While We Murder Full Term Babies

Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

That some BIG MAGA type texAss Spew,.

Texas is 268,581 sq. mi. With 28M peoples inside the borders.

Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi 24 million people

texAss 268,581 sq. mi. / Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi = Only 110 Shanghai, China (a City) with 24 million people will fit in Anal texAss

24 Million x 110 = 2,640,000,000 that be 2.6 Billion people What about the other 5 Billion?

Are they stacked on top with Quater acre air space?
And how do they get around with no roads? What about texAss cattle drives? No land to hump steers in the wild?
268,581 sq miles of Texas
640 acres/sq mi
172,044,800 acres in Texas

172,044,800 acres
7,500,000,000 number people in world
.023 acres per person

.023 acres per person
4 average family size
.092 acres per family

Just under a tenth of an acre per every family in the world fitting inside Texas.

Baz says they promised there would be no math in this thread.

Wait here. You said
" The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room."

092 acres per family is not 0.25 acres per family. Guess the families with no arms will have more space.
So most home plots/lots would be scams. Did the great Douche get involved
in home development projects with the great Orange Shovel of manure?
Oh wow, I said quarter acre when I meant a tenth. You really showed me!

Tenth of an acre is the average tract home lot in America.

Entire population of earth, all in Texas with lots of elbowroom.

You’re welcome for me pointing out your math errors.
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

That some BIG MAGA type texAss Spew,.

Texas is 268,581 sq. mi. With 28M peoples inside the borders.

Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi 24 million people

texAss 268,581 sq. mi. / Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi = Only 110 Shanghai, China (a City) with 24 million people will fit in Anal texAss

24 Million x 110 = 2,640,000,000 that be 2.6 Billion people What about the other 5 Billion?

Are they stacked on top with Quater acre air space?
And how do they get around with no roads? What about texAss cattle drives? No land to hump steers in the wild?
268,581 sq miles of Texas
640 acres/sq mi
172,044,800 acres in Texas

172,044,800 acres
7,500,000,000 number people in world
.023 acres per person

.023 acres per person
4 average family size
.092 acres per family

Just under a tenth of an acre per every family in the world fitting inside Texas.

Baz says they promised there would be no math in this thread.

Wait here. You said
" The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room."

092 acres per family is not 0.25 acres per family. Guess the families with no arms will have more space.
So most home plots/lots would be scams. Did the great Douche get involved
in home development projects with the great Orange Shovel of manure?
Oh wow, I said quarter acre when I meant a tenth. You really showed me!

Tenth of an acre is the average tract home lot in America.

Entire population of earth, all in Texas with lots of elbowroom.

You’re welcome for me pointing out your math errors.
Pack them in like sardines. On less than .25 acres. Now on 1/10th of an acre.
Without roads, there is no life.
Btw. Simple streets are 25 feet wide.
1 Acre is 43560 sqft.
0.10 acre is 4356 sqft.
For four people to live somewhat requires 18-2300 sqft.
Los Angeles country has 21,825 miles of the road surface. and 4,751 sq mi area. To service 10.5M peoples.
At 25 foot wide x 1 mile = 132,000.square ft per mile road area = 3 Acres per mile road surface

21,825 miles x 3 acres per mile= 65475 Acres./% of 4,752 sq. mi. = land lost to store poeples of 8.13%.
So say a loss on 10% of area for roads.
And all shopping is done online from China to the door. As no markets? Or there is an under or over land industry somewhere?
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

That some BIG MAGA type texAss Spew,.

Texas is 268,581 sq. mi. With 28M peoples inside the borders.

Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi 24 million people

texAss 268,581 sq. mi. / Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi = Only 110 Shanghai, China (a City) with 24 million people will fit in Anal texAss

24 Million x 110 = 2,640,000,000 that be 2.6 Billion people What about the other 5 Billion?

Are they stacked on top with Quater acre air space?
And how do they get around with no roads? What about texAss cattle drives? No land to hump steers in the wild?
268,581 sq miles of Texas
640 acres/sq mi
172,044,800 acres in Texas

172,044,800 acres
7,500,000,000 number people in world
.023 acres per person

.023 acres per person
4 average family size
.092 acres per family

Just under a tenth of an acre per every family in the world fitting inside Texas.

Baz says they promised there would be no math in this thread.

Wait here. You said
" The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room."

092 acres per family is not 0.25 acres per family. Guess the families with no arms will have more space.
So most home plots/lots would be scams. Did the great Douche get involved
in home development projects with the great Orange Shovel of manure?
Oh wow, I said quarter acre when I meant a tenth. You really showed me!

Tenth of an acre is the average tract home lot in America.

