While We Murder Full Term Babies

While We Murder Full Term Babies

Murders get to live the life of Riley in some comfy five star prison.

And we have to pay for them!

Prisoners cost more than an abortion about $750 bucks.
The cost of Birth to 18 years old can be more. Birth to 18-years old
costs depending on state spawned from 175-350K Education alone.
If they are on SS disability for life, Birth to death say 65. cost about 20K a year. or 1,300,000 over the life span.
If they take special education add another 400K for this service..
Plus you can add welfare. medicaid etc.

Look at it like this. Each $750 bucks spent by say, federally funded abortions.
Can save 175-350K Education spending alone by states And make more space in classes.
Save on prison, SS, Medicaid, etc.

If you are a real conservative, you can clearly see abortion save me money.
For each billion spent on abortions. Say cost $250-1000 bucks Each billion spent costs me $5.65, as my share.
To say the billions a year in to cover education, SS, Prison, Welfare etc.

The U..S does about a million abortions a year.
Million are prevented by birth control the 'pill' etc. Cost per female 600-1000 a year.

A few billion a year spent on Free Abortions and Birth Control cost LESS!
Then the 100's of billions that these Gobmint Takers of tax-payer funds per year cost.
My conservative checkbook clearly shows me.
Abortion saves me money.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .
America consumes less food than it produces, and exports the rest. That's how much this country is blessed. But I'm sure with these new abortion proposals that may end
Look at it like this. Each $750 bucks spent by say, federally funded abortions.
Can save 175-350K Education spending alone by states And make more space in classes.
Save on prison, SS, Medicaid, etc.
Has you idiocy taken into account all the potential tax revenue poured down the drain by a sick society in love with death and abortion?
No. Of course not. Please don't pretend to speak for any conservatives. It's blasphemous.
It’s pure evil. The Left are a bunch of Ted Bundy’s running around loose.

It clearly gives pro-lifers a hate-tingle up their leg, to think of themselves as the avenging hero fighting evil.

That's how their hate-cult pulls in the weak-minded, by giving them the emotional thrills that they crave. The hardcore crazy pro-lifers are really only interesting as studies in deviant cult psychology.
Look at it like this. Each $750 bucks spent by say, federally funded abortions.
Can save 175-350K Education spending alone by states And make more space in classes.
Save on prison, SS, Medicaid, etc.
Has you idiocy taken into account all the potential tax revenue poured down the drain by a sick society in love with death and abortion?
No. Of course not. Please don't pretend to speak for any conservatives. It's blasphemous.

gop/DOPers want to spend 100's of Billions killing unborn to senior age colored/religious peoples in other lands each year. (Some are White btw)
In police actions to wars. Billions spent in the USA to clean up killing American by Americans
approved by the NRA Gun Nutter morons to have Assault weapons.

So, you were saying? These people not in say ISIS did not want to die. (Some are unborn)
If you say the U.S.A. unborn are ISIS or fetus coming to take gobmint dimes.
Terminating to save taxpayer dollars. Of unborn, like we kill ISIS unborn is the same.
gop/DOPers want to kill ISIS and colored peoples spending 100's of billion.
Come on DOPers save the U.S. taxpayer some dimes here.
Abortions save money and time dealing with the born. From say a one night of,
end of the night Bar sex. etc.

FFS? I run a very conservative checkbook. Not a wasteful DOPer FAKE conservative checkbook chasing useless 'great wall' for one.
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Look at it like this. Each $750 bucks spent by say, federally funded abortions.
Can save 175-350K Education spending alone by states And make more space in classes.
Save on prison, SS, Medicaid, etc.
Has you idiocy taken into account all the potential tax revenue poured down the drain by a sick society in love with death and abortion?
No. Of course not. Please don't pretend to speak for any conservatives. It's blasphemous.

Prisoner execution costs more than 20,000 abortions do. And them 20,000 abortions save more taxpayer money than one
executed dead person.

"In Texas, one death penalty case costs the state about 2.3 million dollars. 650K to hold them for 40 years"
It clearly gives pro-lifers a hate-tingle up their leg, to think of themselves as the avenging hero fighting evil.

That's how their hate-cult pulls in the weak-minded, by giving them the emotional thrills that they crave. The hardcore crazy pro-lifers are really only interesting as studies in deviant cult psychology.
Did you pull this out some Third Reich time capsule? Because if you change the "pro lifers" reference to Allied powers you've really captured the twisted amoral mind set of very evil people rationalizing their sick behavior.

Callous disregard for human life is the sign of a decadent socioparthic personality.
Prisoner execution costs more than 20,000 abortions do. And them 20,000 abortions save more taxpayer money than one
executed dead person.

