While We Murder Full Term Babies

Photos of Gov Northam who wants babies murdered are all over the Internet. He's standing with a guy n KKK sheets and he's in black face. LOL
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Ask the thousands of women who found and went to Dr Gosnell, dumbass.

Most of the abortions performed by Gosnell weren't in the 8th month...

But never mind...

Mr theologian thinks Bengal was a Christian nation.

NO, it was RULED by a Christian Nation that let millions STARVE.

And Dufus denies the facts of communism. I’ve walked thru the mountains of bones piled up in the killing fields.

sure you did, buddy.. Sure you did.

Hey, dummy, why do you guys always leave out the part where the US destabilized Cambodia when Nixon illegally bombed it, even though it was neutral in the war, then encouraged a coup against it's rightful ruler... that's why the Khmer Rouge took over. .
Wouldn't you performing a retroactive abortion on yourself help with the problem you say exists? You support abortion. Stand up, be a man, and do the right thing for your planet.

Well, no, you see, then I wouldn't be able to pay the taxes that keeps inbreds like you in Jesus Land afloat.
Here's a quote from a former employee of George Tiller, Luhra Tivis:

I witnessed evidence of the brutal, cold blooded murder of over 600 viable, healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months gestation. A very, very few of these babies, less than 2%, were handicapped …

Was this employee, who was saying whatever the state wanted her to say to keep from being prosecuted herself, a medical professional? Funny thing is, she kept working there and only decided to "Testify" when the state threatened to charge her with murder. She'd have claimed Gosnell was a witch if you told her to.

Here's the thing.. The state made all these claims against Gosnell, gave blanket immunity to his entire staff to get them to testify (even though they were the ones performing a lot of the procedures), never charged any of the women who got the abortions, and at the end of the day, the jury only convicted him on three of the procedures.

Then the state cut him a sweetheart deal on sentencing so he wouldn't appeal his conviction to someone who actually knows how to read a law book.
America consumes less food than it produces, and exports the rest. That's how much this country is blessed. But I'm sure with these new abortion proposals that may end

Yes, your Sky Pixie is going to get right on that.

The thing is, the REASON why American and the industrialized west is so prosperous is because we have contraception and abortion now. We aren't producing more useless eaters.

The difference between a third world country and a poor one is contraception. India and China introduced even more draconian birth control methods than we have, and they are moving into the First World Category now. Imagine that.
Wouldn't you performing a retroactive abortion on yourself help with the problem you say exists? You support abortion. Stand up, be a man, and do the right thing for your planet.

Well, no, you see, then I wouldn't be able to pay the taxes that keeps inbreds like you in Jesus Land afloat.

The black bastard birth rate is well over 70% and rising. They call each other brother and sister. Since many of the majority minority black districts receive have well over 20% use of food stamps, you're keeping those inbreds afloat. None of the red districts in my state fit that.
The black bastard birth rate is well over 70% and rising. They call each other brother and sister. Since many of the majority minority black districts receive have well over 20% use of food stamps, you're keeping those inbreds afloat. None of the red districts in my state fit that.

actually, they kind of do... The red states are all full of inbred white trash who keep voting for Republicans and wondering why they still live in the Trailer Park, Cleetus.
The black bastard birth rate is well over 70% and rising. They call each other brother and sister. Since many of the majority minority black districts receive have well over 20% use of food stamps, you're keeping those inbreds afloat. None of the red districts in my state fit that.

actually, they kind of do... The red states are all full of inbred white trash who keep voting for Republicans and wondering why they still live in the Trailer Park, Cleetus.

Yet the black population in my State overwhelmingly lives in government housing.

I don't live in a trailer park but you've admitted to taking social welfare, freeloader. Are you black or a wannabe?
Yet the black population in my State overwhelmingly lives in government housing.

So what's your point?

I don't live in a trailer park but you've admitted to taking social welfare, freeloader. Are you black or a wannabe?

When did I admit this? Actually, I've worked pretty much since I was 16. I'm 57 now.

What was yours about the false trailer park claim? Most of those living in trailer parks in the area where I live are Hispanic. Plenty of blacks, too, but primarily hispanic

Worked except when you were justifiably fired giving you something to whine about.
What was yours about the false trailer park claim?

That you stupid fucks keep voting for the people who screw you.. that's my point.

Worked except when you were justifiably fired giving you something to whine about.

Where i was out of work for less than two weeks before I got another job. You kind of miss the point of what I was complaining about there, but if I explain it to you again, you STILL wouldn't get it.
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.
Where doeas the CDC get their numbers?

If you go to the census website and look at the population of the US, when you remove immigration, we are still growing at approx. 2 million people a year.
Here's a quote from a former employee of George Tiller, Luhra Tivis:

I witnessed evidence of the brutal, cold blooded murder of over 600 viable, healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months gestation. A very, very few of these babies, less than 2%, were handicapped …

Was this employee, who was saying whatever the state wanted her to say to keep from being prosecuted herself, a medical professional? Funny thing is, she kept working there and only decided to "Testify" when the state threatened to charge her with murder. She'd have claimed Gosnell was a witch if you told her to.

Here's the thing.. The state made all these claims against Gosnell, gave blanket immunity to his entire staff to get them to testify (even though they were the ones performing a lot of the procedures), never charged any of the women who got the abortions, and at the end of the day, the jury only convicted him on three of the procedures.

Then the state cut him a sweetheart deal on sentencing so he wouldn't appeal his conviction to someone who actually knows how to read a law book.
She worked for Tiller, not Gosnell.

If I knew you were such a complete moron I wouldn't have bothered debating you. Maybe you could provide that information in your signature?
What was yours about the false trailer park claim?

That you stupid fucks keep voting for the people who screw you.. that's my point.

Worked except when you were justifiably fired giving you something to whine about.

Where i was out of work for less than two weeks before I got another job. You kind of miss the point of what I was complaining about there, but if I explain it to you again, you STILL wouldn't get it.

I've benefited from the way I vote. Are you saying I should support candidates that would change that?

We're close to the same age and have worked since the same age, giving you the benefit of the doubt with your claim. I've never been out of work for a day.

I got what you said about when you lost your job. You whined so much, no one can forget.
America consumes less food than it produces, and exports the rest. That's how much this country is blessed. But I'm sure with these new abortion proposals that may end

Yes, your Sky Pixie is going to get right on that.

The thing is, the REASON why American and the industrialized west is so prosperous is because we have contraception and abortion now. We aren't producing more useless eaters.

The difference between a third world country and a poor one is contraception. India and China introduced even more draconian birth control methods than we have, and they are moving into the First World Category now. Imagine that.
You're dumber than a box of rocks. No country surpasses this.

She worked for Tiller, not Gosnell.

If I knew you were such a complete moron...

A complete moron would be more intelligent than you.

Sorry, you were ranting so much about Gosnell that's what i thought you were still on about. I doubt this woman worked for Tiller at all... this looks like some religious loon bullshit to me.
You're dumber than a box of rocks. No country surpasses this.

Which has nothing to do with the point i made about how there is a correlation between family planning and prosperity, but never mind... you keep ranting like a moron.
I've benefited from the way I vote. Are you saying I should support candidates that would change that?

YOu got that promotion to head possum catcher after you voted for Billy-Bob.

We're close to the same age and have worked since the same age, giving you the benefit of the doubt with your claim. I've never been out of work for a day.

Yeah, but i've actually worked jobs that didn't involve chasing wild animals under houses like you did.

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