Entire population of earth, all in Texas with lots of elbowroom.

You’re welcome for me pointing out your math errors.
Pack them in like sardines. On less than .25 acres. Now on 1/10th of an acre.
Without roads, there is no life.
Btw. Simple streets are 25 feet wide.
1 Acre is 43560 sqft.
0.10 acre is 4356 sqft.
For four people to live somewhat requires 18-2300 sqft.
Los Angeles country has 21,825 miles of the road surface. and 4,751 sq mi area. To service 10.5M peoples.
At 25 foot wide x 1 mile = 132,000.square ft per mile road area = 3 Acres per mile road surface

21,825 miles x 3 acres per mile= 65475 Acres./% of 4,752 sq. mi. = land lost to store poeples of 8.13%.
So say a loss on 10% of area for roads.
And all shopping is done online from China to the door. As no markets? Or there is an under or over land industry somewhere?
The point is only good for those with room temperature IQ’s, so move along.
On a new baby...

Conservative: “Oh what a treasure!”
DemocRAT: “Yea, lets bury it.”

And God says, “all who hate me love death”. Proverbs 8.36
Over 15,000 late term abortions are committed each year! The great majority of these abortions are done to healthy babies and healthy mothers.

Facts not in evidence. nobody has a third trimester abortion unless something has gone wrong.
Please stop lying.

Only liars are the religious assholes who try to impose their bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.
And God says, “all who hate me love death”. Proverbs 8.36

Yep! And this:

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19
Yep! And this:

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Blessed is he who smashes they little ones heads against the rocks- Psalms 137:9.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .

Yep! And this:

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Blessed is he who smashes they little ones heads against the rocks- Psalms 137:9.

You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth: You eat babies, huh? Buy them on the black market, do ya?
You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .
Redistribution is for fucking morons
Yep! And this:

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Blessed is he who smashes they little ones heads against the rocks- Psalms 137:9.
Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool
So a wall is unethical, but killing full term babies is ok? When they come out alive, what will be done with them? Maybe they just yank them out in parts and throw them in a pile.

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Democrats are becoming glousish authorizing the murdering of fully term babies. Who is going to put a stop to it? Dems are so concerned that many doctors won't perform full term abortions that they are allowing any butcher in a back alley to perform them.

So who is bringing back back-alley abortions now libs?
I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods
No moron. It is about the BEHAVIOURS of those groups who worshipped other gods like Allah.


Yeah, God has a habit of wiping out cultures that become irredeemable and permanately damaged. The modern left is such an example.
No moron. It is about the BEHAVIOURS of those groups who worshipped other gods like Allah.


Yeah, God has a habit of wiping out cultures that become irredeemable and permanately damaged. The modern left is such an example.

I'm a little confused here. What could those other cultures have been doing that was more savage than the Hebrews, who would pretty much murder you for not being a virgin on your wedding night, picking up sticks on the sabbath or having sex with a woman from a neighboring tribe.

Of course, "Allah" and "Yahweh" are the same being. The other tribes worshipped Ba'al, Mitras, Chemosh, Dagon... none of whom seem to have reached the same level of dickishness Yahweh did.
Only COMPLETE MORONS would want to kill off the baby in the 3rd trimester...at that point they can be born early and still live a grand full life....

Riddle me this..........why the SAM HELL CAN'T THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS by this time frame...............hmmmm........or they just freaking stupid.....
No moron. It is about the BEHAVIOURS of those groups who worshipped other gods like Allah.


Yeah, God has a habit of wiping out cultures that become irredeemable and permanately damaged. The modern left is such an example.

I'm a little confused here. What could those other cultures have been doing that was more savage than the Hebrews, who would pretty much murder you for not being a virgin on your wedding night, picking up sticks on the sabbath or having sex with a woman from a neighboring tribe.

Of course, "Allah" and "Yahweh" are the same being. The other tribes worshipped Ba'al, Mitras, Chemosh, Dagon... none of whom seem to have reached the same level of dickishness Yahweh did.
I love how atheists always think they are the smartest theologians on the planet.

Thanks for the good laugh. Now tell us about the 262 million murdered in the past century by their own God hating governments.
Only COMPLETE MORONS would want to kill off the baby in the 3rd trimester...at that point they can be born early and still live a grand full life....

Riddle me this..........why the SAM HELL CAN'T THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS by this time frame...............hmmmm........or they just freaking stupid.....
It’s pure evil. The Left are a bunch of Ted Bundy’s running around loose.
You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.

Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool

I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?

Add in all aborted babies worldwide..my money would be on the JoeB types.

God hasn't wiped anyone out in centuries.
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