While Trump fights for our national security, Democrats fight Trump

You don't give a damn about Americans who were murdered. Because you can't use their deaths for your racist policies.

We know you have no ability to think or you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

Sure I give a damn about Americans being murdered unnecessarily. If these people weren't here, this officer and the many others would be alive today. But we can do little about that thanks to Democrats who continue the fight on behalf of these people and against Americans.

Apparently, as of yesterday; Trump said he could just have the wall built without any input from Congress. Why didn’t he do it on day one? Blaming the Democrats seems strange when your blob is the one not acting.

He sure is acting. What do you think this shutdown is all about?

Maybe Trump could build it without the consent of Congress. But do you really believe that if he used DOD funds to do it, the Democrats would not fight him on that level either?

He says he can build it via declaration of a national emergency. Was he lying about that too?
Again, if he says he can, he’s either not doing it or he’s lying. Which is it?

Whether the Democrats fight him is immaterial. Although it would be very hard to convince anyone that there is a “national emergency”… I’m sure you’d lick up every drop of it but the rest of us know better.

Anyway, is he lazy or a liar? Which is it?

Or maybe he's trying to avoid another conflict which the Democrats would bring him. Trump isn't stupid. He knows the Democrats want as many of these illegals in this country as possible. They have no care in the world of national security or how many criminals or terrorists get in. It doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is power, and a Democrat would sell their soul to the devil for power.

Love it when you cry like a little bitch
or he will take 25 billion from the DOD budget and build a much better wall. Then they can run to court or whatever to try and stop him.

PLEASE, DO convince the orange turd blossom to use the military to build a wall...PLEASE !!!!!!!

Maybe he will, but he doesn't need my input for that. It's really up to the Democrats at this point.
there is no express wall building power. we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.

Border security is part of NATIONAL DEFENSE and one of the only exclusive responsibilities of the Federal Government under the Constitution. This may help you understand.

A Constitutional Basis for Defense
we don't have a border security problem. we have a lousy management problem. our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are creating more problems than they solve.
Hello, knock knock,

It's not our national security Trump is fighting for:


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