the third longest shutdowns in history were orchestrated by Republicans.

The best part of being a Democrat is nothing is ever your fault.

If that is true then Republicans are in big trouble. A majority of people oppose the wall and the Trump/McConnell shutdown.

The best part of being a Trump supporter is never having to admit you are wrong even when you are.
While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump
Too bad he didn't fight in uniform when America asked him to

Like Willy did?
Bill Clinton was mot talking blowhard tough guy crap and insulting POW's or belittling every General in sight.

but Bill dodged once. Cheney and Trump 5 timers

Trump went to a private school with 'military academy' in it''s name. He had the fuckin nerve to claim he got more military training at prep school than a lot of people who actually joined the military.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

Last month, California police officer Ronil Singh was senselessly killed by an illegal immigrant who had entered the United States through our southern border. The killer had a criminal history and never should have been in this country in the first place. Today, President Trump is fighting to ensure we never lose another American life due to a weak border and lack of enforcement of our nation’s laws.

President Trump has repeatedly made good faith efforts to engage congressional leaders with the hope of reaching an agreement that will fund the government and strengthen our border. So far, Democrats have refused to do the same, all because of one simple truth: building a border wall is a non-negotiable part of any funding deal.

The president has asked Congress to provide $5 billion in funding to secure our border. The money would go toward building 215 miles of border wall in critical areas, hiring more border patrol and enforcement personnel, and securing resources for detention centers.

Screw the worthless stonewalling scum Democrats , Wish Pelosi would take a one way trip to the moon, she is as worthless as the scum who voted for her.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen got into a tense confrontation this week, with the California Democrat interrupting Nielsen’s presentation on border security and illegal immigration, telling her “I reject your facts.”These aren’t my facts," Nielsen shot back. "These are the facts.”

Two lying bitches that need to get some brains.

Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Americans do not stand with Trump and do not want a wall. Trump is trying to govern against the will of the people. They are being held hostage only to satisfy Trump's base. This has nothing to do with helping Americans.

I would not trust Nielsen if she said the sun was rising. The fact is that Trump officials have constantly lied and given us fake news. She is a worthless piece of scum as are you.

You need to get out more if you think that the entire Political class doesn't do this crap.

Republicans are the ones holding Americans hostage. It is no coincidence that the 1st, 2nd, and now the third longest shutdowns in history were orchestrated by Republicans.

The best part of being a Democrat is nothing is ever your fault.

If that is true then Republicans are in big trouble. A majority of people oppose the wall and the Trump/McConnell shutdown.

The best part of being a Trump supporter is never having to admit you are wrong even when you are.

Stop believing what the TV tells you. We WANT the wall.
While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump
Too bad he didn't fight in uniform when America asked him to

Like Willy did?
Bill Clinton was mot talking blowhard tough guy crap and insulting POW's or belittling every General in sight.

but Bill dodged once. Cheney and Trump 5 timers

Trump went to a private school with 'military academy' in it''s name. He had the fuckin nerve to claim he got more military training at prep school than a lot of people who actually joined the military.

1) I'm not a Trump guy OR a "Republican".
2) Do you need me to post Willy's letter begging off of the draft?
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

Last month, California police officer Ronil Singh was senselessly killed by an illegal immigrant who had entered the United States through our southern border. The killer had a criminal history and never should have been in this country in the first place. Today, President Trump is fighting to ensure we never lose another American life due to a weak border and lack of enforcement of our nation’s laws.

President Trump has repeatedly made good faith efforts to engage congressional leaders with the hope of reaching an agreement that will fund the government and strengthen our border. So far, Democrats have refused to do the same, all because of one simple truth: building a border wall is a non-negotiable part of any funding deal.

The president has asked Congress to provide $5 billion in funding to secure our border. The money would go toward building 215 miles of border wall in critical areas, hiring more border patrol and enforcement personnel, and securing resources for detention centers.

Screw the worthless stonewalling scum Democrats , Wish Pelosi would take a one way trip to the moon, she is as worthless as the scum who voted for her.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen got into a tense confrontation this week, with the California Democrat interrupting Nielsen’s presentation on border security and illegal immigration, telling her “I reject your facts.”These aren’t my facts," Nielsen shot back. "These are the facts.”

Two lying bitches that need to get some brains.

Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Americans do not stand with Trump and do not want a wall. Trump is trying to govern against the will of the people. They are being held hostage only to satisfy Trump's base. This has nothing to do with helping Americans.

I would not trust Nielsen if she said the sun was rising. The fact is that Trump officials have constantly lied and given us fake news. She is a worthless piece of scum as are you.

You need to get out more if you think that the entire Political class doesn't do this crap.

Republicans are the ones holding Americans hostage. It is no coincidence that the 1st, 2nd, and now the third longest shutdowns in history were orchestrated by Republicans.

The best part of being a Democrat is nothing is ever your fault.

If that is true then Republicans are in big trouble. A majority of people oppose the wall and the Trump/McConnell shutdown.

The best part of being a Trump supporter is never having to admit you are wrong even when you are.

Keep believing your phony polls as far as I'm concerned. The one refreshing thing about this administration is they don't conduct national business based on polls. Trump got elected because of the wall and we want him to provide what we voted for.
Republicans don't give a damn about Americans being murdered. Only Americans who they can use to their political advantage. This is disgusting.

Think for a minute if you have the ability. WTF do you think the Democrats are so hell bent to have these invaders in our country? Not for political advantage?

This officer might have very well been alive today had the DEMOCRAT led Senate passed Kate's Law.

You don't give a damn about Americans who were murdered. Because you can't use their deaths for your racist policies.

We know you have no ability to think or you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

Sure I give a damn about Americans being murdered unnecessarily. If these people weren't here, this officer and the many others would be alive today. But we can do little about that thanks to Democrats who continue the fight on behalf of these people and against Americans.

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