"In Texas, one death penalty case costs the state about 2.3 million dollars. 650K to hold them for 40 years"
I see you know everything about the cost of human life and nothing about it's value.
Prisoner execution costs more than 20,000 abortions do. And them 20,000 abortions save more taxpayer money than one
executed dead person.

"In Texas, one death penalty case costs the state about 2.3 million dollars. 650K to hold them for 40 years"
I see you know everything about the cost of human life and nothing about it's value.

I see values;.
How the great DrumpF Douche hires illegals to save money.

How the great DrumpF Douche locks children in cages. So some church can claim it to sell later.

How Couples want together a spawn, The goo got a shot at birth.
If the lord does not exterminate it.

How two horny people did the nasty after drinking and broke the rules. Not wanting some goo growth after. The guy offers to fully fund the oven cleaning as he leaked before pulling out. Which should be made law in America. As leaky dicks must pay the bill.

How the female does not want the one night stand GOO parasite. Sucking the life out of her. For maybe one orgasm was had by her. She can get an oven cleaning done. Fark what the guy wants. As the girl wanted to get pumped bad, but never approved of the breeding part.

How church wants unwanted babies to sell, to support the hate cults call religions. As Grifter leaders need money to live well.

How the lord plans and terminated the oven goo without asking the host. - We all gotta love this one showing life only has value, if godly approved.

Would you like to hear more about human values?
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The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .
Liberals can always self abort for the good of the world.
Would you like to here more about human values?
I'd like you to learn the value of spelling properly and no, you have nothing to teach anyone about values or anything else.
You are a real sick fuck, if I can sum you up in one sentence. And a hypocrite when it comes to whining about holding children at ICE facilities.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .
Liberals can always self abort for the good of the world.

You do know some 1/3 of the Republican party is for full abortion rights'.
Would you like to here more about human values?
I'd like you to learn the value of spelling properly and no, you have nothing to teach anyone about values or anything else.
You are a real sick fuck, if I can sum you up in one sentence. And a hypocrite when it comes to whining about holding children at ICE facilities.

First, Why are you picking on spelling? Just DOPer weak of you.
Second, I do not require or do I use hypocrisy on issues final solution determinations, on what needs to be done. I'm fully satisfied I called it right.
Third, Where did I whine about the children? I stated where the value was.
Fourth, I feel the children and parents need to stay or go together.
Did you pull this out some Third Reich time capsule? Because if you change the "pro lifers" reference to Allied powers you've really captured the twisted amoral mind set of very evil people rationalizing their sick behavior.

Since you brought it up, let's talk about similarities to Nazis.

You hold the same position as the Nazis did on abortion. They banned it for aryans, but forced it on undesirables. They gave nobody a choice, which is your policy.

You back the same type of eugenics-based society as the Nazis did, assigning rights based on whether an organism has the superior genetic code.

You dehumanize people by declaring they're worth no more than a single-celled zygote.

You invoked God as justification for your liberty-squashing policies.

And, like the Nazis did with the Jews, you declare that the depravity of the other side justifies your own violent behavior. Many of your brethren here aren't shy about their wish to see liberals dead. And you're fine with that.

As I see, it's not a question of whether hardcore pro-lifers are like Nazis, it's only a question of whether they differ in any significant ways.

Callous disregard for human life is the sign of a decadent socioparthic personality.

So your callous disregard for women's lives marks you as a sociopath. I'm glad we cleared that up.
Did you pull this out some Third Reich time capsule? Because if you change the "pro lifers" reference to Allied powers you've really captured the twisted amoral mind set of very evil people rationalizing their sick behavior.

Since you brought it up, let's talk about similarities to Nazis.

You hold the same position as the Nazis did on abortion. They banned it for aryans, but forced it on undesirables. They gave nobody a choice, which is your policy.

You back the same type of eugenics-based society as the Nazis did, assigning rights based on whether an organism has the superior genetic code.

You dehumanize people by declaring they're worth no more than a single-celled zygote.

You invoked God as justification for your liberty-squashing policies.

And, like the Nazis did with the Jews, you declare that the depravity of the other side justifies your own violent behavior. Many of your brethren here aren't shy about their wish to see liberals dead. And you're fine with that.

As I see, it's not a question of whether hardcore pro-lifers are like Nazis, it's only a question of whether they differ in any significant ways.

Callous disregard for human life is the sign of a decadent socioparthic personality.

So your callous disregard for women's lives marks you as a sociopath. I'm glad we cleared that up.

Show me where conservatives are forcing abortion on anyone you lying piece of crap.

You post the most outlandish bull shit

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